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 Kako strip moze biti stetan po omladince:)
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Saint Croix
6389 Posts

Member since 21/07/2003

Posted - 08/10/2005 : 14:22:16  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit SnotMan's Homepage  Send SnotMan a Private Message
Ako vec nije bilo...

STRIP nije bezbolna pojava pored koje treba prolaziti cutke. Zakon o izdavackoj delatnosti ne bi trebalo da bude jedini filter - smatraju mnogi sociolozi i psiholozi. Medutim roditelji i škola najcešce se prema stripu odnose ignorantski, identifikujuci ga sa šundom koji osiromašuje maštu, recnik i osecanja.

- Pre dve godine u Centru za inovacije održan je seminar na kojem se uveliko raspravljalo i o stripu - kaže Milan Krstic, nastavnik srpskohrvatskog jezika OŠ "Maksim Gorki" u Beogradu. - Iako su tada tek dotaknute neke teme, razgovori nisu prošireni. Medutim, krajnje je vreme da i u školama pocne da se razgovara na tu temu.

Bekstvo od lektire

KAKO doznajemo, casovi lektire ne podrazumevaju ni rec o stripu.

- To je gotovo neshvatljivo - kaže Smiljka Basic, strucni saradnik Instituta za eksperimentalnu fonetiku i patologiju govora. - Casove lektire upravo treba koristiti i za razgovore o stripu. Gde ce dete da primi bolju informaciju šta treba, a šta ne treba citati ako ne na tom casu?

Pedijatar dr Žika Jovanovic u Školsko dispanzeru Doma zdravlja "Boris Kidric" kaže: - I kao roditelj, i kao lekar, smatram da u ekipe koje odabiraju strip za štampanje treba uvrstiti psihologa, pedijatra i ocnog lekara. Jer, kao što ucimo dete da pre jela opere ruke, moramo da mu utuvimo da mnogo teže "infekcije" mogu da dodu od loše odabrane lektire.

I slovo po zakonu

PORED izbora teme od izuzetnog je znacaja i graficki izgled stripa. Jer, ako ilustracija nije cista, ako je loše odštampana, ako se boje prelivaju, ako konture slova nisu jasne, neminovno dolazi do slabljenja vida. Podaci koje smo dobili. alarmantni su.

- U nas se uglavnom objavljuju stripovi koji ne zadovoljavaju graficke norme - kaže Magdalena Škondric, lekar u Školskom centru Doma zdravlja "Boris Kidric" . - U vecini stripova slova su napisana loše tako da se bez naprezanja a s idealne razdaljine od 30 santimetara ne mogu citati. Oblik slova i velicina su loši. Najpogodnija za covekovo oko su takozvana kockasta slova dva sa dva milimetra, a na medusobnom rastojanju od jednog milimetra.

Od izuzetne važnosti je i da slova budu ispisana na beloj podlozi a ne, kao što se cesto dogada, plava slova na crnom.

Pri sistematskim pregledima dece od šeste do petnaeste godine utvrdeno je da je kratkovidost uzela toliko maha da to zabrinjava.

- Kod svakog petog deteta zapažene su refrakcione promene, odnosno kratkovidost. Mislim da je to dovoljna opomena i izdavacima stripova i listova, a i knjiga za decu, da povedu racuna. I bez velike analize može da se uoci da malo koji strip poštuje covekovo oko.

Ko bi mogao i da pretpostavi da dete može da se oseca bolesnim, malaksalim, iznurenim samo zato što je više od jednog casa citalo strip štampan slovima nejasnih kontura?

Mrlja i sunce

DAKLE, pitanje bišesložno: od ispisanih slova do teme.

Zakon o izdavackoj delatnosti, kojim je eliminisan znatan broj šund, svezaka iz ove oblasti, ne bi trebalo da bude jedini ocenjivac strip-štiva i strip- žanra uopšte. Šira društvena akcija u kojoj bi škola, a i roditelji odigrali veliku ulogu bila bi prava mera kojom bi se stripu dalo zasluženo mesto. Jer, kako rece jedan od najvecih poznavalaca stripa i glavni urednik revije "Pegaz", Žika Bogdanovic: - Strip je od samog pocetka svoje istorije bio popularna i populisticka umetnost, visokofrekventne komunikativnosti... Izvesno je, medutim da je strip, kada se opštim mestima služio samo kao sredstvom, bio u stanju da postigne umetnicki rezultat koji dana ni naj ortodoksniji akademski kulturni koncept ne bi mogao više eliminisati iz zajednicke porodice umetnosti.

