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 Veseli četvrtak I - III 2014.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mikado Posted - 20/11/2013 : 20:57:13
01. 2014.

16.01. ZAGOR 78 (546) Selo bezumlja
23.01. DILAN DOG 78 (287) Novi varvari
23.01. DAMPIR KI 1 (41-44) Kuća lutaka / Čovek iz Belfasta / legenda o Amber / Crni pečat
30.01. ZAGOR specijal 25 (25) Čovek iz Maverika

ZAGOR 78 Selo bezumlja

Datum izlaska: 16.01.2014.
Scenario: Jacopo Rauch
Crtež: Raffaele Della Monica
Naslovna: Gallieno Ferri

Opis: The Reverend Bloom and his followers, after putting his hands on the loot of the outlaw and Sharp made ​​a bad end to his gang, are determined not to return to the sheriff White, who came to Truth on the trail of the robbers. Even Zagor and Cico, intending to rejoin his friend marshall, arrive at the village of fools there and realize they have to fight to save not only your skin but also one of only two innocents among the inhabitants of the valley, the small and Josh his mother. To complicate matters there is also the bandit that Sharp is not dead as he thinks Bloom: the Spirit with the Hatchet will have to rely on him to get out alive from a situation that gradually becomes more dramatic ...

DILAN DOG 78 Novi varvari

Datum izlaska: 23.01.2014.
Scenario: Roberto Recchioni
Crtež: Bruno Brindisi
Naslovna: Angelo Stano

Opis: The journey of Dylan Dog, Groucho and Calista to a nearby holiday destination, turns into an odyssey of fear when on the roads, stuck in a terrible traffic jam, the three are powerless to the collapse of human civilization and the rise of a reign of violence and abuse!


Datum izlaska: 23.01.2014.

41 Kuća lutaka
Scenario: Mauro Boselli
Crtež: Nicola Genzianella
Naslovna: Enea Riboldi

Arnstadt, a quiet German town, where they return two old acquaintances, Professor Hans Milius and his beautiful student, Sophie Mutter. In an attic, is found a strange house of dolls, mysteriously linked to the disappearance of a little girl in the early years of the twentieth century. A century later, Sophie is to disappear! As only clues, Dampyr has a mysterious music heard in a dream and the odd toy, whose tenants-dolls seem animated by an inexplicable silent life.

42 Čovek iz Belfasta
Scenario: Alberto Ostini
Crtež: Giovanni Bruzzo
Naslovna: Enea Riboldi

Great beautiful land, Ireland, Beautiful and desperate! It seems that his most typical color, in addition to the thousand shades of green which is tinged with the heath, and the red of the blood that flows as a result of an absurd and vicious civil war that pits Protestants to Catholics. It is in this scenario that reflects the horrors of a cruel act? Orangeman? Active on the battlefields of the past four centuries, to derail the peace negotiations between the opposing factions. It will Dampyr and Kurjak to stop its march of death and devastation!

43 Legenda o Amber
Scenario: Mauro Boselli
Crtež: Mauro Laurenti
Naslovna: Enea Riboldi

From the darkest depths of Wales showed a horror ancestral Tylwyth the Teg, the Little People of legends, escaped from the underground world of Annwn, where he had been imprisoned a thousand years ago. Are Tylwyth Teg, along with a terrible creature lake, to haunt the mining village of Llandegant, in the region of Snowdonia, where Harlan and Tesla come in search of the writer Dolly MacLaine, who seems vanished. Get to grips with the monstrous and bloodthirsty demons, the dampyr and his companion of adventures will not take long to discover that the Little People is not as jovial as handed down the fairy tales. Fortunately, there is an ally on their side really special: Amber Tremayne, the stunning Mistress of the Night, which for an old debt, the contract at the time of the Roman presence in Britain, watches over the villagers?

