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 Fanta. Studio Edition: H. Foster's Prince Valiant

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JAH WOBBLE Posted - 06/02/2015 : 22:41:47
Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Hal Foster's Prince Valiant

Price: $200.00
Hardcover: 200 pages
Publisher: Fantagraphics; 1 edition (October 2, 2015)

Hal Foster, the creator of the popular Prince Valiant newspaper strip, is a cartoonist’s cartoonist; Fantagraphics’ “studio edition” showcases his original art.

Hal Foster is in five artistic Halls of Fame—more than any other cartoonist or illustrator. Fantagraphics’ recent reprints of the Prince Valiant strip have received international acclaim, and now we are printing the Holy Grail of comics art. Hal Foster’s Prince Valiant Artist’s Edition is a 192-page collection scanned from Foster’s rare, original pages and printed in full color, capturing every nuance of Foster’s masterly brush strokes. From Foster’s very first Prince Valiant page to his very last, the public will be treated to a selection of some of the most iconic and beautiful comic art ever made. Full color illustrations throughout.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JAH WOBBLE Posted - 30/09/2017 : 23:24:06
Peyo Posted - 26/09/2017 : 00:07:12
Ajoj, kako ovo dobro izgleda ............
JAH WOBBLE Posted - 25/09/2017 : 23:15:53
Pojavile su se prve fotografije izdanja.
JAH WOBBLE Posted - 20/02/2015 : 21:18:30
Što se tiče sadržaja, pretpostavljam da će biti materijal koji se čuva u Syracusi.

"The Cartoons series (1937-1973) comprises the bulk of this collection. The series contains primarily original artwork for the Prince Valiant comic strip (409 original pieces), including the first episode of the strip from February 13, 1957. The majority of the artwork was produced between 1948 and 1959 although there are a few earlier pieces and one piece from 1973. Original artwork for the Medieval Castle is also included.

Original artwork

Oversize 27 Prince Valiant 1937 Feb-1945 Sep - also includes 1 unnumbered strip
#30, 48, 91, 117, 167, 177, 200, 213, 220, 276, 374, 376, 378, 391, 449

Oversize 28 Prince Valiant 1946 Mar-1948 Dec
#476-477, 485-486, 490, 492, 494-495, 507, 630, 557-559, 577, 579-580, 592, 594-595, 597-604, 606-610, 619-620

Oversize 29 Prince Valiant 1949 Jan-Jul - also includes 1 unnumbered strip
#624, 626, 628-629, 631, 633-637, 639-641, 643-644, 649-651

Oversize 30 Prince Valiant 1949 Aug-1950 Sep
#654, 659, 662, 664-665, 667-668, 673-674, 676, 685, 691, 696-697, 699, 701, 705-706, 708, 711

Oversize 31 Prince Valiant 1950 Oct-1951 Jun
#712, 714-715, 717-721, 726-727, 729, 734-743, 746-747, 750

Oversize 32 Prince Valiant 1951 Jul-1952 Feb
#752-754, 756, 758, 760-761, 763, 766, 768-769, 772-775, 777-779, 781-785

Oversize 33 Prince Valiant 1952 Mar-Sep
#786-788, 790-811, 813-816

Oversize 34 Prince Valiant 1952 Oct-1953 May - also includes 2 unnumbered strips
#816-824, 827, 830, 832-841, 843-844, 847, 849

Oversize 35 Prince Valiant 1953 Jun-Dec
#853, 855-856, 858, 865-867, 869-872, 874-880

Oversize 1 Prince Valiant 1954 Jan-Aug
#882-897, 899-916, 917

Oversize 2 Prince Valiant 1954 Sep-1955 May
#917-930, 932, 934-942, 944-946, 948-955

Oversize 3 Prince Valiant 1955 Jun-1956 Apr
#956, 958-972, 981-991, 993-994, 997, 999-1001

Oversize 4 Prince Valiant 1957 Jan-Jul
#1039-1044, 1047-1061, 1063-1068

Oversize 5 Prince Valiant 1957 Aug-1958 Mar
#1069-1071, 1073-1074, 1076-1079, 1081, 1083-1091, 1094-1095, 1099-1101, 1103

Oversize 6 Prince Valiant 1958 Apr-Dec
#1105-1115, 1120, 1125-1126, 1129-1135, 1137-1139, 1141

Oversize 7 Prince Valiant 1958 Dec-1959 Aug, Oct 21 1973
#1143-1157, 1159-1160, 1162-1164, 1166-1169, 1171-1173, 1915

Oversize 36 Medieval Castle 1944 Apr-1945 Nov (2 folders)

Oversize 36 Miscellaneous 1949, undated (2 items)"

Ako je naslovnica koja je trenutno na Amazonu, definitivna naslovnica "Holy Graila", prilično sam razočaran. Kropovani kadar Valiantovog venčanja, koji bi se mogao nazvati "Valiantovi svatovi". Valjda ona ručno bojena varijanta.
Zašto su isekli Aletu i Vala?

Trenutno na aukciji.
Gil-galad Posted - 07/02/2015 : 01:52:08
Razmišljam naglas...

Prosečan (IDW-ov) AE je dimenzija 12 x 17 inča (većina Marvela), dok su neki stariji, poput prvog dela Sterankovog S.H.I.E.L.D.-a, 15 x 22, isto kao EC Comics i još neki. Foster je radio PV table od 23 x 34 inča, ako se dobro sećam, pa će, ako Fanta ovo odradi "za sve pare" Prince Valiant SE biti DUPLO VEĆI od prosečnog AE-a. Čini se kao ludački poduhvat, ali mislim da jedino tako ima smisla, jer bi bilo glupo smanjivati originalne dimenzije tabli, ako već rade ovako nešto.

EDIT, 20/02: 17″ x 23 1/4″, dakle reprodukcija ipak neće biti full size. © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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