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 Wilko Johnson (Dr Feelgood)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
okudzava Posted - 10/01/2013 : 18:32:19
Tužna vest --


I am very sad to announce that Wilko has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer of the pancreas. He has chosen not to receive any chemotherapy.

He is currently in good spirits, is not yet suffering any physical effects and can expect to enjoy at least another few months of reasonable health and activity.

He has just set off on a trip to Japan; on his return we plan to complete a new CD, make a short tour of France, then give a series of farewell gigs in the UK. There is also a live DVD in the pipeline, filmed on the last UK tour.

Wilko wishes to offer his sincere thanks for all the support he has had over his long career, from those who have worked with him to, above all, those devoted fans and admirers who have attended
his live gigs, bought his recordings and generally made his life such an extraordinarily full and eventful experience.

Thank you.

Robert Hoy

- da sam makar imao više od 12 godina kad je 1990. dvaput svirao u Beogradu... no, možda bi se sad moglo skoknuti do Engleske.

Wilko u akciji, februar 1975 (ujedno i prvo pojavljivanje Dr Feelgood-a na TV-u):
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Johnny Difool Posted - 10/01/2013 : 21:51:35
Ljudina se odlučio hrabro nositi s bolešću i neumitnim skorim krajem. Kapa dolje.
Johnny Difool Posted - 10/01/2013 : 21:50:24
S tportala:


Glumac iz 'Igre prijestolja' je nasmrt bolestan

Datum objave:
10.01.2013 09:59

Utjecajnom glazbeniku i glumcu iz serije 'Igra prijestolja' Wilku Johnsonu dijagnosticiran je uznapredovali rak gušterače.

'Sa žaljenjem vas obavještavam da je Wilku nedavno dijagnosticiran rak gušterače u terminalnoj fazi. Odlučio je da neće primati kemoterapiju. Trenutno se osjeća dobro, ne osjeća bolove i psihički je stabilno, a takvo stanje može očekivati još nekoliko mjeseci', izjavio je glumčev glasnogovornik.

'Wilko zahvaljuje svim suradnicima i fanovima zbog podrške koju je imao tijekom svoje duge karijere', kazao je glasnogovornik.

Wilko Johnson je u prve dvije sezone 'Igre prijestolja' tumačio Ilyna Paynea, a prije glumačke stvorio je zavidnu glazbenu karijeru kao gitarist i tekstopisac utjecajnog engleskog blues benda Dr. Feelgood. © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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