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T O P I C    R E V I E W
King Warrior Posted - 08/04/2010 : 18:35:18
Kolega sawitch je predlozio ovaj topic.
Topic u kojem ima neko pitanje/a u vezi stripova, ne pase u nijedan topic, a nije vrijedno da se otvara nova tema zbog jedne stvari.
Na pitanja mogu da odgovore svi forumasi.
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vlaadisha Posted - 17/08/2010 : 06:53:43
Iz intervjua sa Alom Williamsonom, godina je 1984. Boldovani deo se odnosi na "Strip art" ili nesto drugo?

WILLIAMSON: The syndicates are a bunch of morons, most of them, because they don’t know what they’ve got. They don’t give a damn: they just sell stuff. I’ll give you an instance: Flash Gordon by Alex Raymond. Alex did it for 10 years, from 1934 to 1944. Ten years and four months of it. And that stuff has kept King Features going for the last 50 years. First, when Raymond was doing it, and then the movies, and then the reprints in Europe. And the reprints in Europe with Raymond’s stuff is that every two or three years they come out with a new reprint of the same stuff, and you know King Features is making money off that. But they don’t give a shit. When we were doing the Nostalgia Flash Gordon book, do you know what they gave us to do? They gave us to reproduce from Xeroxes, bad ones. Not Xeroxes — Photostats. They were blown up from microfilm. That’s what we had, that they gave us. Luckily, I had a set in black and white, and we got the missing stuff from Mrs. Raymond.

RINGGENBERG: You helped assemble the volumes?


RINGGENBERG: What did you think of the color volumes they came out with?

WILLIAMSON: They were awful. Let me tell you something. We just got a letter from a publisher in Yugoslavia, who just bought the rights to print Star Wars in Europe. They’re going to do it in magazine form, with super color. Do you know what that miserable syndicate sent them?


WILLIAMSON: Bad Xeroxes to shoot from. And they’re paying top dollar.
Rock.Bob Rock Posted - 26/07/2010 : 13:13:46
Originally posted by delboj

Hvala. To je jedino što sam ja pročitao od Lazarusa.

Pa nabavi kojega. Prilično je dobar strip. Onako, ništa pretjerano dubokoumno.
delboj Posted - 26/07/2010 : 10:07:55
Hvala. To je jedino što sam ja pročitao od Lazarusa.
Rock.Bob Rock Posted - 25/07/2010 : 22:48:05
Originally posted by delboj

Da li je u SD MN 8 Kraj trke neka kratka priča Lazarusa Leda?


Odnosno, Larryeva priča je Kraj trke, a MN je Smrtne osude. Ima 6-7 strana meni se čini.
delboj Posted - 25/07/2010 : 22:32:04
Da li je u SD MN 8 Kraj trke neka kratka priča Lazarusa Leda?
sawitch Posted - 12/06/2010 : 14:40:16
Naravno, ostalo mi jos da nadjem:

3 i 4
almanah 1 i maxije..
split85 Posted - 12/06/2010 : 14:27:31
Originally posted by sawitch

Nasao sam po Dadinim topicima dosta, i fale mi cene sledecih Mister Noa od Libellusa:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20.

Almanah 1 i

Maxi HC 1 i 2

Dajte, help, stvarno ! ! ! Nemoguce da ovo niko ne zna...

je li ti ovo koristi
sawitch Posted - 12/06/2010 : 13:47:48
Nasao sam po Dadinim topicima dosta, i fale mi cene sledecih Mister Noa od Libellusa:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20.

Almanah 1 i

Maxi HC 1 i 2

Dajte, help, stvarno ! ! ! Nemoguce da ovo niko ne zna...
sawitch Posted - 12/06/2010 : 09:53:28
Gde da nadjem cene???
feka82 Posted - 11/06/2010 : 14:10:36
sracunas koliko je sve u kunama + postarina za tvoju drzavu , pretvoris sve u svoju valutu i voila :)
sawitch Posted - 11/06/2010 : 13:28:17
Zasto ovo vise nije sticky???

Imam pitanje za znalce - Gde da iskopam cene od MN-a Libellus, od prvog do poslednjeg broja??? Hocu da izracunam koliko sam platio komplet...
supermark Posted - 03/06/2010 : 21:16:00
ima li gdje na transkript tribina sa MAFESTa?
pknezevic Posted - 03/06/2010 : 20:18:06
nisam znao kud bi sa pitanjem pa završi ovdje-da li je sutra redovno radno vrjeme za libelus i snk -zbunjuje me ovo za neki produženi vikend na tv-u pa da ne poljubim vrata hvala
dr strangelove Posted - 18/05/2010 : 08:56:15
"Our Wolrds at War" se sastoji od:
Action Comics #780-782
The Adventures of Superman #593-595
Batman #593-594
Batman: Our Worlds at War #1
The Flash: Our Worlds at War #1
Green Lantern: Our Worlds at War #1
Harley Quinn: Our Worlds at War #1
Impulse #77
JLA: Our Worlds at War #1
JSA: Our Worlds at War #1
Nightwing: Our Worlds at War #1
Superboy vol. 3, #89-91
Supergirl vol. 4, #59-61
Superman vol. 2, #171-173
Superman: Our Worlds at War Secret Files #1
Superman: The Man of Steel #115-117
Wonder Woman vol. 2, #171-173
Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War #1
World's Finest: Our Worlds at War #1
Young Justice #35-36
Young Justice: Our Worlds at War #1.

Preuzeto sa

Što je od ovga main event, a što samo dodaci tj. događanja određenih junaka unutar rata?
lwood Posted - 12/05/2010 : 19:26:32
baš gledan .Hvala Delboj&Renky
Renky Posted - 12/05/2010 : 19:25:23
Originally posted by lwood

ako je pitanje i dalje nerješivo onda iman jednostavnije.
od kojeg do kojeg broja stripoteka su izlazili kozmički putnici u sredini?

Od 933 pa do zadnjeg predratnog
lwood Posted - 12/05/2010 : 19:23:13
ti si na XXX ?
Curunir Posted - 12/05/2010 : 19:21:34
L size, nista M nista XXL
lwood Posted - 12/05/2010 : 19:15:34 me zanima več dosta godina pa kažen iden pitat kad je besplatno
Curunir Posted - 12/05/2010 : 19:13:57
znaci, bez onih na pocetku i na kraju. dajte mu samo srednje brojeve
lwood Posted - 12/05/2010 : 19:08:41
ako je pitanje i dalje nerješivo onda iman jednostavnije.
od kojeg do kojeg broja stripoteka su izlazili kozmički putnici u sredini?
lwood Posted - 12/05/2010 : 19:07:28
Originally posted by Curunir

pa, u skladu s pitanjem

dašta.postojalo je 3804 popisa stripoteka paje moje pitanje bilo nadasve nepravilno
lwood Posted - 12/05/2010 : 19:06:33
popis stripoteka koji su radili renky i vj šta je nekad postoja pod edicije.
Curunir Posted - 12/05/2010 : 18:56:39

pa, u skladu s pitanjem
delboj Posted - 12/05/2010 : 18:55:14
To se zove odgovor.

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