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 Burza Stripova
 Burza stripova - potražnja
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joleninho Posted - 24/12/2013 : 15:37:18

stripovi ne moraju bit glanceri niti ništ, ocjena 4 je čist ok. bitno mi je da je cijena ok. za neke bih dao više, za neke manje. sami presudite i ponudite ako želite. ovo planiram ionako u nekih 5-7 godina. :) ne žurim.
stripovi koji tražim su:

nudim svoj From Hell + svoju kolekciju Lazarus Led-a koju možete vidjet u ponudi (50 komada)
+ Hellblazere 35. Hooked – Peter Milligan,
37. Bloody Carnations – Peter Milligan
(papperback u zamjenu za nešt)

Ex Machina:
Ex Machina Vol. 7: Ex Cathedra
Ex Machina Vol. 8: Dirty Tricks
Ex Machina vol. 9: Ring Out the Old
Ex Machina Vol. 10: Term Limits

1. A Rage in Arkham
2. Ten Thousand Bullets
5. Tommy's Heroes
6. For Tomorrow
7. Closing Time

The Boys -
1. The Name of the Game
2. Get Some
3. Good for the Soul

i ostale dakako. ali prvo ovo.

The Long Halloween
The Cult
Dark Victory
A Death in the Family
Strange Apparitions
The Man Who Laughs

Maus Papperback.

Warren Ellis:
Authority vol 1
Planetary vol 1

100 bullets:
vol 4 & vol 5

Hellboy Vol 1. (engleski)

Hard Time
Black Flowers
Staring At The Wall
The Family Man © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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