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Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 29/04/2005 : 15:29:36
tako onda krpicu u ruke i tipi-topi
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
New Member
109 Posts
Member since 19/04/2005 |
Posted - 30/04/2005 : 15:02:45
Uzas. Kad sam video covere od tih poslednjih Stormova. Ubistvo legende. Eto kako fransize propadaju. Meni je drago sto imam samo one klasicne e Stormove. A o cemu se radi u tim Stormovima, sto su prikazani coveri? Ne mogu da povezem Storma i sliku Lenjina, mada pretpostavljam da on putuje kroz vreme pa se sukobljava sa comy boysima...verovatno je to..
Slicno sam reagovao kao i kad sam video slike iz crtanog filma Marti Misterija koji su radili francuzi. Pa to je smesno, ti likovi ne da ne lice na originalne Dijanu, Martija i Javu, nego najvise na neke likove iz flash igrica. |
Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 20:22:45
Knjiga 1
Knjiga 2
Dakle, radi se o HC izdanju malo vecem od A4, plastificirane korice, 120 gramski sjajni papir; prva knjiga 106 a druga 98 stranica. Jedna velika zamjerka - epizode nisu slozene kronoloski i zbog toga sam jako razocaran. U prvoj knjizi su epizode 43, 51, 52, 53 i 54, a u drugoj 29, 30, 31 i 33. Ne znam koja im je to fora ali da sam im ja gazda dobili bi momentalni otkaz. Da me netko krivo ne shvati, bio sam sretan kao malo dijete kad je to postar donio i jos uvijek sam, bez obzira na kronoloski nedostatak.
Sad slobodno slinite po monitorima
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 20:23:56
p.s. nije sve stalo u scaner pa je malo odrezano i scanirano je na maloj rezoluciji...
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
Advanced Member
9013 Posts
Member since 15/11/2002 |
Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:00:04
A sto je odvratno???
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
Advanced Member
9013 Posts
Member since 15/11/2002 |
Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:14:47
molim, svoje frustracije ostavi doma i ne maltretiraj druge jer nije pristojno. kritika je jedno a ovo sto ti radis je nesto drugo
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
Renky suradnik
11092 Posts
Member since 15/11/2002 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:18:55
quote: Originally posted by alanmaras
molim, svoje frustracije ostavi doma i ne maltretiraj druge jer nije pristojno. kritika je jedno a ovo sto ti radis je nesto drugo
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so.
Alane pomalo Vidi, prije nego zakrviš, oznaka ;) = ili u prijevodu Max se šali. Daklem, jelte ljubomoran je što ti imaš te albume ali opet... boji se da Lenjin ne uskrsne ( nogomet ) |
zg stripovi
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Member since 08/05/2005 |
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Member since 15/11/2002 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:22:21
Ma vidi ga sto je planuo u obranu svojih albumcica. :))) Hehehe! Bravo, bravo. Vidi se da je vrijedila cifra koju si dao za njih cim si tako raspaljen. :) Mislio sam da se sjecas mog posta od prije nekoliko dana kad sam vec poceo biti malkice ljubomoran. Senilko jedan. (vidi sad ovo)- ;)
Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:22:40
quote: Originally posted by Maximuss
Odvratno izgleda! Gadi mi se i nikad to ne bih htio imati doma. I jos jednom, ovaj put naglaseno- ;)
sorry ako sam krivo shvatio, ovo ";)" mi nije izgledalo kao jos jednom, isprika
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:24:06
quote: Originally posted by zg stripovi
Legenda nad legendama! Odlicno izgleda! Koliko si to platio ako nije tajna?
nije tajna ali mi je neugodno kolika je cifra i srce me boli ali nisam mogao izdrzati, jadan ja, slabic sam dakle, 50 eura + 20 za postarinu
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
Advanced Member
9013 Posts
Member since 15/11/2002 |
Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:25:01
po knjizi, naravno + platis i 12-ti tom odmah pa te u startu izadje 200 eura za 2+1 knjiga
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:27:07
quote: Originally posted by Maximuss
Ma nema frke. Kao sto Renky kaze- ljubomoran sam. ;))
nemoj, biti ce sve u redu, izvadis lovu i tebi stricek postar donese
p.s. sad se uzasno osjecam sto sam planuo, valjda sam jos po dojmom od popodne
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:28:29
a sada brzo svi na moje aukcije da vratim nesto love :)))
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
Advanced Member
9013 Posts
Member since 15/11/2002 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:29:44
quote: Originally posted by alanmaras
quote: Originally posted by Maximuss
Ma nema frke. Kao sto Renky kaze- ljubomoran sam. ;))
nemoj, biti ce sve u redu, izvadis lovu i tebi stricek postar donese
p.s. sad se uzasno osjecam sto sam planuo, valjda sam jos po dojmom od popodne
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so.
E pa to znaci da si ti frustriran. C,c,c,... ;) Sve je to za ljude. Jednog dana ce Storm biti moj. Kad tad. Da, da...
Renky suradnik
11092 Posts
Member since 15/11/2002 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:31:33
quote: Originally posted by Maximuss
:))) Hehehe!
Poucen prethodnim iskustvom cupavi Max se dosjetio pa sad uz :))) stavlja i onomatopeju. Ako je to onomatopeja je ne virujem da kompjuter drži negdi u prirodi.
Uh, što ga zapetlja. Ma 'ko skuži, dobro skuži...jbga. ( nogomet ) |
Advanced Member
9013 Posts
Member since 15/11/2002 |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 23:39:31
quote: Originally posted by Renky
quote: Originally posted by Maximuss
:))) Hehehe!
Poucen prethodnim iskustvom cupavi Max se dosjetio pa sad uz :))) stavlja i onomatopeju. Ako je to onomatopeja je ne virujem da kompjuter drži negdi u prirodi.
Uh, što ga zapetlja. Ma 'ko skuži, dobro skuži...jbga. ( nogomet )
A s obzirom koliko sam cupav, hippie nastrojen i da kucam na laptopu, zacudio bi se sa kojih sve mjesta mogu postat i budi sretan sto idem samo sa ovako ugodnim onomatopejama.
Advanced Member
16500 Posts
Member since 04/11/2001 |
Renky suradnik
11092 Posts
Member since 15/11/2002 |
Advanced Member
3787 Posts
Member since 06/03/2005 |
Posted - 12/05/2005 : 00:11:02
ocu i ja hc ako je na engleskom
I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth, and i told him all the things i had to know. He said you have the future if you need to find the truth, and in his eyes I saw that it was so. |
Advanced Member
16500 Posts
Member since 04/11/2001 |
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Member since 25/01/2004 |
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