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 Americki strip
 Boneyard #28

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
beli luk Posted - 05/11/2008 : 14:52:34
Zna li neko sta se desava sa ovim?
Na zvanicnom sajtu pise da je odlozeno za septembar, ali ne pise i da je izaslo u septembru.
Nisam nasao nikakvu informaciju na netu.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DusMan Posted - 07/11/2008 : 23:35:26
Siguran sam da ja više čitam stripove koje kupim, nego li Dekara. On to čita u skenu, a za papir ne mari iako ga kupuje. Iako je dolar skočio. :(
beli luk Posted - 07/11/2008 : 22:35:15
Dekaro, nisi se odjavio iz Dushman mode-a.
Zar ti nije cudno sto kupujes stripove a ne citas ih i 13-godisnjakinje su ti "stare koke"?

Hvala za insight, nista novo za Boneyard, ali me zainteresovao taj Red koji najavljuje.
DusMan Posted - 06/11/2008 : 00:07:57
Dushman ti keva!

Čoveče... Mislim da Boneyard nisam čitao bar godinu dana, a koliko vidim za to vreme nije mnogo ni odmakao...
BlekenDekara Posted - 06/11/2008 : 00:05:23
[dushman mode on]
To: richard_moore_ fans@yahoogroups .com
Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 1:42 PM

Hey all--Sorry, Jackie didn't tell me my ears were burning.
Just quickly...I' m working on the third (and last) issue of the current F&B storyline right now. (The second was supposed to be out in August, but AP just switched printers, so all their August titles were delayed till sometime in September.-- See? It's not always my fault!)Then I'll be going back to do Boneyard #28 and close that storyline. After THAT, I'll be doing Gobs for AP. I haven't finished writing it yet, but it looks like it'll clock in at around four or five issues. If I haven't by then (and I won't have), I'll try to finish my children's book next, followed by Red with AP. (Red is a straight horror adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood as a werewolf story, with some cool twists.) After that I have a heart attack scheduled, followed by Billfur and...who knows? I like to play it fast and loose. Oh, and there might be another issue of Blue Grind in there somewhere; I haven't decided if I'll be doing any more adult stuff.
[dushman mode off]

to je ono shto izreche chika Richard sredinom septembra na svojoj news grupi.
posle toga nisam nishta chuo niti je bilo nekih vesti o statusu #28.
nekom logikom, ako nije radio nishta drugo zadnja sveska je sada pri finaliziranju i u najboljem sluchaju moze da izadje u sledetjih mesec+ dana.
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