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 Football Manager

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sergej773 Posted - 16/07/2013 : 19:22:58
Šta mislite o ovoj igri,ja samo nju i igram,da li još neko sa foruma igra FM?
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sergej773 Posted - 14/11/2014 : 23:26:07
Originally posted by raic1922

Jel se može besplatno skinuti s interneta 07' ?

raic1922 Posted - 11/11/2014 : 21:52:44
Jel se može besplatno skinuti s interneta 07' ?
markolar Posted - 11/11/2014 : 21:47:29
NOVI FM 2015 u prodaji...sačekaču BOŽIČ kada imaju akciju -50% pa ču ga onda uzeti preko Steam-a.
Tintilinic Posted - 22/09/2014 : 23:40:16
Dobra igrica, jedn aod 3-4 koje igram. Mada ja nikad ne kupujem igrače koji se me.i sviđaju i odgovaraju igri, već uvijek kakva je trenutna situacija u klubu u stvarnosti.
sergej773 Posted - 10/07/2014 : 00:18:51
Originally posted by markolar

Kupio danas FOOTBALL MANAGER 2014 na Steamu i to za samo 12.50 € (ponudu imaju do 12. 6. ako se ne varam - za tu cijenu, inace kosta 49.90 €).

Tek sam u prijateljskim utakmicama izpred sezone (imam NAPOLI), tako, da ne mogu reci sta je sve novo ali igra je jos brza od 2013 (sto mi je uvijek bio plus), minusi su igraci, kad gledas utakmicu u 3D - malo su previse realisticni

Ako nekoga zanima mozemo malo popricati u ovoj igri...zanima me ipak, sta vi mislite i koji su minusi i plusevi za Vas.

+ Brzi gameplay
+ Realisticniji rezultati
+ Classic mod u igri je odlican
+ Vizuelni izgled
- Previse sastanaka
- Nedovoljno pitanja na razgovoru za posao
markolar Posted - 31/05/2014 : 21:41:51
Kupio danas FOOTBALL MANAGER 2014 na Steamu i to za samo 12.50 € (ponudu imaju do 12. 6. ako se ne varam - za tu cijenu, inace kosta 49.90 €).

Tek sam u prijateljskim utakmicama izpred sezone (imam NAPOLI), tako, da ne mogu reci sta je sve novo ali igra je jos brza od 2013 (sto mi je uvijek bio plus), minusi su igraci, kad gledas utakmicu u 3D - malo su previse realisticni

Ako nekoga zanima mozemo malo popricati u ovoj igri...zanima me ipak, sta vi mislite i koji su minusi i plusevi za Vas.
markolar Posted - 02/11/2013 : 22:09:37

About the Game
- Play it whenever, wherever, however
Play on Linux for the first time, plus the inclusion of ‘cloud-save’ technology which means that managers can now pursue a single career from any computer, anywhere in the world. FM14 also includes integration with Steam Workshop making it easy for managers to create and share customised FM content such as photo/logo packs, new and custom competitions and tailor-made challenges using the new Challenge Editor.

- Improved Match Engine
The 3D Match Engine has seen extensive improvements, including enhanced AI, improved lighting and player animation, individual player character and kit models, more realistic player reaction to on-field incidents and a range of optimisations which combine to make this the best looking and fastest FM Match Engine yet.

- Tactical overhaul
There has been a complete redesign of how tactics are created, selected and implemented with player roles and team strategies becoming even more prominent, definable roles for players for multiple positions, new player roles and instructions and improvements to rival managers' AI so that they’ll adapt their tactics more readily over time.

- More realistic transfers and contracts
FM 2014 features a revamped transfer module where opposing clubs and managers adopt a more realistic approach when making or responding to transfer offers. In addition, a number of new ‘real world’ transfer clauses have been added, such as the facility to loan a player back to the club he’s just been bought from and the option to offer a combination of cash and loan players, as well as new contract clauses such as a sub bench appearance fee. On top of this, the old ‘turn-based’ system of transfer negotiations can now be done two ways, the tried and tested system and a new ‘live’ system, similar to that used in FM’s contract negotiations.

