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 Les armes du Meta Baron/Final Incal

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jaki Posted - 11/05/2008 : 14:48:42
sa jednog sajta:
Hey guys,

After a little search over the Humanoides web-site, I've some news that need some sharing !!!
1 - "Dreamshifters" has a new name "Les Armes du Méta-Baron" ("Meta-Baron's Weapons").
2 - The story has been and is re-written so it's cut in three stories : the first is the pages already drawn by Travis, the second is to be drawn by a dude named Janjetov, the artist of the last part hasn't been told to the public yet.
3 - the book will be made of one huge volume (no page count yet).
4 - no release date yet as the book is still far from beeing finished ... it'll be worth the wait anyway : Travis had some of his Meta-Baron original with him last time I saw him in Paris and it's incredible stuff.

See ya.

PS : for those who might give a damn, Humanoides will release a series named "Final Incal" with art by Ladronn ...
it should be out very soon in two editions (delux : April / regular : May).
Charest i Ladronn,dva moja najdraža crtaća.Valjda ću dočekati te Metabarune od Charesta a koliko vidim za Inkala je datum izlaska već određen.
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jaki Posted - 02/09/2014 : 12:19:16
nadam se uskoro i kod nas(HR).
jaki Posted - 05/11/2011 : 22:22:10
jaki Posted - 08/06/2011 : 17:45:43
jaki Posted - 20/04/2011 : 21:18:02
Raymond Posted - 20/04/2011 : 21:11:59
Znaci ovo Fibra objavljuje u Inkal 2 ili kako?
jaki Posted - 20/03/2011 : 18:22:51
Final Incal 2
axle munshine Posted - 29/05/2008 : 20:07:41
Originally posted by Raymond

ma nije los taj meksikanac Ladronn samo nije on ni jedan prst Moebiusu i ja kazem...
Raymond Posted - 29/05/2008 : 17:23:25
ma nije los taj meksikanac Ladronn samo nije on ni jedan prst Moebiusu
jaki Posted - 14/05/2008 : 04:05:07
Originally posted by axle munshine

Odlican je Ladronn,ali Grande Maestro Moebius je JEDAN JEDINI...

a Ladronna su dva?
darth-vader Posted - 13/05/2008 : 21:27:12
auuu, koje riječi...
Mora da je onda zbilja dobar
Raspucin Posted - 13/05/2008 : 21:16:16
Himenez je stvarno nešto neviđeno. Koji je on crtač, jebem ti boga!
axle munshine Posted - 13/05/2008 : 21:10:25
Odlican je Ladronn,ali Grande Maestro Moebius je JEDAN JEDINI...
jaki Posted - 13/05/2008 : 20:24:28
a evo i Talijančića:
jaki Posted - 13/05/2008 : 20:23:16
a i ovo izgleda zanimljivo:
jaki Posted - 13/05/2008 : 20:17:00
a evo i Gimeneza:
jaki Posted - 13/05/2008 : 20:11:34
pogledajte kako Ladronn rastura,bolji je od Moebiusa(jebiga valjda će se sada neko javiti?).
jaki Posted - 11/05/2008 : 14:57:32
evo Incala:
Translation: French » English

Ladrönn shows us with a precision never matched, a luxury details and even a realistic film part of the adventures of John Difool. The City-Wells and his robots will never been seen like this! But John Difool either because in this story, it multiplies, gifted with ubiquity it becomes four times himself, featuring four very different aspects of his personality. Needless to say they have sometimes found it difficult to coexist.
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