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 Izložba slovenačkog angažiranog stripa

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ninel Posted - 08/08/2016 : 15:26:20
Izložba slovenačkog angažiranog stripa

Pozivamo vas na otvaranje izložbe slovenačkog društveno kritičnog i angažiranog stripa XX. veka.

Izložba će biti 1. septembra u 19 časova u galeriji Vodnikova domačija u Ljubljani.

THIS IS A WEAPON!: 20th Century Socially Critical Comics that emerged from the Slovenian Territory

You are cordially invited to the exhibition opening which will take place on Thursday, 1 September 2016 at 7:00 PM.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a published catalogue. (preorder for 20€ at

Marjan Amalietti, Srečko Bajda, Milko Bambič, Matjaž Bertoncelj, Primož Bertoncelj, Marjan Bregar, Branko Drekonja, Andrej Flumiani, Kostja Gatnik, Andrej Habič, Ciril Horjak, Boris Jukić, Jure Kalan, Dušan Kastelic, Dani Kavaš, Marko Kociper, Božo Kos, Tomaž Lavrič, Samo Ljubešić, Željko Lordanić, Izar Lunaček, Grega Mastnak, Milan Maver, Miki Muster, Jure Perpar, Igor Ribič, Bine Rogelj, Jernej Rovšek, Andrej Savski, Matjaž Schmidt, Iztok Sitar, Zoran Smiljanić, Hinko Smrekar, Damijan Sovec, Romeo Štrakl, Andrej Štular, Ive Šubic, Maks Toboljevič Akim, Gorazd Vahen, Melita Vovk, Bori Zupančič

1 September – 2 October 2016

Comics, the bastards of pop culture, hybrids between fine arts and literature, have a longstanding traditional status on Slovenian soil. We are all familiar with Muster’s classic Zvitorepec (Curvytail), which stubbornly withstands the test of time in spite of the internet and computers, and that is awaiting ever more reprints, and we all remember reading about Kos’s mischievous brats in Kavboj Pipec in Rdeča pesa (Cowboy Penknife and Beetroot) when we were still in elementary school. They helped us turn tedious data-learning into fun endeavours.
What is less known is the fact that - alongside the humorous and adventure comics - Slovenia also developed a genre of socially critical comics.
The exhibition showcases Smrekar’s comics dating to 1914, in which he ridiculed the Austrian petit bourgeoisie and false morals, Bambič’s parody of Mussolini from 1927 and the partisan propaganda comics by Ive Šubic dating to 1944. The 1950s bore a popular trend of short, satirical comics, which used benevolent critique of the contemporary state affairs to manifest the syntagma of socialism with a human face. One of the best known promotors of the new system was Milan Maver’s Jaka Sulc. The turbulent year of 1968 also left a mark on Slovenian comics, for it was in this year that Kostja Gatnik drew nonconformist comics in the American underground style. These comics were published in 1977 in his legendary Magna Purga, which pushed the Slovenians into the forefront of the extremely powerful Yugoslavian scene that competed with European and American comics of that period. With Magna Purga, the Slovenian comics lost their virginity and became adults, i.e. full members of the urban (sub)culture. Socially critical comics experienced their biggest boom during the second half of the 1980s and in the 1990s, when Mladina’s (weekly magazine) authors created works with no respect towards the state, church or sexuality. One of the best-known products of that period, still published even today, is Tomaž Lavrič’s Diareja (Diarrhoea), which represents the guilty conscience of Slovenian politics and society, and is able to teach us more about our semi-recent history than all history books put together.
The socially critical comics exhibition showcases the historic development of comics on our territory and depicts the social and political life throughout the 20th century.
Comics are a weapon, so reach out for them and take a look at the display!
Iztok Sitar


SUN, 11 September 2016, 12:00 NOON
Exhibition tour for families led by the comics artist and author of the exhibition, Iztok Sitar.

SAT, 24 September 2016, 11:00 AM
Political comics workshop (14+).
Led by the comics artist and author of the exhibition, Iztok Sitar.

TUE, 27 September 2016, 6.00 PM
Politics, political comics and the everyday life of their authors. A talk with comics artists.
Moderators Iztok Sitar and Petja Grafenauer.

Šiška-based Vodnik Homestead Gallery
Vodnikova cesta 65, 1000 Ljubljana

Opening hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 10:00 AM–6:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 AM–2:00 PM
closed on Mondays and public holidays

Petja Grafenauer, PhD, Head of Gallery
M: +386 (0)40 720 630
FB: VodnikovaDomacijaSiska

Exhibition concept, research, and selection of works: Iztok Sitar
Exhibition curator: Petja Grafenauer
Assistant curator: Polona Štebe
Display design and implementation: Matjaž Ferenc
Slovenian proof-reading: Alja Cerar Mihajlović
English translation: Jedrt Lapuh Maležič
English proof-reading: Sunčan P. Stone
Producer: Divja misel – Vodnikova domačija Šiška
The exhibition was sponsored by the Ljubljana City Municipality (MOL – Culture Department) and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

Uz izložbu biće i katalog na slovenačkom i engleskom jeziku:

Iztok Sitar: 20th Century Socially Critical Comics in Slovenia

144 pages / 35 full page reproductions
20 EUR preorder​

20th Century Socially Critical Comics in Slovenia is the first book published in the series of catalogues by Vodnik Homestead Šiška Gallery, a nonprofit gallery, whose program is based on showing works that combine images and words. The book presents the history of political, socially critical and engaged comics in Slovenia. It is written by comics author and historian Iztok Sitar and is richly illustrated.

"There are not many examples in the world in which the comics history of a nation begins with political, illegal comics that defy the regime and are explicitly left-wing. However, this was the case in the territory covered by present-day Slovenia where comics started with Smrekar’s and Bambič’s satirical comics. On the other hand, it is likely that no other medium was so harshly stigmatized by the official culture in Slovenia." is the beginning of the book by the comics author and historian Iztok Sitar.

PREORDER at by August 31st, 2016.

20th Century Socially Critical Comics in Slovenia
144 pages
35 full page reproductions
25 € or 20 € if preordered by 31. 8. 2016
Written by: Iztok Sitar
Authorised by: Tina Popovič
Catalogue editor: Petja Grafenauer
Proof-reading in Slovenian: Alja Cerar Mihajlović
English translation: Jedrt Lapuh Maležič
Proof-reading in English: Sunčan P. Stone
Producer: Divja misel – Vodnik Homestead Šiška
Graphic and technical design: Teja Ideja
Print: Cicero
Number of copies: 300
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