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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jaki Posted - 17/08/2010 : 20:48:43
Written by ROB RODI
Penciled by ESAD RIBIC
All-New Cover by ESAD RIBIC
There are two sides to every story. You’ve heard Thor’s -- now it’s time to hear Loki’s. Odin’s least favorite son rewrites Asgardian lore from his perspective, featuring the breathtaking painted artwork of Esad Ribic (WOLVERINE). In this story, Loki’s insatiable lust for power, his conflicted sentiments toward Sif, his antipathy toward Balder, and the deep-seated feelings of longing and resentment toward his older brother, Thor, and uncaring father, Odin, will take on new meaning. And if that’s not enough, just stare at the lush painted art by Ribic – you won’t be disappointed! This collection comes packed with extras including the original series pitch, cover sketches, character studies and more! Collecting LOKI #1-4, JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #85, THOR #12 and material from JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #112.
152 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$24.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-4968-2
Trim size: oversized

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jaki Posted - 17/08/2010 : 22:46:35
a evo i Ribićeve naslovnice za novi mini;

jaki Posted - 17/08/2010 : 22:44:10
osim Kordeja
marcho Posted - 17/08/2010 : 22:26:46
nešto ne patim na marvelove junake, pa skoro i na američke stripove uopće...

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