T O P I C R E V I E W |
jaki |
Posted - 14/11/2007 : 20:07:11 Ovo je toliko bolje nacrtano od Gypsyja!Netko je očigledno gledao Gladijatora.Fala Bogu da ne spikam FR,bankrotira bi! [URL=http://imageshack.us][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][/URL]
22 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
axle munshine |
Posted - 04/12/2007 : 22:42:56 Danas procitao intervju sa Marinijem.Rimski orlovi #2 stizu najkasnije do pocetka 2009.godine.A tokom 2008.mozemo da ocekujemo novog Scorpiona i Gipsyja...za dzipsija Chaga Smolderen je vec napisao scenario za dva albuma,pa mozda bude i dupli album,videcemo...Desberg je spominjao i nastavak Rapacesa ali Marini za sada kaze da ga o tome nije obavestio,ali ne iskljucuje mogucnost da nastavi i sa ovim serijalom,iako je,kako kaze,prioritet da odradi vec pomenute albume... |
jaki |
Posted - 25/11/2007 : 13:35:52 Još ne a i pitanje je hoće li? |
alanmaras |
Posted - 25/11/2007 : 12:55:33 a jel' ima tog albuma na engleskom negdje? |
jaki |
Posted - 25/11/2007 : 06:38:36 Nisam izvuka na engeskom odnikudTo tui je google translate sa fr na en. |
alanmaras |
Posted - 23/11/2007 : 13:27:06 jaaaaaaaaaaki od kuda si izvukao ovo na engleskom? daj neki link |
William_Wallace |
Posted - 22/11/2007 : 21:11:51 Bice super da ovo objavi Beli Put ili Fibre. Ne mogu ni da docekam! |
jaki |
Posted - 22/11/2007 : 20:03:28 Book 1 Eagles Rome (Les), Vols 1
A young barbaric becomes the blood brother of the son of Roman dignitary with whom he was educated. Setting up promising (and splendid) of the new Marini, the first author complete!
The story: In the year 9 BC, the youngest barbaric germain Ermanamer is older than a decade when he witnessed the surrender of its people, chérusques before the Roman legions. As a sign of allegiance and to seal the armistice, two sons princes are then handed over as "hostage" to Augustus. They are taken to Rome, where they will receive an education worthy of their rank. On the same principle, eight years later, it was the turn of Ermanamer to be sent to Rome. The emperor entrusted his education (the equivalent of an order) to Titus Valerius Falco, a former military instructor cruel and authoritarian. Disappointed to have been convened in Palatine for the adoption and not for command of a legion, Valerius not yet known at the time that the young barbarian has already met in coursives with his son Marcus. The two young impetuous have hated at first sight and rouent strokes. Valerius leaves in its domus with the firm intention of both reject mater: he entrusts it to Volcanus, a former gladiator not very tender. In the weeks, months and years that followed, Marcus and Ermanamer live together, sharing a strict military education and intellectual… and eventually forge a friendship virile but robust, based on the rivalry.
What we think on the planet BD: After drawing more than 25 albums within 5 superb series (in chronological order: Olivier Varese, Gipsy, The desert star, Raptors, the scorpion), Enrico Marini becomes the first author to complete. But for his first screenplay, the most french authors Swiss Italian treats a special thing. After 5 years of research and writings, he delivers a peplum located somewhere between Cassio and Murena, that is documented, thorough, and above all sumptuously designed! Is it bother encenser once again talent graph Marini and pointing out that its first BD carried out at 100%, the author renewed efforts? There is therefore no substantive penalty in the time, even though the story uses a ton romancé and that the overall plot borrows relatively marked trails. The topics of enemy brothers, whose reports are based on sinusoidal tests, is indeed as old as the hills (in the same vein, in another era, read the fabulous black Sang!). Note that like Murena, some erotic scenes inherent in the reality of mores of the time (in terms of feminine curves, the author defends itself somewhat), however, reserve the BD to more than 16 years. Of course, purists may then s'effaroucher heard insults trivial contemporary well in the mouth of these young warriors Roman… But we did not wait for the twenty-first century for s'invectiver cheerfully and Marini would still not write her dialogues in Latin! In short, when the re-enactment is also well-orchestrated, which seeks both characters, that the design is exquisite, we will not shun our pleasure! A very promising start… |
Peyo |
Posted - 16/11/2007 : 14:46:57 14 stranica previewa na
alanmaras |
Posted - 16/11/2007 : 12:45:57 ovo izgleda jako dobro, ima li toga na engleskom? |
axle munshine |
Posted - 15/11/2007 : 18:53:27 Marlowe je u pravu,ako ce neko prvi ovo objaviti na ovim prostorima bice to Politikin Zabavnik,definitivno...mada,licno,vise bih voleo da to objavi neki drugi izdavac kao album...we'll see... |
wiskey |
Posted - 15/11/2007 : 13:46:05 Moj prvi kontakt s Marinijem je bio strip "Škorpija" u PZ, a onda i "Džipsi". Oduševio me odmah i mislim da je on jedan od trenutno najboljih u svijetu. Još kada se udruži sa jednako tako dobrim scenaristom, kao npr. Desberg, Smolderen... |
marlowe |
Posted - 15/11/2007 : 11:09:16 Meni ovo lici na materijal koji bi Zabavnik rado objavio. |
Peyo |
Posted - 15/11/2007 : 11:06:42 Da ove neke scene podsjećaju na Gladijatora i da, sjajan je crtež od Marinija.
Ali meni je on sjajan i u Raptorsima, Scorpionu i Gipsiju.
Znači li ovo da ćemo ga brzo čitati da je u igri netko od trolista System-Marketprint-Politikin Zabavnik ...
Informacija bi bila dragocjena, da se ne kupuje francusko izdanje ako nije nužno ... |
idado |
Posted - 15/11/2007 : 08:20:44 Učimo nekadašnji svjetski jezik no.1 - francuski! |
risbozg |
Posted - 15/11/2007 : 08:05:23 odličan crtež - bilo bi ljepo to imati na hrvatskom :-))) |
manhunter |
Posted - 15/11/2007 : 00:10:52 Bezobrazno kako je skinuo pojedine scene iz Gladijatora!! Ali svejedno sjajno izgleda! |
Inferno |
Posted - 15/11/2007 : 00:04:46 Skidam kapu! |
Renky |
Posted - 14/11/2007 : 23:51:56 Super! Bez obzira na vidljivu inspiraciju u Gladijatoru. |
William_Wallace |
Posted - 14/11/2007 : 23:38:20 Crtez je stvrano perverzija!!! Fenomenalan! |
axle munshine |
Posted - 14/11/2007 : 23:28:49 quote: Originally posted by jaki
znaš li nešto šta mi ne znamo?
Ako mislis na izdavanje ovog serijala kod nas,onda ne,a za nesto drugo,hmm,pa neznam sta vi ostali znate,eto... |
jaki |
Posted - 14/11/2007 : 23:14:47 znaš li nešto šta mi ne znamo? |
axle munshine |
Posted - 14/11/2007 : 20:31:29 He,jebote,a ja taman razmisljao da pokrenem topik o ovom serijalu,al' Jaki me preduhitri... Btw,ovo je Marini kao kompletan autor,do sada je uspesno saradjivao sa scenaristima Smolderenom,Desbergom i Dufauxom,inace je na ovim prostorima dobro poznat i objavljivan,bar sve ono sto je znacajno za njega.Slazem se da mu je crtez u Rimskim orlovima,ovom novom serijalu,sjajan,a i da cemo vrlo brzo ovo moci citati i kod nas... |