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T O P I C    R E V I E W
manhunter Posted - 09/09/2008 : 18:56:18
Hoće li valjati ovo???

X-Men: Magneto Testament promises to be a powerful series that will great a definitive 616 recounting of the rise of one the premier villains in Marvel comics. The writer, Greg Pak, included an afterward to the first issue that explains the level of research and the creative decisions that have gone into crafting this 5 issue mini-series. As any long time reader of the various X-Men books know, there are a lot of conflicting details in the 45 years that Magneto stories have been written. Pak and editor Warren Simmons have done exhaustive research to compile those facts and have made certain choices to create a cohesive and comprehensive story of Magneto#700;s life that is entertaining and provocative. While it#700;s hard to please die hard fans, I can#700;t imagine anyone being disappointed by this excellent book.

As we all know, Magneto grows up in the midst of the rise of Nazi Germany and is a victim of the blind racial prejudice that was a cornerstone of the movement. Naturally this book will be dealing with some very heavy issues as well as the pain of personally tragedy.

The first issue opens up with Magneto at age 9, living with his family and attending school. He is still an innocent at this point, though his world view is quickly challenged by the growing intolerance and injustice around him.

Gregory Pak does a great job of creating real characters struggling to maintain optimism and happiness in an increasingly oppressive world. The art by Carmine Di Giandomenico creates an historic world o 1930s Germany that is both beautiful and scary. With just a few strokes, he can create compelling emotions of fear, hate and love. His large rally scenes are also quite impressive. The painted colors by Matt Hollingsworth are also beautifully rendered.

The first issue of Magneto Testament is an excellent book and promises to be a must have for all X fans.
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Man_of_Steel Posted - 21/09/2008 : 22:21:26
Originally posted by mali od palube

Originally posted by Man_of_Steel

Originally posted by mali od palube

I ja ću se potruditi doći do ovog! Crtež je fantstičan!!!

Oćeš da ti naručim kad i meni?

Probat ću namolit rođaka iz New Jerseya da mi ga nabavi. Hvala na ponudi!

NP, vidim da si se zagrejao ko ja...
mali od palube Posted - 20/09/2008 : 22:35:26
Originally posted by Man_of_Steel

Originally posted by mali od palube

I ja ću se potruditi doći do ovog! Crtež je fantstičan!!!

Oćeš da ti naručim kad i meni?

Probat ću namolit rođaka iz New Jerseya da mi ga nabavi. Hvala na ponudi!
manhunter Posted - 15/09/2008 : 21:32:23
Man_of_Steel Posted - 15/09/2008 : 20:34:24
Originally posted by Milazzo

Gdje to kogu kupiti...u strip knjizari ili...?

To nemožeš nigde kupiti, ali možeš moliti tetku u San Francisku da ti pošalje paketom...
Milazzo Posted - 15/09/2008 : 16:18:01
Gdje to kogu kupiti...u strip knjizari ili...?
Man_of_Steel Posted - 14/09/2008 : 20:56:10
Originally posted by mali od palube

I ja ću se potruditi doći do ovog! Crtež je fantstičan!!!

Oćeš da ti naručim kad i meni?
Milazzo Posted - 14/09/2008 : 15:28:04
Lijepo je...bas mi se svidja!!!!
mali od palube Posted - 14/09/2008 : 14:31:52
I ja ću se potruditi doći do ovog! Crtež je fantstičan!!!
Man_of_Steel Posted - 14/09/2008 : 12:04:23
Neznam kkao vi, ali ja baš volim vake stvari...
Potrudiću se da do ovog dođem...
manhunter Posted - 13/09/2008 : 23:19:43

mali od palube Posted - 13/09/2008 : 21:05:06
Originally posted by Emir Pasanovic

Nije loše, samo što naravno, nema nikakvih superherojskih elemenata. ;) Osim ako bacanje koplja smatrate superherojstvom.

Kako ne?! Nije to samo tako!!!
Milazzo Posted - 12/09/2008 : 19:35:48
Originally posted by Windwalker

Originally posted by Milazzo

Originally posted by Death

Naslovnica obečava.

Da, stvarno lijepo izgleda...dobar je ovaj odsjaj u krvi!

Slično kao na posteru za SW1, mladi Anakin i Vaderova sjena iza njega.

Znam. Ja sam vidio puno sjena iza super junaka i takvo mi lijepo izgleda!
Emir Pasanovic Posted - 12/09/2008 : 16:42:10
Nije loše, samo što naravno, nema nikakvih superherojskih elemenata. ;) Osim ako bacanje koplja smatrate superherojstvom.
TinK2 Posted - 12/09/2008 : 16:41:35
Ima stila...
Windwalker Posted - 12/09/2008 : 16:27:51
Originally posted by Milazzo

Originally posted by Death

Naslovnica obečava.

Da, stvarno lijepo izgleda...dobar je ovaj odsjaj u krvi!

Slično kao na posteru za SW1, mladi Anakin i Vaderova sjena iza njega.
mali od palube Posted - 10/09/2008 : 21:46:34
Originally posted by Man_of_Steel

Originally posted by mali od palube

Kao svaki marvelov fan KUPUJEM!!!

Kako i gde!?

Djole Posted - 10/09/2008 : 21:22:44
Originally posted by manhunter

Kao i sve ostale superherojske priče.

Pa ne baš.

Odnosno, može se reći da su sve priče uopšte ispričane a ne samo super-herojske. Pa opet s vremena na vreme dobiješ All star Supermana.

Originally posted by manhunter

nam je svima poznato, ali me svejedno zanima kako će ispasti.
Osim toga, ovo je prvi posebni serijal o Magnetu, zar ne???

Pa ne baš.

"Magneto's first original title was the four-issue miniseries Magneto (Nov. 1996 - Feb. 1997), by writers Peter Milligan & Jorge Gonzalez, and penciller Kelley Jones. The miniseries took place during a period where it was believed Magneto had been de-aged and was suffering from amnesia, calling himself Joseph; it was later revealed that Joseph was a younger clone of Magneto. Later, Magneto became ruler of the nation Genosha. During this period, he received two miniseries; Magneto Rex (written by Joe Pruett and drawn by Brandon Peterson) and Magneto: Dark Seduction (written by Fabian Nicieza and drawn by Roger Cruz)."
Man_of_Steel Posted - 10/09/2008 : 19:50:46
Originally posted by mali od palube

Kao svaki marvelov fan KUPUJEM!!!

Kako i gde!?
manhunter Posted - 10/09/2008 : 18:28:16
Originally posted by Djole

Trilijardu puta ispričana priča.

Kao i sve ostale superherojske priče. To nam je svima poznato, ali me svejedno zanima kako će ispasti.
Osim toga, ovo je prvi posebni serijal o Magnetu, zar ne???
mali od palube Posted - 10/09/2008 : 16:31:38
Kao svaki marvelov fan KUPUJEM!!!
Man_of_Steel Posted - 10/09/2008 : 14:10:13
Mora da će da valje...
Probaću, pa ne boli...

Ako se dopadne dobro, ako ne dopadne-opet dobro!
Djole Posted - 09/09/2008 : 20:07:23
Trilijardu puta ispričana priča. No, Pak je solidan super-herojski scenarista, i možda bude vizuelno primamljivo.
Milazzo Posted - 09/09/2008 : 19:40:24
Originally posted by Death

Naslovnica obečava.

Da, stvarno lijepo izgleda...dobar je ovaj odsjaj u krvi!
Death Posted - 09/09/2008 : 19:34:55
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