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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BlekenDekara Posted - 18/11/2008 : 00:56:39
otkud ti u Mamooth Book Of Zombies i zashto taj zombi strip tvoj(+edijev?) nije na spisku Lavirint izdanja za sledetju godinu?:)))

Creators: David Kendall, Vincent Locke, Scott Hampton, Robert E. Howard, Steve Niles, Roy Boney, Darko Macan, Buddy Scalera, Josh Medors, Stephen Blue, Jon Ayre, Edvin Biukovic, Askold Akishin, Kieron Gillen, Andy Bloor, Matthew Shephard, I'm sure some other people the book didn't make it very easy to list
Publishing Information: Running Press, softcover, 480 pages, October 2008, $17.95
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BlekenDekara Posted - 18/11/2008 : 01:37:59
pih, ti ameri i njihova poimanja zombija:)))
mcn Posted - 18/11/2008 : 01:32:43
> zashto taj zombi strip tvoj(+edijev?) nije na spisku Lavirint izdanja za sledetju godinu?:)))

Zato ssto nije o zombima i zato ssto je vech objavljen u Citatima?


Le Samourai Posted - 18/11/2008 : 01:04:26
Ove knjige su fenomenalne, nisam ni video da ima Zombies. Uzeo sam onaj War i svachega je tu bilo (a vala i Macana/Biukovica).
BlekenDekara Posted - 18/11/2008 : 00:58:29
iz recenzije sa Comics Reportera - I think the work I liked best was the Darko Macan/Edvin Biukovic effort, which was in no way a major undertaking but was funny and well drawn. There's a great panel in there of how a certain beautiful woman dominated a social scene that's laugh out loud funny for the way it sums up the situation in this kind of shameless, cartoony way.

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