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Solid Snake
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 16:42:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Solid Snake a Private Message
Riguardo al numero 500, ancora non se ne parla. Io pern ci penso, perchc potrebbe capitare che mi toccasse di sceneggiarlo. E' ovvio che, pensandoci, ritengo plausibile l'ipotesi che lo sceneggiatore sia io: il numero 500 arriverr fra tre anni, e dovrr essere messo in cantiere fra soltanto due, se non prima; posso ragionevolmente ritenere di stare ancora occupandomi di Zagor in quel momento, e pun darsi che l'editore ritenga che, se non lo vuol scrivere lui e se Boselli continua a essere troppo occupato con Dampyr e Tex, il terzo della lista sia io. In fondo, gni numero "centenario" di Zagor c stato sceneggiato da un autore diverso. Pern, nulla mi c stato ancora chiesto, nulla so, e posso solo fare ipotesi (anche se in una delle prossime riunioni sollevern il problema). Nel caso non tocchi a me, mi sentirn sollevato da una responsabilitr pesante, nel caso tocchi a me, sarn onorato di assumerla, nonostante i rischi. Nel caso tocchi a me, appunto, che cosa fare? Personalmente sarei del parere di scrivere una storia con un argomento "particolare", e se potessi decidere da solo avrei gir un'idea stuzzicante (stuzzicante secondo me, e solo secondo me, naturalmente) tesa a recuperare qualcosa di importante non spiegato in "Zagor Racconta". La mia storia si intolerebbe "Ritorno al Clear Water". Pern, vedendo il tipo di storia approvato per Tex 500 viene da pensare che la Casa editrice preferisca racconti piu "ordinari", fatti per piacere anche a chi acquisti l'albo perchc c a colori, senza essere uno zagoriano di ferro che conosca vita morte e miracoli del nostro eroe, e che rappresentino quindi un "punto di ingresso" non problematico nella serie. Cose c stato fatto anche per Mister No 300, per esempio. Vero c che invece Zagor 400 c stato un numero "speciale" sotto tutti i punti di vista. Pern un'altra controindicazione deriva dal fatto che le storie che parlano del passato dei protagonisti devono essere scritte dai creatori, oppure non piacciono ai lettori (vedi il caso di "Darkwood Anno Zero", che ha riscosso se molti consensi, ma anche molte critiche). Dunque, la cosa migliore da fare c attendere serenamente il momento giusto, e chiedere consiglio a Sergio Bonelli, accettando le sue indicazioni.
Circa lo Zagorone, io lo propongo con insistenza a ogni riunione, anche facedo valere i buoni dati di vendita del Maxi, che viene acquistato in maniera soddisfacente nonostante il prezzo piu alto. Pern, per il momento, la proposta non viene accolta: magari, fra un anno, lo sarr. Non so fare previsioni a lungo termine, posso solo garantire il mio impegno nel continuare a prospettare l'eventualitr.

Il mondo non c abbastanza
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Solid Snake
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 16:43:11  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Solid Snake a Private Message
ako budem imao vremena prevedicu nesto

Il mondo non c abbastanza
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big joco
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 16:46:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit big joco's Homepage  Send big joco a Private Message
glupog li topica....
za sad garantovano najglupiji u godini 2004
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 16:49:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send byoman a Private Message
Originally posted by big joco

glupog li topica....
za sad garantovano najglupiji u godini 2004

big joco ne budi debil

Bill Gates - "It's not a bug, it's an additional feature"
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big joco
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 16:50:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit big joco's Homepage  Send big joco a Private Message
1. koliko ljudi na tom topico zna italijansko?
2. ako zna neko onda sigurno ne cita italijanskog Zagora (jer jih ima i dosa na hrvatskom), nego citaju Magico vento, damphyra ili možda MM (kao ja)
3. Sold snake,ako zapocneš topic i možda cak razumiješ italijansko, prevedi ga bar na minimum...a ne samo CTRL+C i CRTL+V i evo novog topica, kojeg 99% forumaša ne razume
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 17:17:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message
Prevedi s babel fish ,to se moze uraditi za 5 sec s Copy i paste.Ne pravi se glup!

"What is this obsession people have with books? They put them in their houses like they're trophies. What do you need it for after you read it?"
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 17:53:48  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DusMan a Private Message
Hmmm... mozda kad izadje ovaj strip da ga skeniram i da ga Djole prevede, pa da ga okacimo na net! Sta kazete?

So lock up your daughter, lock up your wife, lock up your back door, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 19:07:48  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Top a Private Message
seinfeld, gdje ima taj babel fish koji ti opisujes za naci na netu?

