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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cromwell Posted - 19/08/2012 : 10:17:55

Wikipedija kaže ovako:
Faust is the collective name of several series of comic books by Tim Vigil (art) and David Quinn (stories), published by Rebel Studios and Avatar Press. Writer David Quinn wrote that his work's tone and anti-hero main character may have been inspirations for Spawn.

The series are known for their strong graphic violence and sexual situations. The main series is known as Faust : Love of the Damned and started publishing in 1988, with new issues being published irregularly, roughly once a year, or sometimes every two years.

Zanima me vrijedi li to išta ili se radi o tipičnom američkom eye candy proizvodu s namjenom zadovoljavanja niskih pobuda.
Sumnjičav sam prema ovom ''strong graphic violence and sexual situations''.

Čitao netko?
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Cromwell Posted - 30/08/2012 : 18:37:08
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