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 Dime novels as Nat Pinkerton, Sherlock Holmes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Andre1972nrw Posted - 05/05/2015 : 15:00:36

I'm sorry but I'm not able in Croatian language so I've to write you in English.
Unfortunately it's not simple for me to understand foreign internet sites so maybe somebody of you can help me a little bit?

I'm looking for dime novels published in the first half of 20ths centuary as Nick Carter, Nat Pinkerton, Lord Lister (Raffles), Buffalo Bill, Sherlock Holmes etc.
Are such items sometimes offered here?
If so - in which category can I find?

Thank you very much!

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andre1972nrw Posted - 06/05/2015 : 14:21:05
In all languages, German, English, Croatian etc..
boddhisatva Posted - 05/05/2015 : 16:02:59
In what language you're looking for a dime novels?
English or german?
Andre1972nrw Posted - 05/05/2015 : 15:57:58
Thank you very much.

Also sometimes original copies are offer here and if so for which category I should take care for?
delboj Posted - 05/05/2015 : 15:50:57
For all informations write to publisher
Andre1972nrw Posted - 05/05/2015 : 15:34:45
Thank you for the hint.
In these cassettes are reprints of such dime novels?

delboj Posted - 05/05/2015 : 15:05:39
You can see here that's just published reprint of Sherlock Holmes in Serbian language © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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