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 Americki strip
 Secret Agent X-9: By Alex Raymond

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JAH WOBBLE Posted - 12/10/2014 : 01:28:34
Secret Agent X-9: By Dashiell Hammett and Alex Raymond
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: IDW Publishing (March 10, 2015)
When Secret Agent X-9 premiered in January 1934, King Features could proudly boast that its new adventure strip was written by the world's most famous mystery writer - Dashiell Hammett, the man who virtually invented the hard-boiled detective in such novels as The Maltese Falcon, The Thin Man, and Red Harvest. The artist chosen was less well-known - at this point, Alex Raymond was merely an uncredited assistant on Tim Tyler's Luck and the humor strip Blondie - but 1934 was the turning point in Raymond's career. From that cold January forward, Alex Raymond would become as famous as Hammett, thanks to his Sunday comics double-header, Flash Gordon and Jungle Jim. The Secret Agent X-9 strip was a dailies-only serial. This volume collects the complete Hammett/Raymond strips, plus the subsequent stories by Raymond and Leslie Charteris, famous himself for "The Saint" novels, as well as the Charteris stories drawn by Charles Flanders. Included are strips from January 22, 1934 through October 31, 1936.

Pretpostavljam da je format isti kao kod Ripa Kirbyja.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Peyo Posted - 12/10/2014 : 20:32:44
Nažalost nije sve na istoj razini kao što sam već napisao.

Možeš pročitati i komentare na Amazonu i drugdje.

Imam od njih 40-ak knjiga (Dick Tracy, Little Annie, Blondie, Terry and pirates, Steve Canyon, Popeye, Barney Bear, Little King i dr.) tako da imam prilično dobar uvid u njihov rad.
jaki Posted - 12/10/2014 : 20:04:32
Stekao sam utisak da u IDW znaju što rade i da je sve na najvećem mogućem nivou ali izgleda da sam se prevario.
Peyo Posted - 12/10/2014 : 19:54:59
Ne sjećam se da li sam sve knjige pregledao u Stripovi na 2, ali zaista nije dobro otisnuto izdanje. Nema potrebnu oštrinu, nekako mi je mutnjikavo.

IDW varira u kvaliteti tiska. Neka izdanja su prva liga (većina Dicka Tracya i Little Annie npr.), a neka nažalost ispod očekivanja (Corrigan i Rip Kirby od Raymonda npr.)

Osobno bih ovo kupio da je tisak na razini koju očekujem, jer sam prema ovom stripu nostalgičan još od ZOV-a i Zov stripa. Williamson je tu odradio izvrstan posao i rado bih imao njegovog Corrigana u kolekciji.
jaki Posted - 12/10/2014 : 18:08:34
koja knjiga?
Peyo Posted - 12/10/2014 : 17:57:25
Nažalost, Corrigan je slabo otisnut i to me odbilo.
jaki Posted - 12/10/2014 : 17:53:43
ovaj je ipak bolji:
Peyo Posted - 12/10/2014 : 17:34:16

Dugo su ga najavljivali na njihovom forumu.

Čini se da IDW nakon manjeg usporavanja opet kreće punom parom ...

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