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 Groo esencijalni

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jaki Posted - 15/05/2009 : 01:05:39
ovo triba imati;


Mark Evanier (W) and Sergio Aragones (A)

On sale Nov 25 FC, 336 pages $24.95 TPB, 6 5/8" x 10"

Behold! The very first omnibus-length collection of Groo.

Originally conceived as a parody of the high-adventure sword-and-sorcery genre, Sergio's well-intentioned but endlessly destructive (and, uh, dumb) warrior has starred in over 150 issues, befriended (and, in many cases, beheaded) an ever-expanding cast of characters, eaten countless bowls of cheese dip, and left an impressive tally of ill-fated comic-book publishers in his wake over nearly three decades.

If you've ever wondered what this Groo character is all about, tried to untangle his early publishing history yourself, or wondered what exactly it is that Mark Evanier does for this book, wait no longer! Look upon Groo's works, ye mighty, and despair!

* Collecting material from Destroyer Duck #1, Starslayer #5, Pacific Comics's Groo the Wanderer #1-#8, Eclipse Comics's Groo the Wanderer Special #1, and Epic's The Groo Chronicles #1-#6.

* Includes hard-to-find bits of Groo history, plus new commentary and strips!

* Featuring the absolute latest in Stan Sakai-generated logo design!

2009 Eisner Award nominee for Best Limited Series--Groo: Hell on Earth
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
King Warrior Posted - 17/05/2009 : 10:51:30
e taman mi je futurama smijesna
kao sto rekoh, alergican sam na njega jos od `43 -ece
ok,jos od 90tih kad sam citao njegovo unistenje DCija i Marvela
fler Posted - 17/05/2009 : 01:11:42
Originally posted by King Warrior

alergican sam na Aragonesa

ovo ti, recimo, nije smiješno?

" target="_blank">
fler Posted - 16/05/2009 : 11:52:04
odlična vijest :)
općenito mi se jako sviđaju te mega-kompilacije, čine popunjavanje rupa puno jednostavnijim.

inače, i ovo me je obradovalo:
dosta dugo sam pokušavao otkriti gdje su u originalu objavljivane kratke Kaneove priče iz domaće Conan Sage, i eto ga.
Raymond Posted - 16/05/2009 : 00:01:44
jooj prije koji mjesec sam poceo citati ovog Groo-a i to je nesto najbolje/najsmjesnije ikada...godinama sam gledao ga na policama u strip sopovima misleci kakav je to shit crtez itd a sad znam da sam grijesio...smjesnije je od Alan Forda [bar za mene]...
King Warrior Posted - 15/05/2009 : 17:09:31
alergican sam na Aragonesa © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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