* Medutim da parafraziramo Pikasa: Ima umetnika koji od žute mrlje naprave Sunce i umetnika koji od Sunca naprave žutu mrlju. I o tome treba govoriti. Posebno u školi. Za sada sve se završava na tome da nastavnik oduzme uceniku strip.


To think for yourself you must question authority and
learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.

Senior Member

1253 Posts

Member since 07/10/2004

Posted - 08/10/2005 : 15:17:39  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Vid a Private Message
Ja imam dioptriju -7, pa sad možeš mislit, koliko stripova sam procitao u životu.
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Member since 20/04/2005

Posted - 08/10/2005 : 15:22:16  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send scaramanga a Private Message
Trba se boriti protiv prljavih lazi i neistina....Predlazem da osnujemo paravojnu fortifikaciju!Moderatori nek budu generalisimusi!
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Member since 15/11/2002

Posted - 08/10/2005 : 15:22:54  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Maximuss's Homepage  Send Maximuss a Private Message
A nick ti je Vid. Hehehe! Jako dobro! :))

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Member since 07/03/2005

Posted - 08/10/2005 : 16:02:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send makikatalinic a Private Message
Ne volim ljude koji kažu da su gluposti te da treba nešto drugo raditi (na srecu moji roditelji nisu takvi:))

"Velikodušnost bez premca" - o AF-u
"Na ovome svijetu teško je biti glup,prevelika je konkurencija
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Saint Croix
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Member since 21/07/2003

Posted - 08/10/2005 : 18:18:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit SnotMan's Homepage  Send SnotMan a Private Message
Roditelji podrzavaju skoro sve sto se cita,moj stari je bio kolekcionar,a vjerujem i mnogima ovdje.

To think for yourself you must question authority and
learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.

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Leo Charm
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Member since 18/12/2004

Posted - 08/10/2005 : 19:52:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Leo Charm's Homepage  Send Leo Charm a Private Message
Tako je, ajmo inkviziciju, da se spale sva papirna govna! Zelimo da nasa deca sto vise bulje u izvore zdravlja i svezine poput sony play station-a i televizije koja je prava edukativna meka. Sasvim je izvesno da im se oci kvare upravo od stripova i buljenja u sise, nikako od bogom dane moderne tehnike koja prosiruje vidike, pa verovatno i vid usput. Ua stripovi, nego sta!:):):)

...mozda sam i ja nekad zazobzo paszovo sap...!
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Average Member

724 Posts

Member since 24/08/2002

Posted - 08/10/2005 : 20:00:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit zmcomics's Homepage  Send zmcomics a Private Message

Imas taj tekst, kao i onaj presudni iz Borbe '46, kada je poceo lov na strip-vestice, u SPEC ARHIVI na

STRIP VESTI svakog petka na
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
4877 Posts

Member since 30/04/2002

Posted - 08/10/2005 : 20:05:54  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send verter a Private Message
meni starci nisu citali stripove(nesto su spominjali maurovica jednom ali mi je to maglovito)ali mi ne brane da ih citam.jedino sto mi prigovaraju je da ne trosim tolike pare na njih,ali jebiga na to ne mogu uticati jer sam zaradjujem. moram priznati da mi mama stalno govori kako cu donijeti svakojake bolesti sa stripovima kupljenim na buvljaku i od cigana

"Miami...a genital wart on America's shriveled cock!!!"
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Member since 04/10/2003

Posted - 08/10/2005 : 20:18:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send LeeMan a Private Message

...A prijatelji ce se pre ili kasnije, u ovom ili onom zivotu sigurno ponovo sresti...
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Member since 06/08/2005

Posted - 09/10/2005 : 01:05:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send ned_lynx a Private Message
Auh, ovo nisam znao! Odo sada brže-bolje kolekciju da fotokopiram na A3, ne bi li bolje video tekst, a budem li imao dovoljno, kupujem grafoskop, episkop, epidijaskop ili kako se vec zove ono cudo...

