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Member since 09/09/2003

Posted - 24/03/2004 : 13:06:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send realist a Private Message
Evo,malo sam prckao po netu i naišao na podatak da je prije Marvela i DC objavljivao stripove o HE-MAN-u i da se ovaj cak šorao sa Supermanom.No,naišao sam i na Marvelovu limited seriju koja je izlazila i na ovim prostorima,ali mislim da zadnji broj nije objavljen,pa evo nešto i o tome.
(#12). March 1988.
Star Comics

In Star's first relatively coherent storyline, Adam realizes that he is sick of being He-Man because he has to act so irresponsibly all the time as Adam to keep his secret. He reasons that, because there are so many heroes now, he is not needed. He decides that he will return the sword to the Sorceress the following day, but he doesn't get a chance, since Skeletor invades the palace and takes Man-At-Arms and him prisoner. Skeletor then sets up a device that will detonate upon detection of He-Man's brainwave pattern, sending him 30 years into the future. Adam's thoughts start the clock and he barely has enough time to throw his sword at the bomb to stop it. Unfortunately, the bomb takes the sword into the future. Man-At-Arms uses a device to send Adam into the future to retrieve the sword, but Adam must keep a homing device so he can return. He arrives to find that Skeletor has captured Eternia and He-Man is no more. After finding his various friends dead or captured, he comes across Adam, his future self, leading a resistance against Skeletor. Along with him is Teela, who has become the Sorceress, Andras, who has become Man-At-Arms, and Clamp Champ. In the middle of town, he finds He-Man's tombstone, put there by Skeletor to rob hope from the people. Adam, however, has a plan...

(#13). May 1988.
Star Comics

As the story continues, Adam comes to find that Teela has grown cold and emotionless since the disappearance of He-Man while at camp awaiting their strike on Skeletor. Eventually, their opportunity comes, and they hijack an incoming supply truck. Once they arrive at the palace, they defeat the guards and come to find that Cringer has been "adopted" by Skeletor as his own pet, to spite Adam. Meanwhile, Ninjor destroys Adam's homing device, the only thing that would allow him to go home. In the following battle, Clamp Champ gets the Power Sword for Adam, and both Adams use it to transform into 2 He-Mans, while Cringer becomes Battle Cat. Skeletor curses himself for not recognizing Adam to be He-Man, and Teela uses the power of Grayskull to frighten all of Skeletor's minions away. As for Skeletor himself, Battle Cat saves the day when he takes the Havok Staff, allowing both He-Mans to defeat him. Grayskull collapses, and there is a ballad from Songster's "Ballads of Grayskull"

"For a timeless age the castle stood -- unbending power ... source of good!
Skeletor broke down the tower! Skeletor had stole the power!
For thirty years the evil reign -- until, at last, the champion!
Without friends' aid, alone this hour ... he had the will ... but not the power!
Until the castle, from deep within -- brought forth its power to aid him!
The only chance to save the land -- a hero's noble, final stand --
Power costs, and some might say ... it's only stone that passed away
Yet, who can say if a castle cried -- upon the night that Grayskull died!!"

They return to find that Eternia has been reclaimed by its people. Teela does away with the Sorceress outfit, since there is no use for it, and Adam and she embrace once more before he uses a prototype homing device to return to the past, never again to question his importance in defending Eternia.

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Member since 09/09/2003

Posted - 24/03/2004 : 13:09:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send realist a Private Message
Hm,tu su trebale biti i dvije naslovnice.Nešto sam %&$#&%!No i ovo bi trebalo poslužiti...
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Heyoka suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Member since 01/11/2001

Posted - 24/03/2004 : 13:26:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Heyoka's Homepage  Send Heyoka a Private Message
Originally posted by realist

Evo,malo sam prckao po netu i naišao na podatak da je prije Marvela i DC objavljivao stripove o HE-MAN-u i da se ovaj cak šorao sa Supermanom.No,naišao sam i na Marvelovu limited seriju koja je izlazila i na ovim prostorima,ali mislim da zadnji broj nije objavljen,pa evo nešto i o tome.
(#12). March 1988.
Star Comics

In Star's first relatively coherent storyline, Adam realizes that he is sick of being He-Man because he has to act so irresponsibly all the time as Adam to keep his secret. He reasons that, because there are so many heroes now, he is not needed. He decides that he will return the sword to the Sorceress the following day, but he doesn't get a chance, since Skeletor invades the palace and takes Man-At-Arms and him prisoner. Skeletor then sets up a device that will detonate upon detection of He-Man's brainwave pattern, sending him 30 years into the future. Adam's thoughts start the clock and he barely has enough time to throw his sword at the bomb to stop it. Unfortunately, the bomb takes the sword into the future. Man-At-Arms uses a device to send Adam into the future to retrieve the sword, but Adam must keep a homing device so he can return. He arrives to find that Skeletor has captured Eternia and He-Man is no more. After finding his various friends dead or captured, he comes across Adam, his future self, leading a resistance against Skeletor. Along with him is Teela, who has become the Sorceress, Andras, who has become Man-At-Arms, and Clamp Champ. In the middle of town, he finds He-Man's tombstone, put there by Skeletor to rob hope from the people. Adam, however, has a plan...

