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 Pjesme o superjunacima

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lundvalnaden Posted - 15/02/2015 : 10:05:51
Jel znate koju pjesmu o superjunacima ili strip herojima?

Jim's Big Ego - The Ballad of Barry Allen (Flash)

Frontman Jim Infantino je nećak Carmina Infantina, legendarnog DC crtača.

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
paro Posted - 31/03/2015 : 05:14:38
tinton Posted - 30/03/2015 : 17:44:28
tinton Posted - 30/03/2015 : 17:42:31
Originally posted by supermark

Živo Blato - Willer Tex

tinton Posted - 30/03/2015 : 17:41:36
Originally posted by DODSFERD

Ovo je glupost i muzički i tekstualno ali nek' se nađe ovdje.

Nije glupost ni muzički ni tekstualno. Pjesma je sasvim dobra.
IGMAN2 Posted - 29/03/2015 : 23:28:14
Lundvalnaden Posted - 15/02/2015 : 16:41:15
Pjesma iz filma "Return to the Batcave", kvazi dokumentarac o Batmanu iz 1996 - Adam West i Burt Ward.

kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 15:42:45
Bonus: The Trashmen "Comic Book Collector"
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 15:27:54
Fink Brothers “Mutants in Mega-City One” (Judge Dredd)
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 15:25:23
Elton John "Dan Dare (Pilot of the Future)"
nagor Posted - 15/02/2015 : 15:21:22
Ovdje se pojavljuju Hellboy, Hulk, Iron-man i Batman. ;)
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 15:20:28
Joe Satriani "Surfing with the Alien" (Silver Surfer)
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 15:13:42
Paul McCartney & Wings "Magneto and Titanium Man"
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 15:12:17
Entombed "Wolverine Blues"
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 15:08:59
The Last Emperor "Secret Wars Pt. 1"
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 15:06:18
Method Man "The Riddler"
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 15:04:04
Snoop Dogg Feat. RBX & The Lady of Rage "Batman & Robin"
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 14:59:45
Sun Ra and the Blues Project "Batman"
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 14:56:50
Pink Floyd "Cymbaline" (Dr. Strange)
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 14:54:48
The Traits "Nobody Loves The Hulk"
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 14:49:52
Anthrax "I am the Law" (Judge Dredd)
kra-kra Posted - 15/02/2015 : 14:45:05
Wesley Willis "I Whipped Spider-Man's Ass"
mr murdoc Posted - 15/02/2015 : 11:47:02
Black Sabbath - Iron Man

mr murdoc Posted - 15/02/2015 : 11:44:59
Manowar- Thor

mr murdoc Posted - 15/02/2015 : 11:39:49
Totalna supergenijalstina.

miro81 Posted - 15/02/2015 : 11:35:46 © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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