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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Paka01 Posted - 26/09/2012 : 12:51:30
S obzirom koliko je Green Lantern serijal popularan, moguće da će ovo pomoći nekome koga zanima kompletni redoslijed čitanja do sada objavljenih trejdova. Naravno, ono što trejdovi skupljaju nije ni približno sve, ali moguće da će nekome svejedno pomoći. U sljedeća 2 posta ću u kratkim crtama i opisati o čemu se tu točno radi.

U slučajevima kada više izdanja reprinta isti materijal (npr. silver age omnibusi i showcase), biti će navedeno, ali bez slika tih trejdova/HCa kako bi se poboljšala preglednost.

Popis će se nadopunjavati.


Golden Age Green Lantern Archives vol. 1
Golden Age Green Lantern Archives vol. 2


Green Lantern Omnibus vol. 1
Green Lantern Omnibus vol. 2
Green Lantern Chronicles vol. 1
Green Lantern Chronicles vol. 2
Green Lantern Chronicles vol. 3
Green Lantern Chronicles vol. 4
Showcase Presents: Green Lantern vol. 1
Showcase Presents: Green Lantern vol. 2
Showcase Presents: Green Lantern vol. 3
Showcase Presents: Green Lantern vol. 4
Showcase Presents: Green Lantern vol. 5

Green Lantern / Green Arrow
Sector 2814 (nije još objavljeno)

DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore


Emerald Dawn
The Road Back
Ganthet's Tale

Superman: The Return of Superman

Emerald Twilight
New Dawn

Zero Hour: Crisis In Time

Baptism of Fire
Circle of Fire
Emerald Allies

The Final Night

Emerald Knights

Day of Judgement

New Journey, Old Path
Power of Ion
Brother's Keeper
Passing the Torch


GL: Rebirth
GL: No Fear
GLC: Recharge
GL: Revenge of the Green Lanterns
GLC: To Be a Lantern

Infinite Crisis

Ion: The Torchbearer
Ion: The Dying Flame

GL: Wanted - Hal Jordan
GLC: The Dark Side of Green
Sinestro Corps War
Tales of the Sinestro Corps
GLC: Ring Quest
GL: Secret Origin
GL: Rage of the Red Lanterns
GLC: Sins of the Star Sapphire
GL: Agent Orange
GLC: Emerald Eclipse

Blackest Night
Blackest Night: Green Lantern
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps
Tales of the Corps
Black Lantern Corps vol. 1
Black Lantern Corps vol. 2
Rise of the Black Lanterns

Brightest Day vol. 1
Brightest Day vol. 2

GLC: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns
Brightest Day: Green Lantern
Emerald Warriors vol. 1

Brightest Day vol. 3
GLC: The Weaponer
GL: War of the Green Lanterns
GL: War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath


GL: Sinestro
GL: Revenge of the Black Hand

GLC: Fearsome

GL-NG: The Ring Bearer

RL: Blood and Rage
RL: Death of the Red Lanterns
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Arnold1512 Posted - 21/07/2016 : 17:05:11
Kako da citam Blackest Night event ? onako kako si ga napisao, trade po trade, ili da svaki issue citam kako kaze na netu reading order ?
Paka01 Posted - 04/01/2013 : 21:59:56
Vrime, točnije nedostatak vrimena Ne brini ti, završit ću ovaj popis 100%.
Fala na napomeni, ja sam na te neke skroz zaboravija, naknadno ću ih ubacit
IGMAN2 Posted - 31/12/2012 : 17:12:59
Što se desilo, Paka?

Super si započeo, pa stao.

Usput, GL ima koju knjigu više od ovih koje si naveo.
GL versus Aliens
GL Triator
GL Fear Itself
GL Legacy
GL the Greatest stories
da navedem par koje sam se sjetio bez traženja.

Paka01 Posted - 26/09/2012 : 17:58:16
Nemoj priskakat GLC, pogotovo prve trejdove koje piše Dave Gibbons, super stvar.
SonicHR Posted - 26/09/2012 : 14:00:26
Tnx Paka, korisna stvar...

Ja sam pri kraju skupljanja Green Lanterna, planiram još uzet
GL: No Fear
GL: Wanted - Hal Jordan
Tales of the Sinestro Corps
GL: Secret Origin
i naravno sve novo što izađe...