(#13). May 1988.
Star Comics

As the story continues, Adam comes to find that Teela has grown cold and emotionless since the disappearance of He-Man while at camp awaiting their strike on Skeletor. Eventually, their opportunity comes, and they hijack an incoming supply truck. Once they arrive at the palace, they defeat the guards and come to find that Cringer has been "adopted" by Skeletor as his own pet, to spite Adam. Meanwhile, Ninjor destroys Adam's homing device, the only thing that would allow him to go home. In the following battle, Clamp Champ gets the Power Sword for Adam, and both Adams use it to transform into 2 He-Mans, while Cringer becomes Battle Cat. Skeletor curses himself for not recognizing Adam to be He-Man, and Teela uses the power of Grayskull to frighten all of Skeletor's minions away. As for Skeletor himself, Battle Cat saves the day when he takes the Havok Staff, allowing both He-Mans to defeat him. Grayskull collapses, and there is a ballad from Songster's "Ballads of Grayskull"

"For a timeless age the castle stood -- unbending power ... source of good!
Skeletor broke down the tower! Skeletor had stole the power!
For thirty years the evil reign -- until, at last, the champion!
Without friends' aid, alone this hour ... he had the will ... but not the power!
Until the castle, from deep within -- brought forth its power to aid him!
The only chance to save the land -- a hero's noble, final stand --
Power costs, and some might say ... it's only stone that passed away
Yet, who can say if a castle cried -- upon the night that Grayskull died!!"

They return to find that Eternia has been reclaimed by its people. Teela does away with the Sorceress outfit, since there is no use for it, and Adam and she embrace once more before he uses a prototype homing device to return to the past, never again to question his importance in defending Eternia.

Ovaj prvi dio je 100% objavljen kod nas, sjecam se jer sam kao dijete bio fan He-Mana pa mi je ta epizoda kao 7-godišnjem klincu djelovala jako cudno (koja budala bi se odrekla mogucnosti da bude He-Man???). Koliko se sjecam, na samom kraju prve epizode, na He-Manovom grobu je pisalo: "Here lies He-Man", a Adam je onda pomocu nekakvog lasera prepravio natpis u "Skeletor lies, He-Man is alive" (bar mislim da je tako u originalu jer je kod nas u pitanju prijevod). Drugi nastavak nisam citao makar me jako zanimalo šta se desilo sa Macem moci, tj. He-Manom. Mislim da je u pitanju ili broj 7 ili broj 10.

"Umiljato janje dvije majke siše." - Konfucije ;-)
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Member since 09/09/2003

Posted - 24/03/2004 : 13:30:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send realist a Private Message
Evo,da ispravim stvar.Naslovnica je na:
Nego,jel netko ima one stare HE_MAN Filmation crtice na cd-u.Zainteresiran sam za neku kupovinu...
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Member since 07/06/2002

Posted - 24/03/2004 : 13:47:51  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kornboy a Private Message
Ona prva polovica je objavljena kod nas, bio je to broj 12. Jos uvijek ga imam.
Kada sam prvi put citao tu epizodu imao sam 6 ili 7 godina
i dobro se sjecam da sam plako kao nenormalan.

-Suicide is a tried and tested formula for release-
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Heyoka suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
4913 Posts

Member since 01/11/2001

Posted - 24/03/2004 : 13:56:28  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Heyoka's Homepage  Send Heyoka a Private Message
Originally posted by Kornboy

Ona prva polovica je objavljena kod nas, bio je to broj 12. Jos uvijek ga imam.
Kada sam prvi put citao tu epizodu imao sam 6 ili 7 godina
i dobro se sjecam da sam plako kao nenormalan.

-Suicide is a tried and tested formula for release-

Nisi jedini. Još se uvijek sjecam kako sam smišljao scenarije kako je Adam i vezan mogao zajebati Skeletora i uništiti bombu, a da ne baci mac.

"Umiljato janje dvije majke siše." - Konfucije ;-)
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Member since 01/12/2002

Posted - 24/03/2004 : 21:53:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send BOC a Private Message
He-Man je legenda moga djetinjstva. Jest da sam više gledao crtic, ali imao sam i par stripova. Sve sam ih negdje pogubio, ali se sjecam da su bili jako dobro nacrtani. Moj omiljeni lik uvijek je bio Orko.

