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 Airborne 44

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tutta Posted - 31/01/2013 : 23:20:07
Airborne 44

Scenario: Jarbinet, Philippe
Drawing: Jarbinet, Philippe
Colors: Jarbinet, Philippe
Publisher: Casterman - Salleck Publications (Eckart Schott Verlag) (Germany)
Format: Large Format/HC
Boards: 46 (1-4)
Genre: History/War (WW II)
Country: France/Belgium



Airborne 44 -1- Là où tombent les hommes (09/2009)

Summary album: December 1944 Battle of the Bulge raged for several days. In a forest frozen with snow and frost, ultimate ears explosions still manage a GI Airborne shot in the snow. Facing him, two children helpless trying to prevent him from dying. But in his back, a bloodstain grows inexorably ... Flashback. The war over, power [...]

Airborne 44 -2- Demain sera sans nous (09/2009)

Summary album: Light red. Basins. Enlarger. Photos that dry on a wire ... In the room where his brother developed his photos before the war, Gabrielle looks Osterlin show the faces of women and children, naked bodies against guns and pits in the middle of nowhere. The reality of the Nazi past springs on photo paper, supported by the strength of a narrative detail [...]

Airborne 44 -3- Omaha Beach (09/2011)

Summary album: In 1938, a young Franco-American 17 years, Gavin is on holiday with his parents on the Normandy coast. He falls in love with an attractive young French woman, Joanne, and will live on site, within a few weeks, the best summer of his life. Six years later, June 6, 1944, in the line of fire of the German batteries, Gavin is preparing to set foot on Norman soil, the [...]

Airborne 44 -4- Destins croisés (02/2012)

Info- Continuation and end of the second series.

All (1-4)


Info edition: including box 1 and 2 album
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tutta Posted - 23/07/2018 : 23:01:56
Airborne 44 -7- Génération perdue

Tutta Posted - 31/10/2015 : 23:21:16
World War II | Invasion of Fortress Europe | 82nd Airborne & 101st Airborne Divisions

Tutta Posted - 31/10/2015 : 23:19:26
Airborne 44 -6- L'Hiver aux armes


HC / 54 pages

Content: The December 21, 1944, Tessa Johansson, pilot in the Air Transport Auxiliary English, has crashed flying a P-51 Mustang in the forest north of Bastogne, somewhere behind the German lines.
Collected by an old man and his little son, she was forced to flee with them the reassuring warmth of their farm besieged by German soldiers.
Two days later, while the German army continues to exert pressure on deadly city, the scouts deWitt Tom and Sebastian Leder will land by parachute to install beacons to guide the tanker allies. Slightly concussed during the operation, Tom learns that Seb found their mutation in the 101st Airborne Division of the intelligence service. Sent to the front in order to identify enemy positions, the two friends will face the harshness of combat and the endless nights spent in a cold extrême.Tous will not survive this final confrontation in which the misery of the 30s led them.

jaki Posted - 23/04/2014 : 11:42:58
Originally posted by split85

Ima li na engleskom ?

peti album će ove godine izaći i na fr i na engleskom u čast obilježavanja 70 godina desanta na normandiju,koji je i tema tog albuma.
Tutta Posted - 23/04/2014 : 11:02:50
Battle of the Bulge (Die Ardennenoffensive)


Die Ardennenoffensive
Tutta Posted - 23/04/2014 : 10:56:54
Airborne 44 -5- S’il faut survivre (04/2014)

In the wake of the tetralogy Airborne 44, the first part of a new diptych, led brilliantly against the background of World War II. Dec. 1944. Whereas in the Ardennes, Nazi Germany cornered just launched a spectacular against offensive, all available aircraft are required to go on site support Allied troops fought hard. Including civil aircraft of the Air Transport Auxiliary, a British organization that has the particularity to integrate female pilots. This is one of those operations ferry between England and Belgium makes certain young Tessa, retired American pilot longstanding commitment to support this unit. But this time, it unlucky. Following an aerial duel, the young woman made ​​an emergency landing in forest just behind the German lines. Close to Bastogne, where the fights are the hardest ... One issue to try to recover: parachute commando on-site emergency. A mission that will take over Sebastian Leder and Tom De Witt. The both are considered elite scouts. But they also have in common is well known Tessa since their early years here in America ...
corto33 Posted - 18/02/2013 : 09:38:13
Nabavio sam talijanski integral 1-4.
Albuma 1 i 2 sastavljata jednu priču a albuma 3 i 4 drugu, tako da se 3 i 4 može čitati nezavisno od 1 i 2.

Baš sam jučer pročitao do kraja. Dobar crtež in zanimljiva priča ali sve u svemu ništa specijalno. Tardijevi "ratni" stripovi su puno bolji.
going going Posted - 17/02/2013 : 15:19:05
Ima hrpa odlicnih francuskih strip serijala, koje bi trebalo da se objave.

Bas bi bilo super da ovo i Cosa Nostra i Wanted imas u Darkwoodovom izdanju!
Tutta Posted - 17/02/2013 : 15:08:40
Na Njemackom. Salleck Publications ce gurati dalje,provjerio sam.
split85 Posted - 01/02/2013 : 09:14:37
Ima li na engleskom ?
Tutta Posted - 31/01/2013 : 23:57:05
ja imam 1.i 2. .a negdje je izgleda zapelo,3.broja jos nema u njemackoj. more bit da je Salleck Publications odustao. morat cu se raspitati. a to je se cesce u njemackoj desilo. pocmu i onda kod bilo kojeg broja stanu.
split85 Posted - 31/01/2013 : 23:34:15
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