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 Pierre Frisano

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jaki Posted - 25/04/2020 : 17:33:33
Listam danas neke zs ilms šta sam stavljao na aukciju i naiđem na makisa i Goraka.Onda skužim da je isti crtač.Malo Gugla i nađeš čuda...

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
delboj Posted - 25/04/2020 : 18:54:35
S bratom je crtao ove naslovne
jaki Posted - 25/04/2020 : 17:59:28
He then began a very long collaboration with Raymond Maric, first by succeeding Raphaël Carlo Marcello on the science fiction series "John Parade".

This space patroller is published in the bimonthly of the SPE (Parisian publishing company, previously called Offenstadt Frères, then Publications Offenstadt) Le Journal des Pieds nickelés (from 1973 to 1974), then in Trio / Pieds nickelés magazine ( in 1977 and 1978):

"Marcello had a lot of work and he offered to replace him for the" John Parade "series, whose screenwriter was Maric. I made eight eight-page stories from 1973 to 1978. "

With the help of Maric to the scenarios, Pierre Frisano will multiply the comics for the SPE and Ventillard.
Eleven jungle stories of eight to sixteen plates each featuring Gorak, the cheetah man, are published in Le Journal de Bibi Fricotin (from May 1974 to January 1976), then eighteen others in Trio (from March 1976 to May 1979).

The first eight episodes were taken up in two albums from the Jeunesse joyeuse collection (in 1979):

"I was never really censored ... I did what I wanted with Gorak's chick: I never had any problems ... In Sweden, on the contrary, we could not resell an episode of" Gorak " featuring more or less naked amazons ... Notice, I wouldn't mind making pornographic comics ... Ha Ha Ha ... "

Thirty-one adventures of eight to sixteen pages each from the "Macchus" series are then offered in Trio (from March 1976 to June 1979).

Some stories from this classic western are compiled in an album published in six hundred numbered copies, in black and white, by Lobédé, the BD festival of Longwy BD, in November 1997. © 2000-2002 Snitz Communications Go To Top Of Page
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