Da li su oni i izdani prije "tornjeva" ili se kasnije Hermann vraca radnjom u prošlost. Koliko u biti ima "tornjeva" vidim da su u MC-u od 1-5, a Boa-Morija 2 kom (brojevi 11 i 12???)
quote: Da li su oni i izdani prije "tornjeva" ili se kasnije Hermann vraca radnjom u prošlost. Koliko u biti ima "tornjeva"
Izdati su posle tornjeva koji imaju 10 albuma.
I've always been a nobody. When i was a child, my mother used to confuse me with my brother, even though i'm an only child. To this day she still thinks i'm my brother.
I've always been a nobody. When i was a child, my mother used to confuse me with my brother, even though i'm an only child. To this day she still thinks i'm my brother.