*-*"The only thing we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."*-*
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big joco
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 19:57:24  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit big joco's Homepage  Send big joco a Private Message
ne treba meni nikakav program, samo bilo bi lakše da covek onima koji ne razuumijeju prevede. A ja se pravim glup???- ili se ti praviš malo pametan?
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Solid Snake
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 20:35:39  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Solid Snake a Private Message
Originally posted by big joco

ne treba meni nikakav program, samo bilo bi lakše da covek onima koji ne razuumijeju prevede. A ja se pravim glup???- ili se ti praviš malo pametan?

ne moras se praviti glup jer ti si prirodno glup
imas mnogo programa na netu de mozes ovo prevesti na engleski.Ili moze biti da ne razumes engleski

Il mondo non c abbastanza
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 20:35:45  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Nobody a Private Message
stvarno je malo cudno pošto nema prevoda teksta, jer svi neznamo talijanski.
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Solid Snake
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 20:40:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Solid Snake a Private Message
Ljudi ja stvarno ne znam sta je sa vama.Evo vam engleski(izvinjavam se preveo bi na hrvatski ali nemam vremena )

I pertain to the number 500, still not if speaks of it. I however I think about it, because it could arrive that it touched me of it. It is obvious that, thinking us, I retain plausible the hypothesis that the scriptwriter is I: the number 500 will arrive between three years, and should be put in site between only two, if not first; reasonable can retain to be still occupying me of Zagor in that moment, and can give itself that the publisher retains that, if do not writer want it he and if continuous Boselli to be too occupied with DampyrIt edges it is I. In fund, gni I number "centenary" of Zagor was television drama from a different author. However, nothing I have been still asked, nothing I know, and I am able alone do hypothesis (even if in an of the next meetings I will lift the problem). In the case not touches to me, me sentirn lifted from a heavy responsibility, in the case touch you, will be honored to take on it, although the risks. In the case touch you, note, what to do? Personally sarei of the opinion of to write a story with an argument "detail", and if could decide alone I have had already an idea teasing (teasing according to myself, and alone according to me, naturally) stretched out to recover something of mattering done not explain in "Zagor Tells". My story itself intolerebbe "Return to the Clear Water". However, seeing the type of story approved for Tex 500 comes to think that the House publisher preferisca you tell more "ordinary", done please also to who gain the registry because is at colors, without to be a zagoriano of iron than dead conosca life and miracles of our hero, and that represent therefore a "point of entrance" not problematic in the series. So it was done also for Mister No 300, for example. True it is that instead Zagor 400 a number was "special" under all of the point of view. However another counterindication derives from the fact that the stories that talk about the past of the protagonists should be written from the creators, or not piacciono to the readers (you see the case of "Zero Year Darkwood", that collected yes a lot of approvals, but also a lot critical). Therefore, the better thing to do is await serenely the just moment, and ask advice to Sergio Bonelli, accepting his indications. About the Zagorone, I the propongo with persistence to every meeting, also facedo be worth the good data of sale of the Maxi, that comes gained in satisfactory manner although the highest price. However, for the moment, the proposal does not come welcomed: even if, between a year, will be it. I do not know it do predictions to long limit, I am able alone to guarantee my engagement in the to continue you show the possibility.

Il mondo non c abbastanza
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Posted - 11/01/2004 : 20:44:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Nobody a Private Message
Vec puno bolje!!!
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dd fan
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Posted - 12/01/2004 : 02:31:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send dd fan a Private Message
Originally posted by DusMan

Hmmm... mozda kad izadje ovaj strip da ga skeniram i da ga Djole prevede, pa da ga okacimo na net! Sta kazete?

So lock up your daughter, lock up your wife, lock up your back door, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

A sta kazes da mi okacimo vas dvojicu negde da visite? Meni je to bolja ideja!

I've always been a nobody. When i was a child, my mother used to confuse me with my brother, even though i'm an only child. To this day she still thinks i'm my brother.
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Posted - 12/01/2004 : 12:04:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Top a Private Message
a sto i ti programi prevode. koji engleski u PM...

*-*"The only thing we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."*-*
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33493 Posts

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Posted - 12/01/2004 : 12:25:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit globinjo's Homepage  Send globinjo a Private Message
Originally posted by Top

seinfeld, gdje ima taj babel fish koji ti opisujes za naci na netu?

...i onda kad ne bude nas bilo,stripove ce citat' naše...
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big joco
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Posted - 12/01/2004 : 13:41:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit big joco's Homepage  Send big joco a Private Message
Originally posted by Solid Snake

Originally posted by big joco

ne treba meni nikakav program, samo bilo bi lakše da covek onima koji ne razuumijeju prevede. A ja se pravim glup???- ili se ti praviš malo pametan?

ne moras se praviti glup jer ti si prirodno glup
imas mnogo programa na netu de mozes ovo prevesti na engleski.Ili moze biti da ne razumes engleski
ja sam glup??? a ti se praviš budalo od ljudi...ako si bar 0,5% pametan, kao što se imaš, pa zaboga prevedi ljudima na hrvatski...nije bit šta ja razumijem, nego šta razume vecina. Ako bi sv znali italijansko skaupljali bi se na forumu UBC-a ne ovde! Oko mog znanja jezika: razumijem hrvatski, italijanski i engleski a normalno i slovenski. BREZ BILO KOJEG PROGRAMA! Za glupog coveka, kao što me nazivaš, prilicno dobro?! A da bi ja npr. ovaj tekst preveo sa italijanskog na slovenski? Koliko bi ti onda razumijeo?