Kad je bal, nek je bal!

Prah si bio i u prah ceš se pretvoriti, ali ce ti pokoja caša pica u meduvremenu dobro doci.
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Member since 10/08/2003

Posted - 09/10/2005 : 11:37:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send risbozg a Private Message

- --ak ti je slaba pamet moraš imat jaka leda --
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Member since 27/04/2005

Posted - 09/10/2005 : 12:31:47  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send TORQUE a Private Message
Sve dok i malo vidim ne zabrinjavam se!
Sve za stripove i vid ako treba!

It's going to be blood for blood and by the gallon. These are the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. They're back!
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Saint Croix
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Member since 21/07/2003

Posted - 09/10/2005 : 13:32:33  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit SnotMan's Homepage  Send SnotMan a Private Message
Ja,doduse citam stripove citav zivot-ne nosim naocale.

To think for yourself you must question authority and
learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.

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DeeCay suradnik

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Member since 24/09/2002

Posted - 09/10/2005 : 13:58:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message
To je valjda slicna situacija kao i kod onog doktora Frederica Werthama koji je pedesetih dokazivao štetan utjecaj stripova na djecju psihu pa je isposlovao comics code.

Dijelic Comics Codea, na engleskom:

Standards of the Comics Code Authority for editorial matter as originally adopted
Source: Comix, a History of Comic Books in America, by Les Daniels, copyright 1971 by Outerbridge and Deinstfrey, New York. Reprinted in Ink 19 Magazine, January 1994.

General Standards Part A:
Crimes shall never be presented in such a way as to create sympathy for the criminal, to promote distrust of the forces of law and justice, or to inspire others with a desire to imitate criminals.
No comics shall explicitly present the unique details and methods of a crime.
Policemen, judges, government officials, and respected institutions shall never be presented in such a way as to create disrespect for established authority.
If crime is depicted it shall be as a sordid and unpleasant activity.
Criminals shall not be presented so as to be rendered glamorous or to occupy a position which creates the desire for emulation.
In every instance good shall triumph over evil and the criminal punished for his misdeeds.
Scenes of excessive violence shall be prohibited. Scenes of brutal torture, excessive and unnecessary knife and gun play, physical agony, gory and gruesome crime shall be eliminated.
No unique or unusual methods of concealing weapons shall be shown.
Instances of law enforcement officers dying as a result of a criminal's activities should be discouraged.
The crime of kidnapping shall never be portrayed in any detail, nor shall any profit accrue to the abductor or kidnapper. The criminal or the kidnapper must be punished in every case.
The letter of the word "crime" on a comics magazine shall never be appreciably greater than the other words contained in the title. The word "crime" shall never appear alone on a cover.
Restraint in the use of the word "crime" in titles or subtitles shall be exercised.

General Standards Part B:
No comic magazine shall use the word "horror" or "terror" in its title.
All scenes of horror, excessive bloodshed, gory or gruesome crimes, depravity, lust, sadism, masochism shall not be permitted.
All lurid, unsavory, gruesome illustrations shall be eliminated.
Inclusion of stories dealing with evil shall be used or or shall be published only where the intent is to illustrate a moral issue and in no case shall evil be presented alluringly nor so as to injure the sensibilities of the reader.
Scenes dealing with, or instruments associated with walking dead, torture vampires and vampirism, ghouls, cannibalism, and werewolfism are prohibited.

General Standards Part C:
All elements or techniques not specifically mentioned herein, but which are contrary to the spirit and intent of the Code, and are considered violations of good taste or decency, shall be prohibited.

Profanity, obscenity, smut, vulgarity, or words or symbols which have acquired undesirable meanings are forbidden.
Special precautions to avoid references to physical afflictions or deformities shall be taken.
Although slang and colloquialisms are acceptable, excessive use should be discouraged and wherever possible good grammar shall be employed.

Ridicule or attack on any religious or racial group is never permissible.

Nudity in any form is prohibited, as is indecent or undue exposure.
Suggestive and salacious illustration or suggestive posture is unacceptable.
All characters shall be depicted in dress reasonably acceptable to society.
Females shall be drawn realistically without exaggeration of any physical qualities.
NOTE: It should be recognized that all prohibitions dealing with costume, dialogue, or artwork applies as specifically to the cover of a comic magazine as they do to the contents.

