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 R.I.P. Gianfranco Manfredi

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tornadomaster Posted - 24/01/2025 : 13:02:28
O Bože
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
velka031 Posted - 24/01/2025 : 23:03:00
Počivao u miru i hvala za sve divne priče...
risbozg Posted - 24/01/2025 : 22:47:43
peropero Posted - 24/01/2025 : 21:26:33
Počivao u miru.
legaz Posted - 24/01/2025 : 21:20:57
Počivaj u miru.
hrvoje23 Posted - 24/01/2025 : 21:10:13
Počivao u miru!
D.J. Posted - 24/01/2025 : 20:03:07
RIP Gianfranco.
wesskowaz Posted - 24/01/2025 : 19:12:20
Veliki Manfredi!
Počivao u miru.
Striposlaven Posted - 24/01/2025 : 19:02:12
Počivao u miru
Dr. Zistis Posted - 24/01/2025 : 18:31:16
Adio veliki majstore...RIP
kasper Posted - 24/01/2025 : 16:48:35
neka pociva u miru 9
76 Posted - 24/01/2025 : 16:37:11
Signor Manfredi, hvala Vam na prekrasnim pričama. Počivali u miru!
teller Posted - 24/01/2025 : 16:36:16
šteta..volio sam ga..
Mr. Bushido Posted - 24/01/2025 : 16:16:26
Grzi Posted - 24/01/2025 : 14:39:14
rip :(
Markos Posted - 24/01/2025 : 14:33:03
Počivao u miru i hvala na pričama!
Barker Posted - 24/01/2025 : 14:29:03
Pocivao u miru
verab Posted - 24/01/2025 : 14:26:39
drogsy Posted - 24/01/2025 : 14:26:37
A bokte, prerano...

Upoznao sam ga na CRŠ-u 2022. poslije njegove tribine i vodio vrlo ugodan razgovor od dvadesetak minuta. Magični Vjetar mu je bio omiljeni serijal kojeg je kreirao, ali ja ću ga ponajprije pamtiti po remek-djelima Skrivenom Licu i Shanghai devilu.
Hercule Poirot Posted - 24/01/2025 : 14:23:03
Počivao u miru
tex2 Posted - 24/01/2025 : 14:05:07
Počivao u miru
jaki Posted - 24/01/2025 : 13:54:50
Gianfranco Manfredi left us tonight. The eldest daughter, Diana, gave us the news. "A true genius who always knew how to read and interpret the world and its changes, a curious mind that never stopped studying, discovering and updating himself," he wrote, remembering him in a post on Facebook. «A brilliant brain and a never tired artist who gave so much to those who were lucky enough to know him in person or through his music, his books and his comics.»

Born in Senigallia (AN) in 1948 but always an inhabitant of Milan, Manfredi was a multimedia character par excellence. Author of over three hundred songs, numerous film and television scripts, various essays on music criticism and over a dozen novels, he made his debut as a comic book screenwriter creating the character of "Gordon Link" in 1991 for Editoriale Dardo.

Three years later he began to collaborate with our publishing house, writing numerous screenplays for Dylan Dog and Nick Raider, but it was in 1997 that he hit the mark in the hearts of readers, creating the western series Magico Vento, in which horror and magical elements are also mixed.

In addition to having written numerous adventures of Tex, Manfredi has also created for us and our readers the characters of Volto Nascosto, Shanghai Devi and Adam Wild. In 2018 he debuted Cani sciolti, with which he tells an important piece of Italian history through the eyes of teenagers of the late 60s.

"Artists like him basically never leave us," wrote his eldest daughter. "Gianfranco will always live through everything he left us and this alleviates our pain. Today you remember him by listening to one of his songs, reading one of the thousands of pages he wrote, or thinking back to a moment spent together, it would certainly make him happy."

Diana herself wanted to send us the image with which we open this sad news, a Magical Wind that rides, accompanied by the greeting of the Lakota Sioux: Mitakuye Oyasin, "We are all connected", that is, we are all part of the community of human beings, we are one with the natural dimension of the earth, wind, sun and water. The way chosen by Gianfranco to greet all readers.

To his family goes the affectionate memory and closeness of the entire editorial staff of Via Buonarroti.
Deers Posted - 24/01/2025 : 13:43:02
Počivao u miru!
1Euro Posted - 24/01/2025 : 13:36:32
Shaner Posted - 24/01/2025 : 13:35:15
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