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Posted - 12/01/2004 : 14:31:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jang a Private Message
ajde joco prevedi! Vem da boš užival pri prevajanju Zagorja
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Solid Snake
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Posted - 12/01/2004 : 15:01:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Solid Snake a Private Message
Originally posted by big joco

Originally posted by Solid Snake

Originally posted by big joco

ne treba meni nikakav program, samo bilo bi lakše da covek onima koji ne razuumijeju prevede. A ja se pravim glup???- ili se ti praviš malo pametan?

ne moras se praviti glup jer ti si prirodno glup
imas mnogo programa na netu de mozes ovo prevesti na engleski.Ili moze biti da ne razumes engleski
ja sam glup??? a ti se praviš budalo od ljudi...ako si bar 0,5% pametan, kao što se imaš, pa zaboga prevedi ljudima na hrvatski...nije bit šta ja razumijem, nego šta razume vecina. Ako bi sv znali italijansko skaupljali bi se na forumu UBC-a ne ovde! Oko mog znanja jezika: razumijem hrvatski, italijanski i engleski a normalno i slovenski. BREZ BILO KOJEG PROGRAMA! Za glupog coveka, kao što me nazivaš, prilicno dobro?! A da bi ja npr. ovaj tekst preveo sa italijanskog na slovenski? Koliko bi ti onda razumijeo?

ako znas taljanski onda znas sta znaci ovo:"Topo di fogne" i "Figlio di cane"

Il mondo non c abbastanza
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big joco
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Posted - 12/01/2004 : 18:35:05  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit big joco's Homepage  Send big joco a Private Message
Solid Snake..kažeš da nemaš vremena prevodit tekst a non stop me zakucavaš...u to vreme bi vec mogao pet puta prevest... ako bi to znao.

te dve psovke koje si napisao su djetinaste i samo pokazuju kako si obrazovan. Ili si možda hteo na italijanskom sebe da opišeš, kakva si životinja?

Edited by - big joco on 12/01/2004 18:36:27
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Posted - 12/01/2004 : 19:40:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send fishleg a Private Message
Originally posted by jang

ajde joco prevedi! Vem da boš užival pri prevajanju Zagorja

Ima dana kad se smijem ima noci kada pijem
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Posted - 12/01/2004 : 22:08:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit johnhartson's Homepage  Send johnhartson a Private Message
Ne razumem se mnogo u talijanski. Znam dve tri stvari tipa "figlio di putanna" ili "Inter, inter fafan cullo"(u slobodnoj transkripciji). Omiljena mi je ipak "Bravissimo Del Piero".

BTW, jel' znate kako najbolje muvati ribu iz Italije a ne znati talijanski? "Moze jedan Kreshendo? Fortissimo!"

Nobody expects the spannish inquisition!
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Solid Snake
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Posted - 15/01/2004 : 16:15:20  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Solid Snake a Private Message
Originally posted by big joco

Solid Snake..kažeš da nemaš vremena prevodit tekst a non stop me zakucavaš...u to vreme bi vec mogao pet puta prevest... ako bi to znao.

te dve psovke koje si napisao su djetinaste i samo pokazuju kako si obrazovan. Ili si možda hteo na italijanskom sebe da opišeš, kakva si životinja?

moze biti da sam zivotinja,ali ti si najveca zivotinja to je sigurno

Il mondo non c abbastanza
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Posted - 15/01/2004 : 17:05:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Nobody a Private Message
... kad djeca imaju svobodu pisanja ...
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Djole suradnik

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Posted - 15/01/2004 : 18:04:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Djole a Private Message
Originally posted by dd fan

Originally posted by DusMan

Hmmm... mozda kad izadje ovaj strip da ga skeniram i da ga Djole prevede, pa da ga okacimo na net! Sta kazete?

A sta kazes da mi okacimo vas dvojicu negde da visite? Meni je to bolja ideja!

I da ponovim pitanje: koj je tebi?

I živa daje crn talog.
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Solid Snake
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Posted - 16/01/2004 : 19:38:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Solid Snake a Private Message
Originally posted by Nobody

... kad djeca imaju svobodu pisanja ...

jel citas ti ovo "Veliki" Joco

Il mondo non c abbastanza
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