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T O P I C    R E V I E W
*Nemo* Posted - 13/12/2011 : 09:58:01
Ciao Croatia,

I want to get informations about Bonelli in Croatia. I mean, how many issues has Zagor, Tex, Nathan Never etc. in there, from which publishing house?
And then I want to share these informations in our Turkish forum.
Is there any website about Bonelli history in Croatia?
or anyone can help?
Thank you very much my frinds
Greetings from Turkey
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
*Nemo* Posted - 14/12/2011 : 10:42:56
I am sorry, I dont know why I am thinking that everybody is from Croatia:) This is my mistake.I think because I am very excited about this issue :)
I corrected it in our forum too.
Demosten you understood it correctly :)
Demosten Posted - 14/12/2011 : 10:08:13
@ *Nemo*

just small correction. Mairosu is also from Serbia

Also, I don't know if I understand correctly this "Ardından Libellus yayınevi ( Türkçesi Korsanmış yayınlanan eski sayıları 3 sayı 1 ciltte toplayarak tekrar basıyor."

Libellus continued to print regular series from number 63 in form 3 in 1 HC. Later also started reprint old regular series (1-62) in same 3 in 1 format HC.
*Nemo* Posted - 14/12/2011 : 07:46:25
Here is the sample text what I am trying to do in order to introduce Bonelli in Croatia in Turkish forum :) I will do it for all Bonelli characters which publishing in Croatia.

Brezilya için yaptıgımızı Hırvatistan için de yapmak istiyorum. Ordaki arkadaşlardan yardım istedim. Dalmaçya kıyılarına ve romantik Zagreb'e hoşgeldiniz

*Special thanks to my friends, Mairosu from Croatia and star duster from Serbia.*


İlk önce Slobodna Dalmacija yayınevi tarafından 38 sayı olarak yayınlanmaya başlamış Nemo. Bizden farklı olarak orjinal kapakları kullanmışlar.

Daha sonra Ludens yayınevi, 39. sayıdan 62. sayıya kadar yayınlıyor. + 2 sayı özel macera. Ardından Libellus yayınevi ( Türkçesi Korsanmış yayınlanan eski sayıları 3 sayı 1 ciltte toplayarak tekrar basıyor. Hardcover şeklinde. Libellus, dev albümleri, alfa ajansı sayılarını, özel sayıları ve almankaları da yayınlayan yayınevi aynı zamanda.

Komşu Sırbistan ile de ilgili küçük bir not: Maverick yayınevi 1 adet Nathan Never yayınlamış

*Nemo* Posted - 14/12/2011 : 07:42:45
Dear Cat Clow,
I know that it was popular during that years in Turkey :)
However, I just searched and found that ALFA stopped to publish because the new issues couldnt come because of the war :(

I am glad to hear that you like Turkish editions:)
Bonelli is still the most popular
However we have comics, manga and frankofon. I will introduce them to you soon :)
Here we have also pretty breeze between Fumetti lovers and Comics fans :)
Mhejl Posted - 13/12/2011 : 21:24:16
Sva sreća te mi je arsenal ograničen na svega tri jezika.
Зашутите, враги!
elfak nish Posted - 13/12/2011 : 21:20:29
Originally posted by wele

Ne dirajte mi Mhejla

Ma ni najmanju zelju nemam,vec mi jednostavno pala
ista misao na pamet kao Mairosu,i podjoh da napisem,pa odustadoh

To je verovatno ono "Dva dobra mozga razmisljaju slicno"
wele Posted - 13/12/2011 : 21:13:29
Originally posted by elfak nish

Originally posted by Mairosu

Originally posted by Mhejl

Have your publishers ever ventured into the waters of American/French/Spanish school of comic-books, or Bonelli still is the most popular option (like here, where, sadly, became a synonym for comics in general for most of population)?

O jebote, naporan na svim jezicima... :D

Reading my mind

Ne dirajte mi Mhejla
elfak nish Posted - 13/12/2011 : 21:11:06
Originally posted by Mairosu

Originally posted by Mhejl

Have your publishers ever ventured into the waters of American/French/Spanish school of comic-books, or Bonelli still is the most popular option (like here, where, sadly, became a synonym for comics in general for most of population)?

O jebote, naporan na svim jezicima... :D

Reading my mind
Mairosu Posted - 13/12/2011 : 21:09:18
Originally posted by Mhejl

Have your publishers ever ventured into the waters of American/French/Spanish school of comic-books, or Bonelli still is the most popular option (like here, where, sadly, became a synonym for comics in general for most of population)?

O jebote, naporan na svim jezicima... :D
Mhejl Posted - 13/12/2011 : 20:51:46
Btw, Nemo, my father bought me some comic books when he went to Antalya with his football team - they are well-done and look great on my shelves. ;) I got double-sized number of Zagor maxi edition and some regular Mister No issues... Both nicely done. :)

Have your publishers ever ventured into the waters of American/French/Spanish school of comic-books, or Bonelli still is the most popular option (like here, where, sadly, became a synonym for comics in general for most of population)?
cat claw Posted - 13/12/2011 : 20:37:18
Thanx Nemo.
I knew about Kedi Kiz in Turkey, but not sure how many issues. Is it true that Kedi Kiz was popular in Turkey? I heard different opinions.
solar Posted - 13/12/2011 : 19:55:28
Originally posted by *Nemo*

Solar, oppss I forgot this 'small' problem :(
I will put it here what I did at the end. ok?

