T O P I C R E V I E W |
Jozzinelli |
Posted - 11/03/2023 : 23:11:42 DC western junak Jonah Hex je premijerno kod nas bio objavljen u Eksu. Ovo je redak slučaj da je neki junak najpre imao svoju premijeru u domaćem izdanju u svojoj parodiranoj verziji, u jednoj epizodi od 4 stranice, objavljenoj u Eksu broj 87, oktobra 1977. godine, ali se prvo njegovo pojavljivanje u svojoj ozbiljnoj verziji, dakle zvanično, sa onim čuvenim natpisom "strip premijera" na naslovnici, odigralo u martu 1979. godine, u 161. broju Eksa, i to pod imenom Džon Heks. U nekim kasnijim brojevima, između ostalih i u specijalnom broju Eksa, godišnjaku posvećenom DC junacima, ime je malo modifikovano u Džoni Heks (kao što je i u onoj parodiji bio objavljen kao Baksuz Džoni), dok će još kasnije, kada bude od 1984. krenuo u Strip Zabavniku, najpre u velikom formatu (SZv), a zatim produžio i u malom (SZm), njegovo ime biti adaptirano u Džonan Heks. (Meni lično najbolja verzija, pod kojim imenom sam se upoznao s ovim junakom, iako će danas mnogi reći da je trebalo i da treba da bude Džona, kako se izgovara na engleskom tj. američkom južnjačkom "dijalektu" engleskog jezika, al' realno, tako transkribovano stvarno deluje bezveze, u originalu bar ima ono 'h' na kraju, pa na taj način ne bode oči, uvek je isto napisano u svim padežima, a posle možeš da ga čitaš kako hoćeš.)
Ovog (anti)junaka je osmislio scenarista John Albano, dok ga je vizuelno definisao Tony DeZuniga, u All-Star Western #10. (Isti tandem autora je bio zadužen i za onu kratku parodiju.) John Albano je scenarista za priče iz All-Star Western 10 i 11, kao i za priče iz Weird Western Tales 12-14, 16-19 i 21. (Broj 20 je pisao neki Arnold Drake.) Od narednih brojeva Weird Western Tales započinje svoj scenaristički rad na ovom junaku Michael Fleisher, nastavivši ga kroz naslove sopstvenih sveski, koje je Jonah Hex dobio, sve do kraja (naglo prekinutog) serijala.
Od crtača, navešću ovde imena samo za epizode koje su bile objavljene u domaćim izdanjima.
Brojevi 1-4, plus broj 73 - Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez
Broj 5 (reprint prve epizode iz All-Star Western #10) - Tony DeZuniga
Broj 8 - Ernie Chan (pencil), Vicente Alcazar (ink)
Broj 24 - Luis Dominguez Broj 25 - Dick Ayers (pencil), Romeo Tanghal (ink) Broj 26 - E.R.Cruz (Eufronio Reyes Cruz) Broj 27 - Vicente Alcazar
Brojevi 71-72, 74-82 - Dick Ayers (pencil), Tony DeZuniga (ink)
Brojevi 83-88 - Tony DeZuniga
Broj 89 - Mark Texeira (pencil), Dennis Janke (ink)
Brojevi 90-92 - Gray Morrow
All-Star Western #10 (February-March 1972): "Welcome to Paradise" All-Star Western #11 (April-May 1972): "The Hundred Dollar Deal" Weird Western Tales #12 (June-July 1972): "Promise to a Princess" Weird Western Tales #13 (August-September 1972): "The Killer's Last Wish" Weird Western Tales #14 (October-November 1972): "Killers Die Alone" Weird Western Tales #16 (February-March 1973): "Grasshopper Courage" Weird Western Tales #17 (April-May 1973): "The Hangin' Woman" Weird Western Tales #18 (July-August 1973): "The Hoax" Weird Western Tales #19 (September-October 1973): "Demon on My Trail" Weird Western Tales #20 (November-December 1973): "Blood Brothers" Weird Western Tales #21 (January-February 1974): "The Gunfighter" Weird Western Tales #22 (May-June 1974): "Showdown at Hard Times" Weird Western Tales #23 (July-August 1974): "The Point Pyrrhus Massacre" Weird Western Tales #24 (September-October 1974): "The Point Pyrrhus Aftermath!" Weird Western Tales #25 (November-December 1974): "Showdown with the Dangling Man" Weird Western Tales #26 (January-February 1975): "Face-Off with the Gallagher Boys!" Weird Western Tales #27 (March-April 1975): "The Meadow Spring Crusade" Weird Western Tales #28 (May-June 1975): "Stagecoach to Oblivion" Weird Western Tales #29 (July-August 1975): "Breakout at Fort Charlotte" Weird Western Tales #30 (September-October 1975): "The Trial" Weird Western Tales #31 (November-December 1975): "Gunfight at Wolverine" Weird Western Tales #32 (January-February 1976): "Bigfoot's War!" Weird Western Tales #33 (March-April 1976): "Day of the Tomahawk" Weird Western Tales #34 (May-June 1976): "Death of a Bounty Hunter" Weird Western Tales #35 (July-August 1976): "The Hangman" Weird Western Tales #36 (September-October 1976): "Bigfoot's Death Song"
Amazing World of DC Comics #13 (October 1976): no title (parody) [4p] Eks 87 - Baksuz Džoni
Weird Western Tales #37 (November-December 1976): "Requiem for a Gunfighter" Weird Western Tales #38 (January-February 1977): "Track of the Wolf... Claw of the Bear!"
