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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Watashi Posted - 05/03/2005 : 18:16:09
i nis se ne desi!! Aj ode na stranicu kao, al tamo statira u kukuruzu i ima linkove na ostale stripove. Aj da cujem, ko je zajebo link na sliku? :P

"I think that it was purely because Superman and characters like that, they suddenly opened up this kind of wonderful dimension of the imagination that I had previously not had access to because these ideas were brilliantly stupid. I mean dogs with capes and Batman's dog had got a mask in case any of the other dogs recognized him"
--Alan Moore
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Daniel Posted - 10/03/2005 : 20:57:34
Zašto me makikatalinic po "stilu pisanja" podsjeća na Cara(sad već bivšeg forumaša)?A i po godinama je blizu...
makikatalinic Posted - 09/03/2005 : 11:02:13
Ljudi moja pamet mi je jaka ali ledja slaba ??????????
risbozg Posted - 07/03/2005 : 12:29:09

- --ak ti je slaba pamet moraš imat jaka leđa --
Dado Posted - 06/03/2005 : 22:09:23
Originally posted by Markos

No, it's just me being lousy programmer:-)

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy

Markos Posted - 05/03/2005 : 19:17:29
No, it's just me being lousy programmer:-)

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy
Watashi Posted - 05/03/2005 : 18:17:07
Ili je to zato sto koristim operu? Pasmaters manipulatorsku, to je sigurno supertajna organizacija za vladanje svjetom preko microsofta skrivila, jelda? :D

"I think that it was purely because Superman and characters like that, they suddenly opened up this kind of wonderful dimension of the imagination that I had previously not had access to because these ideas were brilliantly stupid. I mean dogs with capes and Batman's dog had got a mask in case any of the other dogs recognized him"
--Alan Moore © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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