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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Paka01 Posted - 21/01/2010 : 21:44:18
Evo, da ne kopam po starim topicima o ovim junacima (ako uopće imaju službene topice), zamolio bi vas 3 po vama najbolje priče:

1. Supermana
2. Batmana
3. Justice League of America

Svejedno mi je oćete li navesti npr. Kingdom Come pod Supermana ili JLA, nebitno, samo eto, čisto me zanima nekakva vaša top lista
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sloppy Posted - 21/01/2010 : 22:27:47
batman: morrisonov run od batman and son do batman r.i.p. pa onda još arkham asylum pa to friško batman and robin. pa millerov year one i the dark knight returns. azzarelov broken city. leobov hush, the long hallowen i dark victory. cookeov ego. mooreov the killing joke, gainmanov whatever hapend to the caped crusader, brunackerov the man who laughs, popeov year 100,
superman: all star superman (naravno) superman: red son, superman: braniac, it's a bird, superman: empire joker, superman: escape from bizarro world.
JLA: naravno morrisonov run, cookeov the new frontier, rossov justice
The Hammer of Hell Posted - 21/01/2010 : 22:00:58
Onako iz glave:

Za Supermana, obavezno All Star Superman i isto friški Geoff Jones/Gary Frank: S: Legion
Batman, puno je sranja, ali davno mi se svidio Knightfall, čak i početak No Mans Landa, a još starije Marshall Rogersov koji je bio i u Eksu. I B. Adventures i Mad Love.
JLA: Rock of Ages i friškije Identity Crisis.

Obi-wan Posted - 21/01/2010 : 21:55:03
Nemam još materijala za neke velike top liste, ali ovi su mi ok.

Batman: Hush
Batman: Year one
Batman/Judge Dredd: The files

Kingdom come
Superman/Batman 1: Public enemies
Superman for all seasons © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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