- More sophisticated board interaction
Contract negotiations are more realistic in FM 2014, as managers and boards can now make demands and lay down their respective visions for the club in both initial job interviews and contract renewal discussions. Managers can also attempt to renegotiate transfer and wage budgets as a reward for staying loyal if they’ve been offered a job by another club, with the outcome helping aid their decision on whether to move or not.

- Improved interaction with players, staff and media
There is now better interaction between players, managers, their rivals and the media; for example, members of the coaching staff now offer feedback on how reserve and youth team players are performing. Managers can also ask key players to have a word with unhappy squad members, while the introduction of an end-of-season meeting allows the manager to let the squad know how they have performed and set targets for the coming season.

- News system
The news system has been overhauled so managers can now deal with many club matters directly from their inbox. In addition, news is now colour-coded, based on category, and contains more detail – for example, scout reports now appear as a single news item with a top-line report on all players scouted and the facility to shortlist or make an offer for each of these players.

- Enhanced user interface
Major changes have been made to FM 2014’s user interface. Key areas have been redesigned – including the training overview page, the transfer centre and the news homepage – while widespread changes have been made across the game’s user interface. The language employed throughout the game has also enjoyed a major overhaul and now corresponds more closely to the language of real world football.

- Football Manager Classic evolved
Managers can now choose more than three playable nations in Classic mode for a more immersive experience. In addition, FM’s ‘fast play’ mode now includes Transfer Deadline Day, a Match Plan wizard and new unlockables.
PC System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
Processor: Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core AMD, Athlon. Windows XP: 1.6GHz+, Windows Vista/7/8: 2.2GHz+
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GeForce FX 5900 Ultra, ATI Radeon 9800, Intel GMA X3100: 128MB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space
Mac System Requirements
OS: Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8
Processor: Intel Core 1.8GHz+
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GeForce 7300 GT, ATI Radeon X1600, Intel GMA X3100: 128MB VRAM
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space
Additional Notes: OpenGL 2.0 compliant
Linux System Requirements
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Linux
Processor: Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core AMD Athlon: 1.8GHz+
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GeForce 7300 GT, AMD Radeon HD 2400 Pro, Intel HD 3000/4000: 128MB VRAM
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space
Additional Notes: OpenGL 2.0 compliant
wele Posted - 02/11/2013 : 17:47:24
U zadnjih godinu i nešto igram FM07, Jasko objasnio zašto, igrica je nenormalno brza a jedino mi smeta što u editoru ne mogu da pravim lige kao u npr. FM10 kojeg bukvalno nisam gasio jedno vrijeme. Uglavnom vodim engleske šestoligaše ( na desetki sam napravio do 9-og nivoa takmičenja, ma milina :) ), nije mi zanimljivo uzimanje jakih i stabilnih klubova.
Na telefonu sam instalirao FM13 Handheld, nije to to ali valja za prekratit' vrijeme.
markolar Posted - 01/11/2013 : 11:54:59
Jeli ko nabavio več!?
markolar Posted - 23/10/2013 : 12:37:05
NOVI Football Manager 2014!

Release Date: 31 Oct 2013

Cijena 49.90 € ali sačekaču 2-3 mjeseca, da ponude sa 50% off...
markolar Posted - 18/07/2013 : 09:27:06
Originally posted by Jasko

Lele šta je ovo komplikovano (:
Sad instalirao, ne znam gde mi dupe, a gde glava 8)

Tako sam i ja mislio u pocetku ali sada, sada sve stima i jednostavno je.
Jasko Posted - 17/07/2013 : 23:34:43
Lele šta je ovo komplikovano (:
Sad instalirao, ne znam gde mi dupe, a gde glava 8)
markolar Posted - 17/07/2013 : 20:53:32
Ja neznam - imam original (Steam). Kupio sam za pola cijene oko 3-4 mjeseca nakon izlaska igre. A updejt mi radi automatski.
Jasko Posted - 17/07/2013 : 11:15:43
Koji je zvanični apdejt za FM 2013. i ima li crack za to?
Tex Willer Posted - 17/07/2013 : 11:00:21
Originally posted by markolar

Ja igram 2013 i super je!

