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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tutta Posted - 16/05/2013 : 17:23:04

Story:Since they landed in America, Hernan Cortes and his army are considered gods by the Aztec emperor Moctezuma. It's been a long time Cortes work more for him than for distant Spanish crown ... While he goes to meet a punitive expedition mounted to remind him of his allegiance, Cortes gave missions a diverse group, combining soldiers and mercenaries to steal the priceless treasure Moctezuma.Parmi them, the loyal soldier Hernando Royo ... The group of adventurers will soon decimated by a mysterious entity that continues in the jungle. Mythical creature or killers everything more human? It does not attack with impunity and powerful ancient Aztec legends ...


Scenario: Dufaux, Jean
Design: Xavier Philippe
Colors: Chagnaud, Jean-Jacques
Legal deposit: 04/2012
Publisher: Glénat
Format: Large Format
Boards: 62
Style: Adventure,Fantasy

Summary of the album: It does not attack with impunity Aztec Treasure ... Since they landed in America, Hernán Cortés and his army are considered gods by the Aztec emperor Moctezuma?. It's been a long time that Cortes? PIECE more to him than to the distant crown? Spain? While that? He goes to meet with? Mounted a punitive expedition to remind him of his allegiance, Cortes gave missions a diverse group, combining soldiers and mercenaries to steal? Priceless treasure Moctezuma.Parmi them, the loyal soldier Hernando Royo? The group? Adventurers will soon decimated by a mysterious entity that continues in the jungle. Mythical creature or killers all that? There are more human? S there? Not attack with impunity and powerful ancient Aztec legends? A saga? Adventure, oppressive and mystical tinted fantastic, by the authors of the Crusades.


Scenario: Dufaux, Jean
Design: Xavier Philippe
Colors: Chagnaud, Jean-Jacques
Legal deposit: 11/2012
Publisher: Glénat
Format: Large Format
Boards: 62
Style: Adventure,Fantasy

Summary of the album: The man is a toy in the hands of the devil ... After looting the treasury of the Aztec emperor Moctezuma, the group of adventurers commissioned by Cortés fled and knows the?? ? hell in the jungle? This is not so much the incessant attacks of...


© 2012 The Sculptors Bubbles Dufaux / Xavier

Scenario: Dufaux, Jean
Design: Xavier Philippe
Legal deposit: 10/2012 (Published on 12/12/2012)
Publisher: The Sculptors Bubbles
Format: Other Format
Boards: 125

Information : The Complete Volumes 1 and 2, forming the complete cycle of Conquistador denim Dufaux and Philippe Xavier. 555 copies only. Accompanied by a bookplate for Certificate numbered and signed by Philippe Xavier. Softcover with flaps 350g. 20 x 26.5 cm. Galaxi Keramic coated paper semi-matte 170 g.


Publisher: The Sculptors Bubbles
Format: Large Format
Boards: 80

Publishing Info: Draw head, No. 300 copies / S by Dr. Xavier. Format 25x34 cm "French" 62 pages listing the entire tome1 in NetB, highlighting the original work of Xavier 18 pages of graphics research and sketches 1 bookplate large color folded 2 is inserted into the 1 album bookplates unique in format 20x30 cm NetB offered to subscribers.


Publisher / Germany : Splitter (05/2013) / HC






24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
anto Posted - 09/07/2018 : 13:57:51
Difo&Gzavije:Konkvistador,prvi tom (Phoenix Press)
Difo&Gzavije:Konkvistador,drugi tom (Phoenix Press)

Prva dva naslova iz Phoenix Pressove edicije Uroboros su pojedinačni albumi serijala Konkvistador,scenariste Žana Difoa (Tugovanka,Murena,Đin,Jaguar,Đakomo C.) i hu_d_fak_iz Filip Gzavijea.

Ernando De la Roj je španski plemić,koga čuveni Ernan Kortes angažuje da pod vođstvom Kataline Gerero sa nekolko sadruga,ludih kao i on što je,ukradu neverovatno blago Astečkog imperatora Montezume iz srca Tenohitlana.Samoubilačka misija dostojna Kortesove male družine;ali da stvari budu gore,opasnost im preti i od njihovih,trupa generala De Narvaeza (koji je po uputama španskog kralja krenuo da kazni Korteza koji se očigledno bogati na svoj račun),kao i od astečkog sveštenika Okza,koji iza sebe ima boga-demona Txlaku koji će krenuti da ih proganja.Zajedno sa otomijima,astečkim ratnicima.