44 Crni pečat
Scenario: Mauro Boselli
Crtež: Mauro Laurenti
Naslovna: Enea Riboldi

The Dynas Emrys tower is all that remains of the ancient castle of King Vortigern . It is also the passage that leads to the underground world of Annwn , which are returned to earth the horrid members ? Beautiful Family ? , The Tylwyth Teg , the demons in the service of Black Annis . To make possible the resumption of their raids was the breaking of the magic seal that imprisoned them by archaeologist Matthew Shady . Fortunately for the reckless scholar , on him lies the protective shadow of Amber Tremayne , in addition to that of a born fighter as Kurjak . The game that is played in the village of Llandegant among the hordes of hell in the Black Annis and the team formed by Harlan , Tesla and Amber will consume its own epilogue in the pit that lies beneath Dynas Emreys , where it says that in a bygone age , the cruel Vortigern wanted to fall , to seal a pact with the dark forces , a young warrior , born by the Roman - Briton Macsen Wledig and a woman of demonic nature : Emrys , called by the Romans Aurelio Ambrosio , half-brother of Artos , which in the years to come will be known by the name of Arthur ?

ZAGOR specijal 25 Čovek iz Maverika

Datum izlaska: 30.01.2014.
Scenario: Antonio Zamberletti
Crtež: Marcello Mangiantini
Naslovna: Gallieno Ferri

Opis: The ruthless gang of Peter Jolt, said the Dutchman, after sowing death in Darkwood, ripping his family the young Alison and the door to prisoner Averno, an eerie ghost town became the refuge of the worst outlaws in the region. On the trail of the Dutchman there are Zagor, Cico and Sheriff Danfort. With the help of a handful of brave men, must free Alison before she is sold to the redskins.
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
velka031 Posted - 25/03/2014 : 22:24:56
Remek djelo, blago onom tko ce ovo tek citati...
PijaniPatak Posted - 25/03/2014 : 22:06:42
Moja OMILJENA naslovnica!!! Ona zbog koje sam i počeo čitati Zagora, stripove uopšte!!! Ahhh emocija!
legaz Posted - 25/03/2014 : 20:59:50
Andreoči. Najzad.
Solid Snake Posted - 25/03/2014 : 20:37:35
I ja.
going going Posted - 25/03/2014 : 20:25:16
Originally posted by mikado

Sledećeg četvrtka Zagor OP Morska strava.

Eh, konacno da se i ja dokopam te epizode!

mikado Posted - 25/03/2014 : 19:16:23
Sledećeg četvrtka Zagor OP Morska strava.

mikado Posted - 25/03/2014 : 17:12:06

MARTI MISTERIJA 27 Poslednji konvoj

Datum izlaska: 27.03.2014.
Scenario: Paolo Morales
Crtež: Fabio Grimaldi
Naslovna: Giancarlo Alessandrini
mikado Posted - 18/03/2014 : 18:32:50

DILAN DOG 80 Put zagonetki

Datum izlaska: 20.03.2014.
Scenario: Giuseppe De Nardo
Crtež: Daniele Bigliardo
Naslovna: Angelo Stano
mikado Posted - 12/03/2014 : 15:35:44

ZAGOR 80 Poslednja borba

Datum izlaska: 13.03.2014.
Scenario: Diego Paolucci
Crtež: Alessandro Chiarolla
Naslovna: Gallieno Ferri
zlatan bihac Posted - 06/03/2014 : 08:18:47

u prodaji već par dana..
stvarno sve pohvale za ovo izdanje da pored redovne serije dobijemo i ove specijale...nadam se samo da će prodaja biti solidna i da ćemo dobiti svih 6 specijala koliko ih je u italiji izašlo...sad hoće li za to trebati 3 ili 6 godina,(ovisi da li će biti tempo jedan ili dva godišnje),je druga stvar...bitno je da se izda...libellus recimo još nije izdao ona 4 demianova specijala,a ima već par godina kako je izašla redovna serija...

Johnny Difool Posted - 05/03/2014 : 21:44:46
Ooooooo... evo nam Ortiza!

mikado Posted - 05/03/2014 : 18:29:05

TEKS VILER 41 Blago iz rudnika

Datum izlaska: 06.03.2014.
Scenario: Claudio Nizzi
Crtež: José Ortiz
Naslovna: Claudio Villa
Poli Posted - 26/02/2014 : 21:08:42

he he he, i nas Jerry je malo zetegnut oko ociju, mogao bi i on kao Kinez proci :DD

mikado Posted - 26/02/2014 : 19:18:31

MISTER NO 49 Predskazanja smrti

Datum izlaska: 27.02.2014.
Scenario: Michele Masiero
Crtež: Fabrizio Busticchi & Luana Paesani
Naslovna: Roberto Diso
night Posted - 20/02/2014 : 18:33:50
Novi Dilan odličan. Fina, pitka ali I jednostavna priča. Kao iz starih, dobrih vremena. Uživao sam čitajući.
Johnny Difool Posted - 19/02/2014 : 23:37:54
Di Vincenzo mi se inače ne sviđa, ali ovo ne izgleda loše.

