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T O P I C    R E V I E W
martiz Posted - 22/02/2015 : 14:40:56
Zanima me dali ima strip koi ide hronoloskom originalnom redosledom izdnja nesto kao sta je to slucaj sa Spajdermenom sa Carobnom knigom ili neko slicno izdanje.hvala.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tornadomaster Posted - 23/02/2015 : 01:33:48

martiz Posted - 22/02/2015 : 20:19:16
Deers Posted - 22/02/2015 : 20:08:42
I ovdje ih možeš kupiti. Sajt čak i ne naplaćuje posebno poštarinu.
martiz Posted - 22/02/2015 : 19:57:46
mislim na ove jevtinije:
martiz Posted - 22/02/2015 : 19:44:51
moze li neko poslati ponude na mejl za ova 2 stripa:
zamjena bi bila super ukoliko je neko zainteresiran ako ne kupio bih po razumne cene.
edvin Posted - 22/02/2015 : 19:12:21
postoje i tzv. "Archive Edition" izdanja DC-a u kojima su epizode poredane kronološki po serijalima... to su hc izdanja s ovitkom na puno boljem papiru pa je otisak isto bolji, naravno. 40$ + po komadu..


DC Archive Edition Batman HC (1990-2012) #1-1ST
Volume 1 - 1st Printing. Collects DETECTIVE COMICS (1939-1940) #27-50. WRITTEN BY BILL FINGER. ART BY BOB KANE. COVER BY KANE. The first BATMAN ARCHIVES collection features the very first appearance of Batman. Includes all the covers! Hardcover, 304 pages, full color. Cover price $39.95.

DC Archive Edition Batman the Dark Knight HC (1992) #1-1ST
Volume 1 - 1st printing. Collects BATMAN #1-4 and DETECTIVE COMICS #33-34. Written by Gardner Fox, Bill Finger and Whitney Ellsworth. Art by Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson, George Roussos and Sheldon Moldoff. Cover by Kane & Robinson. Cover price $39.95.

Batman Chronicles TPB (2005- ) #1-1ST
Volume 1 - 1st printing. Collects DETECTIVE COMICS #27-37 and BATMAN #1. Written by Bill Finger and Gardner Fox. Art by Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson and Sheldon Moldoff. Cover by Kane. Presenting an exciting new way to experience the rich history of the Dark Knight in an affordable trade paperback collection of every Batman adventure, in color, in chronological order! BATMAN CHRONICLES VOL. 1 features the earliest adventures of the Dark Knight by Batman creator Bob Kane, Bill Finger, Gardner Fox, Jerry Robinson and Sheldon Moldoff. Future volumes in this series reprint stories from DETECTIVE COMICS, BATMAN, WORLD'S FINEST and other titles throughout the character's history, all presented chronologically based on publication date! Softcover, 192 pages, full color. Cover price $14.99.
jaki Posted - 22/02/2015 : 19:09:31
sigurno ima.barem nekoliko tisuća ljudi.
martiz Posted - 22/02/2015 : 18:47:26
dali mozda ima neko ova 2 stripa?
martiz Posted - 22/02/2015 : 18:06:05
veoma hvala.
Mr. Bushido Posted - 22/02/2015 : 15:02:55
Postoje dvije edicije koje kronološki reprintaju stripove o Batmanu i Supermanu, od početka. The Batman Chronicles i The Superman Chronicles.

DeeCay Posted - 22/02/2015 : 14:58:14
Da, postoji, samo na engleskom.
martiz Posted - 22/02/2015 : 14:56:01
trudim se sta da radim.
jaki Posted - 22/02/2015 : 14:52:37
sva srića pa si postavio precizno pitanje © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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