Ok. :)
*Nemo* Posted - 13/12/2011 : 19:26:28
Solar, oppss I forgot this 'small' problem :(
I will put it here what I did at the end. ok?

Cat Claw,
ALFA publishing house, published 9 issues of Cat Claw between 1993-1994.

cat claw Posted - 13/12/2011 : 18:30:59
As You already at our forum, can I ask You a few queations?
Do You know how many Kedi Kiz issued in Turkey? Was it only by Alpha publisher or maybe there were some other publishers?
solar Posted - 13/12/2011 : 17:46:49
We can´t see it, it requires username and password.
*Nemo* Posted - 13/12/2011 : 15:43:22
Yes star duster, sorry you are right. I see Serbia ok :)
Greetings to Belgrade :)
star-duster Posted - 13/12/2011 : 13:00:53
Originally posted by *Nemo*

By the way, you took your revenge in football :)

Nope, we didn't. See, I'm from Serbia. And so is Mairosu.

Take a look on the left of this message. You can check nationality of any forum member just below his/her avatar picture.
*Nemo* Posted - 13/12/2011 : 12:39:52
Dear star-duster,

I really thank to you for your helps :) I will explain these informations in our forum too.
By the way, you took your revenge in football :)
Turkey-Croatia forever brothers
star-duster Posted - 13/12/2011 : 11:49:49
*Nemo* - keep in mind that some of those comics were published not just in Croatia, but also before that in former Yugoslavia (until 1991), and after its breakup those are being published in Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia (not all of them and not regulary). If you want to have absolutely correct data, then pay attention at which publishers were from which country.

Also, you may already know that Serbian and Croatian languages are very similar, almost the same, so somics from one of those countries are absolutely understandable to readers in the other country. Because of that, some publishers do not want to print some comics which were already published in the other country (their audience already had a chance to read those comics, from the other country, so the selling of the new edition might not be so good). The same is for Bosnia and Herzegovina and for Montenegro, they do not publish their own editions of those comicbooks, but they can buy and read comics from Serbia or Croatia. Slovenians and Macedonians have their own languages that are a bit more different form Serbian/Croatian, but comic book readers in those countries can buy and read comics form Serbian and Croatian publishers as well.

I hope this helps, in addition to all the data Mairosu already provided to you.

Btw, when I saw the title of this topic, I thought it was about football and that it somehow ended in this forum by a mistake. :)
*Nemo* Posted - 13/12/2011 : 10:57:38
Dear Mairosuuuuuuuuuuu
thats all I want:) Thank you very muchhhh
I will put the link after that I prepare the topic about Croatia in our forum :)
Mairosu Posted - 13/12/2011 : 10:54:54
Also, here's a very detailed spreadsheet archive of all Bonelli characters.

You can navigate it through tabs underneath. This listing also includes original numerations.
Mairosu Posted - 13/12/2011 : 10:51:53
For sure. Here's Zagor :

Tex :

Some key for the publishers :

Zlatna Serija and Lunov Magnus Strip are former Yugoslavia
Abaton, Vanini, Horus and Veseli Cetvrtak are Serbia
Mega Print 33 is Macedonian
About everything else is Croatian

If any trouble, ask.

You can access all the other listings by going here : , then choosing a character you wish and then, on the left hand side in the greyed out menu, choose "POPISI".
*Nemo* Posted - 13/12/2011 : 10:47:15
Thank you very much Mairosu :) you are great.
I need what you exactly did :) for other Bonelli characters.
for ex: zagor_ ludens 165 issue
or is there a webpage for other Bonelli caharacters as same that you sent to me for Nathan Never?
I searched but couldnt find in stripovi :(
Mairosu Posted - 13/12/2011 : 10:39:05
Hello Nemo,

Nathan Never was initially published in monthly paperbacks by Slobodna Dalmacija. After issue #38, the series was picked up by Ludens, where it ran up until #62, after which the publication ceased. Ludens also issued two specials.

After that, the regular series was picked by Libellus, which prints them in form of 3-in-1 hardcovers. Libellus also prints NN "gigantes", the spin-off "Agency Alpha", the almanac editions, special issues, and has recently started reprinting first issues also in 3-in-1 shape (grande ristampa style).

In neighbouring Serbia, Maverick published only the first issue and stopped immediately afterwards. There are rumours abound that a new publisher will start with 3-in-1 softcover edition somewhere after new years, starting from no. 1 - this is yet to be seen (though it seems highly likely).

You have the full listing per publisher here :

As far as Zagor and Tex are concerned, the story is much longer due to the fact they started somewhere in the 60s in the former republic. Maybe it's best you ask exact questions, as the general answer is a bit too long.
*Nemo* Posted - 13/12/2011 : 10:32:25
For instance,
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