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 Steve Canyon Hermes Press

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JAH WOBBLE Posted - 30/05/2011 : 13:38:03
O ovome smo diskutovali u okviru topika "Flash Gordon" (na donjem linku)

Mislim da zaslužuje poseban topik.

Steve Canyon: The Complete Series Volume 1

Now for the first time in almost fifty years, fans of Milton Caniff’s Steve Canyon will have an opportunity to read the all-original comic book incarnation of one of the most important comic strips ever.
The comic book adventures of Milton Caniff’s Steve Canyon, one of the most popular and enduring comic strips from the late 1940s through the 1980s is joining Hermes Press’ line-up of classic comic book reprints.
Hermes Press has painstakingly restored the artwork of Milton Caniff, William Overgard, and Ray Bailey so that it looks better than the originals. Fans of Steve Canyon can now read these rarely seen adventures in all their four color glory. In addition to all seven issues together with their original cover artwork, this volume also presents essays, documentary material and rarely seen original artwork.
This volume reprints all 7 complete issues of Bell Four Color Comics Steve Canyon comic books (No. 519, 578, 641, 737, 804, 939, and 1033), which ran from 1953 to 1959.

Evo kako izgledaju ove sveske koje su najvećim delom radili Caniffovi asistenti William Overgard i Ray Bailey:

Mada sam se dvoumio, ipak sam naručio.

The Complete Series Volume 2 trebalo bi da sadrži 6 svesaka koje je u boji štampao Harvey Comics 1948. godine. To su Caniffovi radovi, prve epizode. Pitanje je samo kako su uklopili kaiševe i table, i da li je bilo skraćivanja?!

Pošto je na naslovnici br. 6 Madame Lynx, jasno je da ovde skupljeni stripovi ne idu dalje od 1947. godine.
"In 1948 Harvey Comics brought Steve Canyon to the comic book racks. Hermes Press will reprint all of the original material offered in these books together with unpublished material in one full-color digitally reconstructed hardcover collection."
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JAH WOBBLE Posted - 11/09/2011 : 00:11:54
1. epizoda
olovka: Overgard, tuš: Overgard + Caniff (uglavnom Canyonovo lice)
Nema tačnih podataka ko je autor scenarija. Pretpostavlja se da je to sam Caniff, jer postoje dokazi da je pažljivo nadgledao prvo izdanje. Opet, ostavljaju mogućnost da je pisac scenarija Newman.

ostale epizode
olovka: Bailey, tuš: Bailey + Caniff (uglavnom Canyonovo lice)
autor scenarija: Newman
Mr. Bushido Posted - 09/09/2011 : 04:11:26
Originally posted by JAH WOBBLE

Ipak, samo za teške Canyon i Caniff fanatike, obzirom na vrlo mali Caniffov doprinos.

Je li objašnjeno koliki je njegov doprinos?
JAH WOBBLE Posted - 08/09/2011 : 12:43:13
Korektno izdanje. Ipak, samo za teške Canyon i Caniff fanatike, obzirom na vrlo mali Caniffov doprinos. Stripovi su bolji nego što sam očekivao, naročito prva epizoda ali je to još uvek daleko od radova u kojima je Caniff kompletan autor. © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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