Prvi album mi je nešto bolji od drugog - nisam pristalica fantastičnih elemenata u istorijskom žanru,a u drugom tomu ih previše za moj ukus.
Crtež Gzavijea je dobar,krupan,ali malo presterilan za moj ukus.
Odlični tekstualni uvodi u oba albuma.


Na žalost,ove dve knjige ne čine zaokruženu celinu iako navodno su zaokružile prvi ciklus.
risbozg Posted - 15/04/2018 : 09:22:42
Originally posted by izivko

Čitao, naravno i odustao.

Meni se nije svidilo. Ali ne sjećam se više, možda sam bio cugnuo.

Dr. Zistis Posted - 14/04/2018 : 14:30:51
Originally posted by izivko

Čitao, naravno i odustao.

Meni se nije svidilo. Ali ne sjećam se više, možda sam bio cugnuo.

Nikakve koristi od tebe
izivko Posted - 13/04/2018 : 19:22:59
Čitao, naravno i odustao.

Meni se nije svidilo. Ali ne sjećam se više, možda sam bio cugnuo.
Dr. Zistis Posted - 13/04/2018 : 18:51:34
Jel' citao neko ovo...neke impresije...crtez izgleda fantasticno
anto Posted - 25/02/2018 : 16:26:08
napisao je to isto i tutta par postova gore,ali jaki nije skoncetrisan.
axle munshine Posted - 25/02/2018 : 16:15:45
Originally posted by jaki

Pomalo,nije jos objavljen:)

Jeste, prva dva albuma od PP...
jaki Posted - 25/02/2018 : 06:10:56
Pomalo,nije jos objavljen:)
Tutta Posted - 24/02/2018 : 21:53:29

Bogte, skoro pet godina prošlo... a meni se čin, ko da je jučer bilo, kad sam topic otvorio...
gerilac1 Posted - 24/02/2018 : 21:46:45
Tuta ti ga nasluti Dobar je strip nema sta
Tutta Posted - 24/02/2018 : 20:54:46
raic1922 Posted - 04/12/2014 : 21:59:18
Pitam se nekad, zašto ne ucim francuski?
Tutta Posted - 04/12/2014 : 21:33:34

Vol. 4 (03/2015)


Tutta Posted - 15/05/2014 : 23:22:36





ninel Posted - 23/12/2013 : 15:19:09
Originally posted by Johnny Difool

Ovo izgleda odlično!
Perle? Karusel? Fibra?

Na prvu me asociralo na Putnike vjetra, pa bi bilo lijepo kad bi Putnike... recimo Fibra objavila u integralu.

Evo, tek sad sam vidio da imamo iste asociacije...
Tutta Posted - 23/12/2013 : 15:05:39
Drugi broj je trebao i kraj bit,al radi dobre prodaje,su odlucili ici dalje .(Info sa foruma). To more i valjat, a moze i metak u nazad bit.
ninel Posted - 23/12/2013 : 12:15:33
Ovaj crtež (malo podseća na Bourgeona) i montaža stvarno ne izgledaju loše...
Andrej Posted - 23/12/2013 : 11:40:09
Crtež odličan a i priča izgleda zanimljivo...
teller Posted - 23/12/2013 : 10:16:31
hoće to netko objavit?...zaslužuje to Conkvistador.
Tutta Posted - 18/09/2013 : 02:13:18
Preview: Tome 3


Johnny Difool Posted - 17/05/2013 : 11:38:20
Ovo izgleda odlično!
Perle? Karusel? Fibra?

Na prvu me asociralo na Putnike vjetra, pa bi bilo lijepo kad bi Putnike... recimo Fibra objavila u integralu.
dicmanjac Posted - 16/05/2013 : 23:10:25
Baš po mom guštu :D
dsormaz1 Posted - 16/05/2013 : 20:07:45
Ovo mi se čini zanimljivo.
Kad bi to netko kod nas objavio...
tinton Posted - 16/05/2013 : 19:10:08
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