going going Posted - 19/02/2014 : 23:16:15
Evo par kadrova iz ove nove Dilanove epizode, deluje zanimljivo

mikado Posted - 19/02/2014 : 15:57:54

DILAN DOG 79 Prinudni rad

Datum izlaska: 20.02.2014.
Scenario: Giovanni Di Gregorio
Crtež: Maurizio Di Vincenzo
Naslovna: Angelo Stano
mikado Posted - 17/02/2014 : 21:44:09
Ne, nego su termini pomereni zbog dva preskočena datuma u januaru. OP će izaći u aprilu, uskoro stavljam najavu za IV-VI mesec.
PijaniPatak Posted - 17/02/2014 : 20:23:02
Mikado, šta je sa ZG OP-ovima sa prve strane. Negirana glasina za Morsku stravu?
Timber Bil Posted - 13/02/2014 : 10:14:34
Nije nešto ovaj Veliki turnir, slaba pričica i očajni Kjarola.
Još kada čujem da su on i Marcello dobri crtači dize mi se kosa na glavi. Nisu oni za Zagora i to je to.
Timber Bil Posted - 13/02/2014 : 10:13:24
Originally posted by legaz

Originally posted by dilan kucko

ja mislim da je mozda i veci problem za VC to sto oni nemaju dovoljno ljudstva da postignu sve to sto bi mi zeljeli, i da je donekle i zbog toga ovaj jednogodisnji ritam tih knjiga. sjetite se samo koliko dugo su pripremali prvu knjigu M.Misterije...

Nije možda, već to jeste jedini razlog.

Potpuno nisi u pravu, da oni mogu da plasiraju još neko izdanje, zaposlili bi i tebe oko tehničkog dela, ne bih ih koštao previše, problem je u trzištu, zagušeno je, para sve manje.
Timber Bil Posted - 13/02/2014 : 10:11:46
Originally posted by goksi

A jel to ni ostale izdavačke kuće nemaju ljudstva, obzirom da su maltene svi drastično usporili svoja izdanja? Koliko vidim, Libellus evo već treću godinu izdaje Mister Noa u 3-4 knjige godišnje, što je isti broj originalnih epizoda koliko ima jedna VČ debeljuca. Meni se čini da je prodaje (kupaca) sve manje, a vi kako hoćete. Vi verujte da je ljudstvo ili ovo ili ono, i tešite se.

Sve nas je manje, i sve manje kupujemo.

Ovo je jedina prava istina, da prrodaja moze da ide bolje lako bi oni zaposlili honorarno radnike, prevodioce. Puno je zainteresovano, mnogi su čak i prisutni na ovom forumu. Problem su kupci, mnogo izdanja, malo para...Svako ima svoje prioritete. Ja sam do prošle godine sakupljao 10 Bonelli serijala(Zagor, Tex, MrNo, Julija, MM, DD, KP, PIBD, MV,...), DANAS SAKUPLJAM SAMO ZAGORA.
goksi Posted - 13/02/2014 : 10:05:11
A jel to ni ostale izdavačke kuće nemaju ljudstva, obzirom da su maltene svi drastično usporili svoja izdanja? Koliko vidim, Libellus evo već treću godinu izdaje Mister Noa u 3-4 knjige godišnje, što je isti broj originalnih epizoda koliko ima jedna VČ debeljuca. Meni se čini da je prodaje (kupaca) sve manje, a vi kako hoćete. Vi verujte da je ljudstvo ili ovo ili ono, i tešite se.

Sve nas je manje, i sve manje kupujemo.
Johnny Difool Posted - 13/02/2014 : 09:54:02
U tom slučaju se vrtimo u krugu: kad bi oni zaposlili još nekoga i kad bi izdanja bilo nešto više, njihova možda ali samo možda malo veća prodaja ne bi opravdala troškove tog zapošljavanja.
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