Planiram i uzet pa trejdova od GLC-a,prvenstveno Blackest Night...
brni Posted - 26/09/2012 : 13:55:46
Originally posted by Paka01

Superman: The Return of Superman

GL: Rebirth
GL: No Fear
GL: Revenge of the Green Lanterns

Infinite Crisis

GL: Wanted - Hal Jordan
Sinestro Corps War
Tales of the Sinestro Corps
GLC: Ring Quest
GL: Secret Origin
GL: Rage of the Red Lanterns
GLC: Sins of the Star Sapphire
GL: Agent Orange
GLC: Emerald Eclipse

Blackest Night
Blackest Night: Green Lantern
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps
Tales of the Corps
Black Lantern Corps vol. 1
Black Lantern Corps vol. 2
Rise of the Black Lanterns

Brightest Day vol. 1
Brightest Day vol. 2
GLC: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns
Brightest Day: Green Lantern
Brightest Day vol. 3
GL: War of the Green Lanterns

Na polici..
Paka01 Posted - 26/09/2012 : 12:51:35

Golden Age Green Lantern Archives vol. 1
All-American Comics (vol. 1) #16-30
Green Lantern (vol. 1) #1

Tvrde korice, boja
224 stranice

Golden Age Green Lantern Archives vol. 2
All-American Comics (vol. 1) #31-38
Green Lantern (vol. 1) #2-3

Tvrde korice, boja
220 stranica



Green Lantern Omnibus vol. 1
Showcase (vol.1) #22-24
Green Lantern (vol.2) #1-21

Tvrde korice, boja
640 stranica

Green Lantern Omnibus vol. 2
Green Lantern (vol.2) #22-45
Tvrde korice, boja
624 stranice

Showcase Presents: Green Lantern vol. 1-7
Showcase (vol.1) #22-24
Green Lantern (vol.2) #1-75

Meke korice, crno-bijelo

Green Lantern Chronicles vol. 1-4
Showcase (vol.1) #22-24
Green Lantern (vol.2) #1-20

Meke korice, boja


Green Lantern / Green Arrow
Green Lantern (vol.2) #76-87
The Flash (vol.1) #217-219, 226

Meke korice, boja
368 stranica

Sector 2814 - potreban upload veće naslovnice
Green Lantern (vol.2) #172-176, 178-181
Meke korice, boja
192 stranice

DC Universe - The Stories of Alan Moore
Superman Annual #11
Superman (vol.1) #423
Action Comics (vol.1) #583
Batman Annual #11
Batman: The Kiling Joke
Detective Comics (vol.1) #549-550
Vigilante (vol.1) #17-18
Green Lantern (vol.2) #188
Tales of the Green Lantern Corps. Annual #2-3

The Omega Man (vol.1) #26-27
DC Comics Presents #85
Secret Origins #10

Meke korice, boja
304 stranice



Emerald Dawn
Emerald Dawn #1-6
Meke korice, boja
144 stranice

Emerald Dawn II
Emerald Dawn II #1-6
Meke korice, boja
144 stranice

The Road Back
Green Lantern (vol.3) #1-8
Meke korice, boja
192 stranice


Ganthet's Tale
Graphic novel
Meke korice, boja
62 stranice

The Return of Superman
Action Comics (vol.1) #687-691
Adventures of Superman (vol.1) #500-505
Green Lantern (vol.3) #46
Superman (vol.2) #78-82
Superman: Man of Steel (vol.1) #22-26

Meke korice, boja
477 stranice

Emerald Twilight / New Dawn
Green Lantern (vol.3) #48-55
Meke korice, boja
187 stranice


Zero Hour: Crisis in Time
Zero Hour 4-0 (brojevi idu suprotnim redoslijedom, odbrojavanje)
Meke korice, boja
156 stranica

Baptism of Fire
Green Lantern (vol.3) #59, 66-67, 70-75
Meke korice, boja
208 stranica

Circle of Fire
Circle of Fire #1-2
Green Lantern / Adam Strange #1
Green Lantern / The Atom #1
Green Lantern / Firestorm #1
Green Lantern / Power Girl #1
Green Lantern / Green Lantern #1

Meke korice, boja
224 stranice

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