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 Bande dessinée
 Lester Cockney

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
William_Wallace Posted - 13/08/2007 : 15:37:55
Da li ce neko izdavati Lester Cockney?
Bilo bi to lepo posto ovaj strip stvarno zasluzuje reprint.

When I raise my flashing sword... and my hand takes hold on judgment,
I will take vengeance up on mine enemies. And I will repay those who haze me.
O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand... and count me among Thy saints.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
William_Wallace Posted - 25/09/2007 : 21:23:35
Originally posted by Renky

Originally posted by William_Wallace

Ima li neko bilo kakvu informaciju vezanu za ovaJ strip?

Imaš na hompageu, sekcija stripovi, tekst o serijalu.

Znam citao sam to davno i to nekoliko puta sve cestitke na tekstu!
Renky Posted - 24/09/2007 : 21:25:59
Originally posted by William_Wallace

Ima li neko bilo kakvu informaciju vezanu za ovaJ strip?

Imaš na hompageu, sekcija stripovi, tekst o serijalu.
Francois Posted - 21/09/2007 : 14:07:25

Nisam znao da je Franz umro!
Jedan od najboljih crtaca, njegovi su stripovi melem za oci!
Pridruzujem se zeljama mnogih stripofila da se neki izdavac prihvati objavljivanja Lestera Cockneya, taj strip to zasluzuje.
axle munshine Posted - 18/09/2007 : 19:51:02
Covek je Belgijanac,rodjen,ziveo,radio i umro u Belgiji.Umro je 2003.god u 55.godini zivota,nazalost.Dobar crtac,slabiji scenarista,ali u svakom slucaju covek zasluzuje da ga vidimo,tj.njegova dela,u albumima.Slazem se sa Wallaceom...
Cilipin Posted - 18/09/2007 : 06:16:36
Da, crtac i scenarist je Franz. Mislim da je nedavno umro. Nisam siguran da li je bio
Francuz ili iz Belgije.
William_Wallace Posted - 14/08/2007 : 20:38:53
Po meni ovaj strip zasluzuje da se pojavi u biblioteci 88 Belog Puta!

When I raise my flashing sword... and my hand takes hold on judgment,
I will take vengeance up on mine enemies. And I will repay those who haze me.
O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand... and count me among Thy saints.
Vid Posted - 14/08/2007 : 12:26:54
Lester Cockney je bio najavljen kao specijalno izdanje Extra Bumeranga. No onda nije izašao, ne znam ako zbog prava ili nečeg drugog.
William_Wallace Posted - 14/08/2007 : 01:25:29
Originally posted by verter

"Stvarno ,a ja mislio Frenk Miler!"

pa zar nije frank miller?!?!?!?!?

"…Some people will say anything to be thought of as clever and interesting…"

Ja vas lepo pitam a vi zezate!

When I raise my flashing sword... and my hand takes hold on judgment,
I will take vengeance up on mine enemies. And I will repay those who haze me.
O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand... and count me among Thy saints.
verter Posted - 14/08/2007 : 00:24:21
"Stvarno ,a ja mislio Frenk Miler!"

pa zar nije frank miller?!?!?!?!?

"…Some people will say anything to be thought of as clever and interesting…"
axle munshine Posted - 14/08/2007 : 00:14:43
Originally posted by Witchblade

Originally posted by William_Wallace

Ima li neko bilo kakvu informaciju vezanu za ovaJ strip?

When I raise my flashing sword... and my hand takes hold on judgment,
I will take vengeance up on mine enemies. And I will repay those who haze me.
O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand... and count me among Thy saints.

Imam ja. Crtac i scenarist je Franz Drappier.

"Da kraduckate pomalo, pa da vas tolerisu"

U narodu poznatiji kao Franz...

...ah taj strip...
William_Wallace Posted - 13/08/2007 : 23:21:56
Stvarno ,a ja mislio Frenk Miler!

When I raise my flashing sword... and my hand takes hold on judgment,
I will take vengeance up on mine enemies. And I will repay those who haze me.
O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand... and count me among Thy saints.
Witchblade Posted - 13/08/2007 : 21:03:14
Originally posted by William_Wallace

Ima li neko bilo kakvu informaciju vezanu za ovaJ strip?

When I raise my flashing sword... and my hand takes hold on judgment,
I will take vengeance up on mine enemies. And I will repay those who haze me.
O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand... and count me among Thy saints.

Imam ja. Crtac i scenarist je Franz Drappier.

"Da kraduckate pomalo, pa da vas tolerisu"
William_Wallace Posted - 13/08/2007 : 20:13:14
Ima li neko bilo kakvu informaciju vezanu za ovaJ strip?

When I raise my flashing sword... and my hand takes hold on judgment,
I will take vengeance up on mine enemies. And I will repay those who haze me.
O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand... and count me among Thy saints. © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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