T O P I C R E V I E W |
jaki |
Posted - 28/10/2008 : 13:58:39 Stiga je!Izdavač:Andrews McMeel Publishing Format:A-4(jedan cm manje po visini) Obojenost:boja Autori:Mark Schultz-pisac Gary Gianni-crtač Broj stranica:192+korice Papir:čisti bijeli(nije kunstdruck) Sadržaj:Nedjeljne table PV od 21.11.04 do 18.05.08 Korice:Meke Cijena:19.99 USD Ne,nisam ga ja izdao:) [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
13 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Gil-galad |
Posted - 15/06/2009 : 00:56:57 (izvor: Newsrama.com)
Prince Valiant: Far From Camelot Written by Mark Schultz Illustrated by Gary Gianni Published by Andrews McNeel Publishing Reviewed by Michael C Lorah 06 April 2009 04:08 pm ET
Here’s an irony: as I get older and crankier (hah!), I find most adventure fiction overblown and self-important. I barely read any superhero comics or see many action movies any more. Yet I find myself more and more intoxicated by classic adventure fiction, or at least stories that build on the traditions of classic adventure fiction. Case in point, Prince Valiant: Far From Camelot, a book-form collection of the Prince Valiant Sunday pages from Nov. 21, 2004, to May 18, 2008, is one of the most solidly entertaining and purely fun comics I’ve read in a long while.
If you have much experience with Valiant’s adventures, there’s probably not much here to surprise you. Schultz and Gianni aren’t re-inventing the wheel – they’re just running on treads that haven’t been used much lately. His wandering spirit running high, Val sets out from Camelot, with his son Nathan along as his squire and apprentice, to indulge insome derring-do knighting. What follows involves battling sea monsters; Val’s kidnapping, escape but honor-bound binding to a cause; his efforts to lead disparate factions of soldiers and pirates; travel to two continents; and fighting mystical and military threats that test the spirit of a true hero.
Far From Camelot’s lack of pretension is a huge asset. Schultz simply relies on a strong plot, inventive twists and his understanding of folklore and Biblical mythology to put Val into situations that require cunning and strength to overcome. Though the answers aren’t always obvious in the short term, Val’s determination and unwavering honor provide inspiration to his allies and the book’s readers alike.The characters the cross Val’s path all push him in different manners, showing his fickle humanity while still leading to a deeper understanding of the nobility and honor that drive him.
Probably the most impressive aspect of Schultz’s script, however, is how he balances the structure of the once-weekly page against the continuing story. Brief recaps top every page, but nothing is so heavy-handed that it becomes distracting when read in book form. To keep the Sunday readers engaged, the pace is brisk, with some character insight, astonishing threat, unexpected twist or epic battle on literally every page, yet the narrative never feels rushed. It’s simply moving confidently and inexorably to the next link in Val’s fate.
Ace artist Gary Gianni captures everything in stride, with cross-hatched details that places readers firmly in Val’s archaic time period. Gianni makes excellent use of each page, framing every panel for maximum drama. His ability to convey movement is simply superb, his use of shadow adds depth and weight to every image. Perhaps most impressive, Gianni makes everything – Norse longboats, crocodiles, African kingdoms, sea monsters, Val’s beloved Camelot – look as if he’d actually witnessed it himself.
Prince Valiant’s been adventuring for seventy-two years now, first under the guidance of his creator Hal Foster, then following the lightof the father/son tandem Cullen Murphy and John Cullen Murphy. MarkSchultz and Gary Gianni are only the third creative team to tackle the legendary Sunday hero, and if Prince Valiant: Far From Camelot is much to judge their efforts by, the Lord of Thule is in great hands. Adventure comics are rarely this much fun. |
kole |
Posted - 20/11/2008 : 19:30:48 Ej ljudi mozda je malo out of topic, ali da li negde na zapadu moze da se kupi celokupni Princ Valiant? Onako u knjigama/tomovima ili kako god vec? Slichno kao sto je Marketprint izdavao? I da li oni izdaju knjigu/tom kad se nakupi novog materijala za nju pa da onda to sve kompiliraju u istu? Da li tamo neko uopste stampa nova izdanja tih starih brojeva ili je i tamo slichno kao i ovde sa marketprintom?
Milazzo |
Posted - 07/11/2008 : 11:02:40 s
risbozg |
Posted - 05/11/2008 : 11:39:41 imaš najtraženiji primjerak na tržištu |
Betty Page |
Posted - 03/11/2008 : 02:27:42 Ja imam od istog autora bosansko izdanje stripa "Srednjovjekovni zamak"..obožavala sam to kao klinka. |
risbozg |
Posted - 31/10/2008 : 10:53:19 ja bi bio najsretniji da doma imam obje varijante :-)) |
mikulan |
Posted - 29/10/2008 : 20:26:34 i meni se isto više sviđa valinat u crno-bijelom izdanju nego u koloru |
Gil-galad |
Posted - 29/10/2008 : 18:45:28 quote: Originally posted by jaki
Amazon.com Strip-13.59$(imaš popust) Poštarina i rukovanje 7.98$(kad uzimaš više knjiga/stripova padne i na 5$ po komadu). Sve skupa sam platio 21.57$ Nešto me zeza image schak pa ne mogu staviti sliku,ali je kraj kad Makeda dođe s krunom Solomona na stepenice pa ima još dvi stranice posli toga.
Hvala još jednom! Pa kad budeš uspeo, postavi sliku! |
Gil-galad |
Posted - 29/10/2008 : 18:44:27 quote: Originally posted by ninel
Princ Valijant + boja =
Apsolutno se slažem! Foster je toliko imao precizan crtež da ga je boja kvarila, dok je Murphyjev ionako siromašniji crtež bio uništen katastrofalnim kolorom.
Gianny je odličan crtač, takođe i njegov Val lepše izgleda c/b. Evo primera:
Mada, ovo što je Jaki slikao super izgleda, pa će dobro doći ipak malo za promenu da čitamo Valianta u boji. Ionako će Marketprint za jedno deset godina da objavi ovo c/b! |
ninel |
Posted - 29/10/2008 : 18:17:47 Princ Valijant + boja = |
jaki |
Posted - 29/10/2008 : 16:19:30 Amazon.com Strip-13.59$(imaš popust) Poštarina i rukovanje 7.98$(kad uzimaš više knjiga/stripova padne i na 5$ po komadu). Sve skupa sam platio 21.57$ Nešto me zeza image schak pa ne mogu staviti sliku,ali je kraj kad Makeda dođe s krunom Solomona na stepenice pa ima još dvi stranice posli toga. |
Milazzo |
Posted - 29/10/2008 : 15:52:58 Super izgleda!
Gil-galad |
Posted - 29/10/2008 : 14:21:55 AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Extra!!!!!!!!!!
E, je l' bi mogao da slikash poslednju stranicu, bash me zanima shta je na njoj, da li samo deo kad Aleta nadje Valianta, ili je ova pricha zavrshena? Makeda se pojavi s onom krunom, bla, bla... Jer trenutno ide povratak u Kamelot...pa me zanima shta je kraj ovog izdanja?
I, poshto do sada nisam naruchivao nishta preko neta, mozesh da mi kazesh preko kog sajta si uzeo i koliko otprilike koshta transport josh, na ovu cenu od 20$? Mozesh i mejlom.
Hvala puno unapred! :)) |