Meni je Zagorova naslovnica bolja od svih osim od Texove.
Pa to i nije tesko ,Stano je truba za naslovnice a Diso je jos gori.MM ima ubijedljivo najgore naslovne stranice njega ne brojimo... Dakle Tex,MV pa Zagor.
I've always been a nobody. When i was a child, my mother used to confuse me with my brother, even though i'm an only child. To this day she still thinks i'm my brother.
Meni je Zagorova naslovnica bolja od svih osim od Texove.
Stano je truba za naslovnice
The owls are not what they seem.
Mislim stvarno...
I've always been a nobody. When i was a child, my mother used to confuse me with my brother, even though i'm an only child. To this day she still thinks i'm my brother.
Svaka cast Ferriju ali ako je on bolji od Stana e onda jebiga.
I've always been a nobody. When i was a child, my mother used to confuse me with my brother, even though i'm an only child. To this day she still thinks i'm my brother.
Ma kakve veze ima nebo... gde je nebo na bilo kojoj drugoj i bilo cijoj naslovnici... Seinfeld je dobro rekao, premda je i MV ovaj put podbacio sa naslovnicom.