"Tek kad sam s tobom, misli su jasne.
Tek kad sam s tobom, alarm ugasne."
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Member since 09/09/2003

Posted - 25/03/2004 : 16:31:28  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send realist a Private Message
Ej,ljudi jel netko ima te crtice (Filmation,1983)na CD-u?Prije dva-tri mjeseca sam citao prepisku izmedu dvojice stripofila gdje je jedan nudio drugom CD-e s tim crticima,a ovaj drugi se raspitivao kakva je kvaliteta.Tad mi je to bilo komicno,a sad mi je tragicno,jer ne mogu naci taj topic,pa ih ne mogu ni kontaktirati.Ako netko zna nešto(bilo što)o nacinu kako nabaviti te crtice,neka napiše par rijeci.Hvala...
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Member since 01/05/2003

Posted - 25/03/2004 : 23:29:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send dule_car a Private Message
Originally posted by realist

Ej,ljudi jel netko ima te crtice (Filmation,1983)na CD-u?Prije dva-tri mjeseca sam citao prepisku izmedu dvojice stripofila gdje je jedan nudio drugom CD-e s tim crticima,a ovaj drugi se raspitivao kakva je kvaliteta.Tad mi je to bilo komicno,a sad mi je tragicno,jer ne mogu naci taj topic,pa ih ne mogu ni kontaktirati.Ako netko zna nešto(bilo što)o nacinu kako nabaviti te crtice,neka napiše par rijeci.Hvala...

Mislim da smo se to ja i Baron Von Draughan (tako nekako:)) raspravljali za neke crtice ali sam ja odustao jer su sve tv-ripovi.
Ma šta e to tebi smješno bilo... Uostalom, ja sam trebao Popaya (pa ako neko ima DVD-rip neka se javi:))

to e to

---there is no spoon--- (a viljuske?)

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Member since 06/05/2002

Posted - 26/03/2004 : 00:09:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit BiDi's Homepage  Send BiDi an ICQ Message  Send BiDi a Private Message
ja imam DVDripove He-Mana (DVD = He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe - Vol. 1) ... 2CD, mislim da jedno 3-4 epizode na CD

Tako mi mlijeka u prahu, kidam naljevo

Edited by - BiDi on 26/03/2004 00:20:39
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Posted - 26/03/2004 : 00:16:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit BiDi's Homepage  Send BiDi an ICQ Message  Send BiDi a Private Message
ah da... a mogu nabaviti i "70 Years of Popeye" DVDrip... ali slika nije najbolja (kako sto pise i za DVD -> 70 Years of Popeye DVD)

Tako mi mlijeka u prahu, kidam naljevo

Edited by - BiDi on 26/03/2004 00:17:50
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Senior Member

1206 Posts

Member since 09/09/2003

Posted - 26/03/2004 : 09:11:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send realist a Private Message
''ja imam DVDripove He-Mana (DVD = He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe - Vol. 1) ... 2CD, mislim da jedno 3-4 epizode na CD

Tako mi mlijeka u prahu, kidam naljevo''

Evo,ako bi htio prodati ta dva CD-a ,molim te javi se ovdje ili na moj mail
Stripofili smo,dogovorit zemo se.
A Dule,smijedno mi je bilo to dto ti je decko nudio te cd-e,a ti kao da si namjerno smidljao izgovore da ih ne uzmed,te kvaliteta,pa ovo pa ono...A ja bih dao desnu ruku za takvu priliku.Nemoj mi zamjeriti

Edited by - realist on 26/03/2004 09:18:15
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Member since 01/05/2003

Posted - 28/03/2004 : 10:46:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send dule_car a Private Message
Originally posted by BiDi

ah da... a mogu nabaviti i "70 Years of Popeye" DVDrip... ali slika nije najbolja (kako sto pise i za DVD ->

KOliko? Oces da ti posaljem popis svojih crtica- imam skoro 100 komada (99% DVD rip)...

to e to

---there is no spoon--- (a viljuske?)

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Member since 06/05/2002

Posted - 28/03/2004 : 12:44:01  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit BiDi's Homepage  Send BiDi an ICQ Message  Send BiDi a Private Message
realist: poslao sam ti mail
dule_car: zao mi je, ne mogu nabaviti - kaze prijatelj je bio izbor crtica prva liga ali je bila obrada za DVD grozna (lose boje, veoma los zvuk), ali radi na tome da nabavi nesto bolje, javim ako bude.

Tako mi mlijeka u prahu, kidam naljevo
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