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T O P I C    R E V I E W
manhunter Posted - 30/12/2005 : 20:10:29
Guest #4 Windows XP Microsoft IE 6.x Forums 30/12/2005 20:04:38 4 Minutes

Vidjeno malopre na "active users".

The average comic collector is someone whose mum threw away all their comics when they started getting interested in girls
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SnotMan Posted - 05/01/2006 : 13:06:12
Sumnjam da postoje nemastoviti ljudi na ovom forumu...

To think for yourself you must question authority and
learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.Beware so long as you live, of judging people by appearances.

DeeCay Posted - 05/01/2006 : 10:22:48
Možda si ljudi stavljaju za nick guest#1, guest#2 itd.

Wealth beyond measure, outlander...
SnotMan Posted - 03/01/2006 : 22:57:22
To se neko sali...:)

To think for yourself you must question authority and
learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.Beware so long as you live, of judging people by appearances.

manhunter Posted - 03/01/2006 : 13:18:30
Originally posted by Star Wars

Originally posted by manhunter


Guest #1 Windows XP Microsoft IE 6.x Forums 01/01/2006 14:25:21 1 Minutes

The average comic collector is someone whose mum threw away all their comics when they started getting interested in girls

Ma gdje se to tebi pojavi?

Idu 2 rajčice ulicom, jednu pregazi auto, druga kaže: "gle kečap!".

Pa u "active users" , pa tamo pod "guests"...

The average comic collector is someone whose mum threw away all their comics when they started getting interested in girls
Star Wars Posted - 03/01/2006 : 12:12:52
Originally posted by manhunter


Guest #1 Windows XP Microsoft IE 6.x Forums 01/01/2006 14:25:21 1 Minutes

The average comic collector is someone whose mum threw away all their comics when they started getting interested in girls

Ma gdje se to tebi pojavi?

Idu 2 rajčice ulicom, jednu pregazi auto, druga kaže: "gle kečap!".
GTI_TURBO Posted - 03/01/2006 : 11:27:54
Originally posted by nedim

super! evo jos nesto za "mog" topica x files!

Samo cetiri miliona ljudi imaju "srecu" da zive u Bosni i Hercegovini, ostali nemaju tu "srecu" ali imaju sve ostalo ....

Mulder, sta ima novo?
Solid Snake Posted - 02/01/2006 : 16:47:52
mozda je to neki vanzemaljac.Zamislite nase stripove na Marsu

"Scholars tell us that the first spy in history was the snake in the Bible"
manhunter Posted - 01/01/2006 : 14:27:51

Guest #1 Windows XP Microsoft IE 6.x Forums 01/01/2006 14:25:21 1 Minutes

The average comic collector is someone whose mum threw away all their comics when they started getting interested in girls
Star Wars Posted - 01/01/2006 : 12:39:01
Originally posted by mamlaz

Originally posted by manhunter

Ma ne,koliko mi je poznato,samo registrovani posetitelji mogu da posećuju forum. E tamo medju "guests",je pored svih pisalo login ili register,a pored ovog je stajalo "forums". Pa ne znam kako to?

The average comic collector is someone whose mum threw away all their comics when they started getting interested in girls

napali nas hackeri
E tek sada smo pravi site

Mrzim mrznju!

Tako je.

The Force is in my hands....
nedim Posted - 30/12/2005 : 23:58:04
super! evo jos nesto za "mog" topica x files!

Samo cetiri miliona ljudi imaju "srecu" da zive u Bosni i Hercegovini, ostali nemaju tu "srecu" ali imaju sve ostalo ....
mamlaz Posted - 30/12/2005 : 23:50:02
Originally posted by manhunter

Ma ne,koliko mi je poznato,samo registrovani posetitelji mogu da posećuju forum. E tamo medju "guests",je pored svih pisalo login ili register,a pored ovog je stajalo "forums". Pa ne znam kako to?

The average comic collector is someone whose mum threw away all their comics when they started getting interested in girls

napali nas hackeri
E tek sada smo pravi site

Mrzim mrznju!
Markos Posted - 30/12/2005 : 23:10:01
hm. cudno, da.

Kicking Squeeling Gucci Little Piggy
manhunter Posted - 30/12/2005 : 22:23:42
Ma ne,koliko mi je poznato,samo registrovani posetitelji mogu da posećuju forum. E tamo medju "guests",je pored svih pisalo login ili register,a pored ovog je stajalo "forums". Pa ne znam kako to?

The average comic collector is someone whose mum threw away all their comics when they started getting interested in girls
mamlaz Posted - 30/12/2005 : 22:11:49
???? Nije mi bas jasno sta si htio reci???
Jel to mislis na one korisnike koji cekaju da se ulogiraju???? Ili nestro drugo (najvjerojatnije, posto bas nisam veceras najtrijezniji:))))

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