Genijalan, mnoge stvari su unapredjene, trening je bolje uredjen, samo je formula za dobre trenere nesto malo izmenjena, sad je negde bitan i Man Management (cini mi se kod GK Handling i jos ponegde).
Vodim Radnicki iz Nisa vec nekoliko decenija, drugi put vec dogradjujem stadion, Srbija ulazi u EU 2018., pa je odtad znatno lakse jer mogu da dovodim igrace iz EU(vise od 4)
Zarazno do 100 qrca i nazad
selanne Posted - 17/07/2013 : 06:44:54
Igram 2012. i patim se s jadnim Milanom. Nitko neće da dođe, kao i u stvarnosti.
nagor Posted - 16/07/2013 : 23:32:47
03/04 mi je bio najdraži jer sam sa Betisom i Ronaldinhom gazio sve. Igrao sam ovaj zadnji 2013 sa Milanom. Išlo je solidno. Drugi u ligi, ispao u polufinalu LPa od Barce. Frendovi, totalni početnici, mi igraju sa Realom i gaze stvarno sve... odmah osvojili ligu i ligu prvaka (sa Neymarom i Bale-om). Sad, ne znam da li je to zbog dobrih transfera ili je Real jednostavno prelagan za igranje.
wesskowaz Posted - 16/07/2013 : 23:00:29
Ja cepam trenutno stari dobri fm 03/04.
Cruz Azul i meksicke price. Gazim sezonu 2016/17.
Meni najdrazi menadzer.
Jasko Posted - 16/07/2013 : 22:29:03
markolar Posted - 16/07/2013 : 21:55:37
Originally posted by Jasko

Nije laka igra i nema takvih čudnih rezultata :)

A zasluge Managera Tamo sa Napolijem sam stvorio strašan tim za samo 2 sezone, sada ne mozes kupiti svakog igrača kojeg zelis...
Jasko Posted - 16/07/2013 : 21:51:47
Zato i igram sedmicu (:
Nije laka igra i nema takvih čudnih rezltata :)
markolar Posted - 16/07/2013 : 21:46:57
Ja igram 2013 i super je! Ono sto je najvaznije je, da je igra sa 2013 postala BRZA. Vodim LEEDS UTD i vec drugu sezonu sam stigao u Premiership i vec sam dvije sezone na 6-7 mestu (neki klubovi su jos prejaki).

Mozda jedini minus, jer ne mogu sada praviti Print Screen...A 2011-2012 su dosta laki. Ondje sam sa Napolijem osvojio LIgu prvaka vec u drugoj sezoni igranja - evo i dokaza - pao je Real Madrid sa 9 : 1!

sergej773 Posted - 16/07/2013 : 21:19:18
Originally posted by Jasko

Igram FM 2007. 100 godina :D
Brza, jednostavna i mogu da manipulišem njome kako mi volja :)
Jedino mi krivo što nema facegen i što ne mogu promenim pravila koja su se izmenila u međuvremenu :(
I što ne mogu dodam niže lige u Superligu 8)

Ja sada trenutno pičim 2011,nije mi se svideo 2013...
Jasko Posted - 16/07/2013 : 19:39:18
Igram FM 2007. 100 godina :D
Brza, jednostavna i mogu da manipulišem njome kako mi volja :)
Jedino mi krivo što nema facegen i što ne mogu promenim pravila koja su se izmenila u međuvremenu :(
I što ne mogu dodam niže lige u Superligu 8) © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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