to su ti reprinti EC iz 50-ih. mislim da je pre par godina bilo tih reprinta po 5 sveski u jednom TPB, za neke male pare. gde? uzmi kompas, idi na zapad i ne mozes promasiti.
Trade paper back ,znas ono sto mi evropljani volimo ;-)). Npr. prvih 6 epizoda TWD spojeno u jedno izdanje od 24*6 str. + mozda s nesto ekstra crteza itd itd ...
Uuu, sjecam se igrane serije "tales from the crypt", izmedju je bil neki kostur s glupim provalama, a epizode su bile ko zona sumraka samo sa puno vise cinizma :)
-- "I think that it was purely because Superman and characters like that, they suddenly opened up this kind of wonderful dimension of the imagination that I had previously not had access to because these ideas were brilliantly stupid. I mean dogs with capes and Batman's dog had got a mask in case any of the other dogs recognized him" --Alan Moore