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 Bande dessinée
 Under Black Flag / Pavillion noir* (Org.)*

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tutta Posted - 07/02/2013 : 15:33:53
Under Black Flag

Original title: Pavillion noir
Publisher: Soleil / Splitter Verlag (Germany)
Released: 03.2011 - Appears yet
Genre: Adventure/Fantasy Subgenre: Maritime / pirates
Country of origin: France / Belgium
Drawings: Brice Bingono
Text: Eric Corbeyran
Pages: 48

Story: Piratenkäpt'n Dan Dark has a treasure map that can not decipher it. With the help of his two companions, the hotheaded Bonnie and loyal Killing Howie, he kidnapped the former slave Mahalia, whose grandfather is able to solve the riddle of the map. After a turbulent visit to the old blind man rushing on the heels of one Ureinwohnerstam Käptäns, Dark finds out the hiding place of the treasure and he and his loyal team in search of a mythical island.

1.D'écume et de sang (03/2011)

2.Par-delà les océans (07/2012)

1 & 2 -

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DODSFERD Posted - 13/04/2014 : 21:49:00
Ova prva naslovnica je stvarno vrhunski odrađena, pravi melem za oči.
Tutta Posted - 12/04/2014 : 01:52:43

3.Dans les entrailles du temps (10/2013)


osim Posted - 09/02/2013 : 09:04:53
Hollywood se odavno uselio u BD i preti da ga potpuno potopi!
Tutta Posted - 08/02/2013 : 13:16:41
Po svemu sudeci,prica se odigrava u .Nigdje ne pise, neki tocniji vremenski podatak. Imam ih oba,nisam jos procitao,al ono kako sam malo "zavirio",baca na "Pirates of the Caribbean".
tutto maxim Posted - 08/02/2013 : 11:07:57
U kom veku se dogadja radnja?
DzekDenijels Posted - 08/02/2013 : 04:41:38
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