Jonah Hex #01 (March-April 1977): "Vengeance for a Fallen Gladiator" Eks 161 - Osveta za palog gladijatora (naslovnica je od Jonah Hex #04) Jonah Hex #02 (May-June 1977): "The Lair of the Parrot" Eks 162 - Jazbina papagaja Jonah Hex #03 (July-August 1977): "The Fugitive" Eks 163 - Begunac Jonah Hex #04 (September 1977): "The Day of the Chameleon" Eks 164 - Dan kameleona Jonah Hex #05 (October 1977): "Welcome to Paradise" [reprinted the first story from All-Star Western #10] Eks 165 - Čistka u Peradajzu Jonah Hex #06 (November 1977): "The Lawman" Jonah Hex #07 (December 1977): "Son of the Apache" Jonah Hex #08 (January 1978): "Mark of the Demon" Eks 254 - Oznaka demona Jonah Hex #09 (February 1978): "The Carlotta Conspiracy" Jonah Hex #10 (March 1978): "Violence at Vera Cruz" Jonah Hex #11 (April 1978): "The Holdout" Jonah Hex #12 (May 1978): "The Search For 'Gator Hawes" Jonah Hex #13 (June 1978): "The Railroad Blaster" Jonah Hex #14 (July 1978): "The Sin Killer!" Jonah Hex #15 (August 1978): "Sawdust and Slow Death" Jonah Hex #16 (September 1978): "The Wyandott Verdict!" Jonah Hex #17 (October 1978): "Voyage to Oblivion" Jonah Hex #18 (November 1978): "Amazon Treasure... Amazon Death!" Jonah Hex #19 (December 1978): "The Duke of Zarkania!" Jonah Hex #20 (January 1979): "Phantom Stage to Willow Bend!" Jonah Hex #21 (February 1979): "The Buryin'!" Jonah Hex #22 (March 1979): "Requiem for a Pack Rat!" Jonah Hex #23 (April 1979): "The Massacre of the Celestials!" Jonah Hex #24 (May 1979): "Minister of the Lord" Eks 254/1 - Prečasni Đulijan Jonah Hex #25 (June 1979): "The Widow Maker!" Eks 302 - Čovek koji je pravio udovice Jonah Hex #26 (July 1979): "Death Race to Cholera Bend!" Eks 255 - Smrtonosna trka Jonah Hex #27 (August 1979): "The Wooden Sixgun!" Eks 264 - Drveni kolt Jonah Hex #28 (September 1979): "Night of the Savage!" Jonah Hex #29 (October 1979): "The Innocent" Jonah Hex #30 (November 1979): "Birth of a Bounty Hunter!" Jonah Hex #31 (December 1979): "Arbee Stoneham -- Man Killer!" Jonah Hex #32 (January 1980): "The Gunfight at Murphysburg!" Jonah Hex #33 (February 1980): "The Crusader" Jonah Hex #34 (March 1980): "Christmas in an Outlaw Town" Jonah Hex #35 (April 1980): "The Fort Charlotte Brigade!" Jonah Hex #36 (May 1980): "Return To Fort Charlotte" Jonah Hex #37 (June 1980): "Stonewall" Jonah Hex #38 (July 1980): "Iron Dog's Gold!" Jonah Hex #39 (August 1980): "The Vow of a Samurai" Jonah Hex #40 (September 1980): "The Rainmaker!" Jonah Hex #41 (October 1980): "Two for the Hangman!" Jonah Hex #42 (November 1980): "Wanted For Murder!" Jonah Hex #43 (December 1980): "Death by Fire!" Jonah Hex #44 (January 1981): "Showdown of the Century" Jonah Hex #45 (February 1981): "Blood Wedding!" Jonah Hex #46 (March 1981): "Death in the Grass!" Jonah Hex #47 (April 1981): "Doom Rides the Sundown Train" Jonah Hex #48 (May 1981): "Vulture Creek Massacre!" Jonah Hex #49 (June 1981): "Reap the Grim Harvest" Jonah Hex #50 (July 1981): "The Hunter" Jonah Hex #51 (August 1981): "The Comforter!" Jonah Hex #52 (September 1981): "Rescue!" Jonah Hex #53 (October 1981): "The Haunting!" Jonah Hex #54 (November 1981): "Trapped -- In the Parrot's Lair" Jonah Hex #55 (December 1981): "Trial