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 I Am Legion (Org)***

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tutta Posted - 28/02/2013 : 08:23:34
I Am Legion

Publisher: Humanoids Publishing / DC Comics / Devil's Due Productions / Cross Cult (Amigo Grafik) Germany
Writer(s): Fabien Nury
Artist(s): John Cassaday
Genre: War/Thriller
Publication date: January – July 2009
Number of issues: 4 (6)*
Country of origin: France / Belgium

Publication history:The series was originally published by Les Humanoïdes Associés in three albums, Le faune dansant (The Dancing Faun, June 2004), Vlad (January 2006) and Les trois singes (The Three Monkeys, November 2007). This was then translated into English by Justin Kelly and was originally released in 2004 by the American-based arm of Humanoïdes, Humanoids Publishing, through their deal with DC Comics but only one prestige format book was released. The series was later split into six comic books under a new deal between Humanoids and Devil's Due Productions and finally fully released in 2009.

A dark thriller with stunning artwork by U.S. star artist John Cassaday

Blood has always been a special liquid. In 1942, the SS officer Rudolf Heyzig works in Romania together with an entity that may her soul through blood transfusion from one body to the next transfer. The goal Heyzigs: to create an invincible army that gets their beliefs inculcated. His problem: the essence is in the body of a ten year old girl.

Even the London intelligence it gets to the essence to do. A London mansion was blown up - Stanley Pilgrim to investigate the case. He discovered that the explosion may be a secret project in the context of Churchill is that prepared this against a specific officer Heyzig ...

Ideologies and powers meet in a fierce battle that will decide the outcome of the war ...


1. Le faune dansant (06/2004)

2. Vlad (01/2006)

3. Les trois singes (11/2007)



Devil's Due Productions - Cover Issues 1-6 *

Ako nekog ovaj strip zanima,kontaktiraj - bosancicigor!

Ich bin Legion (11/2008) by Cross Cult (Amigo Grafik)

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tutta Posted - 14/07/2014 : 17:18:07
OT - I Am Legion

King Warrior Posted - 01/03/2013 : 20:46:43
Naslov i naslovnica su toliko mocni da jednostavno nisam mogao da odolim ovom izdanju prije nekoliko godina.
Prica je onda bila, manje-vise, razocarenje.
Najveca zamjerka je razvucenost i previse nepotrebnih dijaloga.
manhunter Posted - 28/02/2013 : 19:46:35
Originally posted by anto

Originally posted by manhunter

Strip je više nego dobar.

I am legion. I do not forget. I do not forgive.

anto Posted - 28/02/2013 : 17:21:08
Originally posted by manhunter

Strip je više nego dobar.

I am legion. I do not forget. I do not forgive.
manhunter Posted - 28/02/2013 : 17:06:18
Strip je više nego dobar.
anto Posted - 28/02/2013 : 16:08:45
ovaj mi strip deluje baš zanimljivo - voleo bih ga imati u domaćem izdanju.
Tutta Posted - 28/02/2013 : 14:33:58
A kud ces bolju reklamu!
jaki Posted - 28/02/2013 : 10:44:54
bosancicigor Posted - 28/02/2013 : 09:14:32
A ima ga i ovdje na aukcijama....ko bi reko?
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