Marriage and Sex:
Divorce shall not be treated humorously nor shall be represented as desirable.
Illicit sex relations are neither to be hinted at or portrayed. Violent love scenes as well as sexual abnormalities are unacceptable.
Respect for parents, the moral code, and for honorable behavior shall be fostered. A sympathetic understanding of the problems of love is not a license for moral distortion.
The treatment of love-romance stories shall emphasize the value of the home and the sanctity of marriage.
Passion or romantic interest shall never be treated in such a way as to stimulate the lower and baser emotions.
Seduction and rape shall never be shown or suggested.
Sex perversion or any inference to same is strictly forbidden.

Code For Advertising Matter:
Liquor and tobacco advertizing is not acceptable.
Advertisement of sex or sex instructions books are unacceptable.
The sale of picture postcards, "pin-ups," "art studies," or any other reproduction of nude or semi-nude figures is prohibited.
Advertising for the sale of knives, concealable weapons, or realistic gun facsimiles is prohibited.
Advertising for the sale of fireworks is prohibited.
Advertising dealing with the sale of gambling equipment or printed matter dealing with gambling shall not be accepted.
Nudity with meretricious purpose and salacious postures shall not be permitted in the advertising of any product; clothed figures shall never be presented in such a way as to be offensive or contrary to good taste or morals.
To the best of his ability, each publisher shall ascertain that all statements made in advertisements conform to the fact and avoid misinterpretation.
Advertisement of medical, health, or toiletry products of questionable nature are to be rejected. Advertisements for medical, health or toiletry products endorsed by the American Medical Association, or the American Dental Association, shall be deemed acceptable if they conform with all other conditions of the advertising code.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Was convincing the world he didn't exist,
That was his power...
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Saint Croix
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Member since 21/07/2003

Posted - 09/10/2005 : 20:16:25  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit SnotMan's Homepage  Send SnotMan a Private Message
Eh,da su ljudi slusali sve ovo i da je sve ovo odobreno,ne bi mi ni 'z'glave'vidjeli bilo koji strip

To think for yourself you must question authority and
learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Member since 30/04/2002

Posted - 10/10/2005 : 01:01:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send verter a Private Message
pa zahvaljujuci fredric werthamu mnogi stripovi danas kostaju da ti se zanebesa. i onaj superman od 1000000$ je toliko zahvaljujuci njemu.

"Miami...a genital wart on America's shriveled cock!!!"
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Saint Croix
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Member since 21/07/2003

Posted - 10/10/2005 : 13:49:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit SnotMan's Homepage  Send SnotMan a Private Message
Ja ga ne bi kupio,sitna slova:)))))))

To think for yourself you must question authority and
learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.

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Average Member

848 Posts

Member since 07/02/2006

Posted - 13/02/2006 : 03:38:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Deki86 a Private Message
Ma kakvi problemi sa vidom, današnja djeca tupe vid na kompjuterima, a ne stripovima, onda bi trebalo zabranit korištenje raèunala djeci
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Advanced Member

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Member since 09/12/2005

Posted - 13/02/2006 : 16:32:11  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send lwood a Private Message
Originally posted by Deki86

Ma kakvi problemi sa vidom, današnja djeca tupe vid na kompjuterima, a ne stripovima, onda bi trebalo zabranit korištenje raèunala djeci

baš tako!
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Advanced Member

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Member since 02/09/2005

Posted - 13/02/2006 : 21:34:16  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mpavin a Private Message
Originally posted by Deki86

Ma kakvi problemi sa vidom, današnja djeca tupe vid na kompjuterima, a ne stripovima, onda bi trebalo zabranit korištenje raèunala djeci

da,baš kao i mi ovdje na forumu

"znao sam da smo sudeni jedno drugome cim me je majka prisilila da se oženim s tobom"
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Senior Member

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Member since 22/09/2005

Posted - 13/02/2006 : 21:54:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mladen13's Homepage  Send mladen13 a Private Message
ma samo stripove dajmo klincima

Ej cika Ciko, ej cika Ciko. Marš klinac nisam ti ja Ciko, ja sam Zagor !
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