of Blood!" Jonah Hex #56 (January 1982): "The Asylum" Jonah Hex #57 (February 1982): "The Debt" Jonah Hex #58 (March 1982): "The Treasure of Catfish Pond" Jonah Hex #59 (April 1982): "Night of the White Lotus" Jonah Hex #60 (May 1982): "The Domain of the Warlord!" Jonah Hex #61 (June 1982): "In the Lair of the Manchus!" Jonah Hex #62 (July 1982): "The Belly of the Malay Tiger!" Jonah Hex #63 (August 1982): "Ship of Doom!" Jonah Hex #64 (September 1982): "The Pearl!" Jonah Hex #65 (October 1982): "The Vendetta!" Jonah Hex #66 (November 1982): "Requiem for a Coward!" Jonah Hex #67 (December 1982): "Deadman's Hand!" Jonah Hex #68 (January 1983): "Gunfight at Gravesburo!" Jonah Hex #69 (February 1983): "The Gauntlet!" Jonah Hex #70 (March 1983): "The Mountain of the Manitou!" Jonah Hex #71 (April 1983): "The Masquerade!" SZv 112 - Pod maskom (naslovnica originalnog broja) Jonah Hex #72 (May 1983): "Tarantula!" SZv 113 - Tarantula Jonah Hex #73 (June 1983): "The Wheelchair Bounty Hunter" SZv 115 - Lovac na ucene (naslovnica je od prethodnog #72) Jonah Hex #74 (July 1983): "The Bloody Saga of Railroad Bill!" SZv 117 - Bil prugaš (naslovnica je od Jonah Hex #77) Jonah Hex #75 (August 1983): "The Bloody Saga of Railroad Bill!, Part 2" SZv 117 - Bil prugaš Jonah Hex #76 (September 1983): "Caged!" SZv 118 - Obračun Jonah Hex #77 (October 1983): "Over the Wall!" SZv 119 - Pljačka (naslovnica je od Jonah Hex #14) Jonah Hex #78 (November 1983): "Man of Two Bloods!" SZv 123 - Čovek sa dve krvi Jonah Hex #79 (December 1983): "Duel In the Sand!" SZm 26 - Dvoboj u pustinji Jonah Hex #80 (January 1984): "Day of the Rattler!" SZm 27 - Zvečarke Jonah Hex #81 (February 1984): "The Alliance!" SZm 42 - Ujed zmije Jonah Hex #82 (March 1984): "Mortal Enemies - Mortal Friends!" SZm 43 - Smrtni neprijatelji Jonah Hex #83 (April 1984): "Blues in the Bottle...Stopple in My Hand!" SZm 44 - Podmetnuti požar Jonah Hex #84 (May 1984): "Carnival of Doom!" SZm 45 - Otmica Jonah Hex #85 (June 1984): "Behold the Grey Ghost" SZm 46 - Sivi duh Jonah Hex #86 (August 1984): "The Slaughterhouse!" SZm 50 - Otmica Jonah Hex #87 (October 1984): "Resurrections" SZm 51 - Opasni svedok Jonah Hex #88 (December 1984): "The Saloon Girl and the Outlaw Queen" SZm 52 - Kraljica bandita Jonah Hex #89 (February 1985): "Blood Legacy!" SZm 53 - Južnjačka zakletva Jonah Hex #90 (April 1985): "Starlight, Star Bright ...First Star I See Tonight!" SZm 63 - Zvezdani sjaj Jonah Hex #91 (June 1985): "Sweetheart of the Rodeo" SZm 64 - Rodeo Jonah Hex #92 (August 1985): "A Blaze of Glory!" SZm 65 - Blesak slave
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
maverick |
Posted - 12/03/2023 : 13:55:48 Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez ili Dick Ayers (pencil), Tony DeZuniga (ink)...
Teško se odlučiti tko je bio bolji na Hex-u. To je sve vrh crtačke ekipe tog doba. Vrhunski su dočarali brzinu špageti vesterna.
Garcia-Lopez je ukupno bolji jer radi odličnu olovku, a DeZuniga je dobar samo kao tušer, olovka mu je loša. Njegov tuš na Hexu-u se može usporediti samo sa onim maestralnim koji je radio na Conanu Johna Busceme ("Zogar Sag", "Mač Skelosa" itd). |
edvin |
Posted - 12/03/2023 : 07:41:36 Bravo i hvala! |