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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tutta Posted - 24/02/2017 : 20:01:03

Publisher: Dargaud
Released: 03/2017
Drawings: Vallée Sylvain
Text: Nury Fabien
Genre: Adventure / Action
Country of origin: France / Belgium


In 1960, after eighty years under Belgian colonial rule, Congo proclaimed its independence; Less than two weeks later,
the rich mining province of Katanga seceded. Congo and Katanga immediately go to war; At the heart of the conflict:
the possession of mining territories. Numerous massacres and exoduses of civilians ensue.
The UN then imposes its mediation and the sending of peacekeepers on the spot ...
At the same time, a horde of mercenary ignoble is recruited to free the occupied mining ...
And a black servant, Charlie, twists the neck to fate by putting his hand on an invaluable treasure:
30 million dollars of diamonds ... which makes him the most sought after Black of Katanga.


1. Diamants

HC / 70 pages








KATANGA - Le pitch

KATANGA - La caricature


Katanga Province

Katanga The Untold Story (Of U.N. Betrayal)


Dark of the Sun (KATANGA)




Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino are two of the film's fans. Scorsese calls the film one of his "guilty pleasures".
He elaborated:

This movie-Rod Taylor vs. the Mau Maus-was the most violent I'd seen up to that time.
There's a scene where Taylor fights an ex-Nazi with chain saws.
In another scene, a train full of refugees has finally escaped the Mau Maus in the valley below-and just as it's
about to reach the top of a hill, the power fails, the train goes all the way back down,
and the refugees are slaughtered. It's a truly sadistic movie, but it should be seen. I'd guess that because of
its utter racism, a lot of people would have found it embarrassing, so they just ignored it.
The sense of the film is overwhelmingly violent; there's no consideration for anything else.
The answer to everything is "kill."

The film was a particular influence on Tarantino, who used several tracks from the score for his movie Inglourious Basterds, which features Rod Taylor in a guest role
as Winston Churchill.

Dark Of The Sun (1968) - Trailer


Wiki: Simba Rebellion

The Horror Of Stanleyville (1964)
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tutta Posted - 22/06/2019 : 11:04:55

Tutta Posted - 28/04/2019 : 06:51:17


Tutta Posted - 31/07/2018 : 21:59:42



Tutta Posted - 26/02/2018 : 21:12:28

(klikni da ti kompletnu stranicu prevede, nije perfektno al sasvim dovoljno)
anto Posted - 26/02/2018 : 19:44:44
sve sam razumeo.
Tutta Posted - 26/02/2018 : 19:10:56
Komentari: T.2
risbozg Posted - 13/12/2017 : 11:32:12
Originally posted by Poli

Vec vidim u Kolorki kada se jednom zakljuci.

Tutta Posted - 13/12/2017 : 09:28:43
Poli Posted - 13/12/2017 : 09:00:22

Vec vidim u Kolorki kada se jednom zakljuci.

Tutta Posted - 12/12/2017 : 22:45:03
Dobar je risbozg, naš (BBB) je! Ništa mi za njega nije teško!

A Katangu će, kao što ti već reče, sto posto Splitter objaviti.
izivko Posted - 12/12/2017 : 22:29:28
Mislim i ja da nije niko objavio jer dobivam obavijesti izdavača ali opet možda Tutta zna više

Ovo za rizbu ne brini, ionako on slabo razumije njemački
Tutta Posted - 12/12/2017 : 22:10:44
Prijatelju, nije još nitko! Moja zabuna, nemam pojma kako i zašto, mislio sam da je prvi broj već tu.
Sad provjerio na spisku, uopće ga nemam. Dobro me upita, morat ću onu ponudu poviše...
izivko Posted - 12/12/2017 : 21:54:25
Originally posted by Tutta

Originally posted by risbozg

vauuu...super izgleda

Majstore, znaš li Njemački? Ako znaš, pošalji mi adresu i poslati ću ti prvi broj.

Tko je objavio, Tutta?
Tutta Posted - 12/12/2017 : 21:28:52
Originally posted by risbozg

vauuu...super izgleda

Majstore, znaš li Njemački? Ako znaš, pošalji mi adresu i poslati ću ti prvi broj.

Nije još izašao u Njemačkoj, moja zabuna. Al ponuda ipak stoji, kad izađe, bez problema, šaljem.
risbozg Posted - 12/12/2017 : 18:30:28
vauuu...super izgleda
Tutta Posted - 12/12/2017 : 17:20:14


Released: 03/2017
Tutta Posted - 06/05/2017 : 23:53:14

teller Posted - 09/03/2017 : 07:23:47
Originally posted by Markos

Sviđa mi se, naravno.

GGG Posted - 08/03/2017 : 12:12:16
Srednji lik na silhueti ispod naslova ima u rukama M16...

Iako je teoretički moguče, da su belgijanski najamnici došli do civilne variante AR-10/15 pušak, M16 je u američku vojsku uvedena 1964 (i odmah postala jedna od ikona rata u Vietnamu) dok je kriza u Katangi trajala od 1969 - 1963. Najvjerojatnije se radi o precrtavanju fotografije iz vietnamskog (ili kojeg kasnijeg) rata.
mogorovic Posted - 25/02/2017 : 21:17:54
Vrlo zanimljiv, surov, naturalistički, ali i realan sadržaj. Strip koji bi vrijedilo objavit u hrvatskom izdanju.
Markos Posted - 25/02/2017 : 20:11:24
Sviđa mi se, naravno.
ivanl Posted - 25/02/2017 : 15:17:52
Idealno za Kolorku...
Tutta Posted - 25/02/2017 : 15:09:51
Ako su se Markosu svidjeli "Robovi...", trebalo bi i ovo.
Davor2403 Posted - 25/02/2017 : 12:57:08
Sliči na neku skoru Kolorku :D
anto Posted - 25/02/2017 : 11:12:38
ove deluje baš,baš dobro!! © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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