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mr murdoc
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Posted - 05/05/2006 : 16:13:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message
Originally posted by JohnDrake

WTF se desilo sa "Ignore list"-om i zašto vidim te idijotske slike. Taman kad sam pomislio da je taj feature upotrebljiv.

john ,john dragi decec daj udahni si malo svjezeg zraka

the chase is better than the catch
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Mr. Bushido suradnik

12890 Posts

Member since 23/09/2005

Posted - 05/05/2006 : 17:52:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mr. Bushido a Private Message
Originally posted by mr murdoc

Originally posted by JohnDrake

WTF se desilo sa "Ignore list"-om i zašto vidim te idijotske slike. Taman kad sam pomislio da je taj feature upotrebljiv.

john ,john dragi decec daj udahni si malo svjezeg zraka

Fixed. Tripod ne dopušta hotlinkanje.

Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I’m the goddamn Batman.
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mr murdoc
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Posted - 05/05/2006 : 18:57:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message
bushido the saver --thanks

the chase is better than the catch
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Mr. Bushido suradnik

12890 Posts

Member since 23/09/2005

Posted - 06/05/2006 : 00:13:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mr. Bushido a Private Message

Nisam mislio da cu to ikad reci, ali Captain America je badass.

Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I’m the goddamn Batman.
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 08:42:26  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send JohnDrake a Private Message

Kad se vec igramo sa slikama.

Edited by - JohnDrake on 06/05/2006 08:44:45
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Mr. Bushido suradnik

12890 Posts

Member since 23/09/2005

Posted - 06/05/2006 : 10:57:36  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mr. Bushido a Private Message

Nisam baš siguran na cijoj sam strani. Mislim da su obojica u pravu.

Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I’m the goddamn Batman.
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 11:26:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit jgoran5's Homepage  Send jgoran5 a Private Message
Originally posted by JohnDrake

Originally posted by jgoran5

jos jedno marvelovo izdrkavanje s crossoverima.isto kao i house of m..
nema sanse da to citam...bljak marvel...

Bistri momce, "House of M" mini je odlican, a vjerojatno ce biti i "Civil War". Svoje predrasude zadrži za sebe, a ako nešto od toga procitaš i onda ti se ne svidi, onda argumentirano gadi koliko hoceš.

ja sam ti inace jako bistro momce,dragi moj
inace sam procitao house of m i totalno je sranje,izuzevsi nekoliko pojedinacnih svescica
sve ostalo je marvelovo izdrkavanje kroz svz moguce serijale koje izdaju i jednostavno tz terajuu da kupujes sve da bi ostao u toku
istastvar ce biti i sa civil war isto je tako i sa dc-em i sa njihovim infiniti crisis i 54 tjedna a da ne spominjemo marvelov annihilition

eto drago momce;to ti je to;tj moje misljenje
ja nikada nisam napisao nesto o necemu a da nisam procitao
i nikada nisam bio sarkastican prema nekome ko je kritizirao nesto sto je meni ok a njemu nije

carpe diem...
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mr murdoc
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 11:27:11  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message
i"am with stupid

the chase is better than the catch
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 11:52:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send JohnDrake a Private Message

inace sam procitao house of m i totalno je sranje,izuzevsi nekoliko pojedinacnih svescica
sve ostalo je marvelovo izdrkavanje kroz svz moguce serijale koje izdaju i jednostavno tz terajuu da kupujes sve da bi ostao u toku

"House of M": Ribiceve naslovnice su izvanredne. Coipelov crtež je atraktivan i dobro pogoden, iako ima manjih problema sa storytellingom. Bendisov scenario je na visini, dosta akcije sa dobrom dramom: dileme Magnetove obitelji, Wandin "No more mutants!", Hawkeyeov povratak i njegove dileme, "HoM" Spajdermenov slom i Wolverineov: "I remember. My whole life... I remember all of it." Šta bi 'tio više od superherojskog crossovera.

Ako ceš kupovati sve, kupuj, nitko te ne tjera. Ja nisam imao nikakvih problema sa samo glavnom serijom i onih par brojeva serija koje inace pratim.


istastvar ce biti i sa civil war isto je tako i sa dc-em i sa njihovim infiniti crisis i 54 tjedna a da ne spominjemo marvelov annihilition

Annihilation nisam citao, Infinite Crisis je stvarno prema kraju postajao sve vece i vece sranje, ali Civil War obecava i za sada isporucuje.
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 12:41:48  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send JohnDrake a Private Message
Originally posted by mr murdoc

i"am with stupid

Stvarno nemaš mota.

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mr murdoc
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 13:39:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message
a ja mislio da se nalazim na ignore listi i da ti ono sto tipam nije dostupno za okice

the chase is better than the catch
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 13:42:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send JohnDrake a Private Message
Kad ignore lista ne radi, pa moram trpit tvoje idiotske neduhovite sliketine.
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mr murdoc
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 13:48:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message
Originally posted by JohnDrake

Kad ignore lista ne radi, pa moram trpit tvoje idiotske neduhovite sliketine.

ah jonny why we just can be friends

the chase is better than the catch
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Average Member

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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 16:09:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Constantine33's Homepage  Send Constantine33 a Private Message
>istastvar ce biti i sa civil war isto je tako i sa dc-em i sa njihovim infiniti crisis i 54 tjedna a da ne spominjemo marvelov annihilition

52 tjedna, ne 54. I to nije crossover vec serijal koji ce ici samostalno, svaki tjedan kroz godinu dana... što se meni cini kao prilicno dobar koncept

Skip the dramatic pauses. I can only give a shit for very short intervals.
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Mr. Bushido suradnik

12890 Posts

Member since 23/09/2005

Posted - 06/05/2006 : 16:42:54  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mr. Bushido a Private Message
Originally posted by Constantine33

>istastvar ce biti i sa civil war isto je tako i sa dc-em i sa njihovim infiniti crisis i 54 tjedna a da ne spominjemo marvelov annihilition

52 tjedna, ne 54. I to nije crossover vec serijal koji ce ici samostalno, svaki tjedan kroz godinu dana... što se meni cini kao prilicno dobar koncept

Da, samo me cudi što je hrpa Amera to proglasila revolucionarnim i inovativnim, kao da se radi o prvom stripu koji izlazi tjedno. Japanske mange vec desetljecima izlaze u tjednom ritmu. A o novinskim stripovima da i ne govorim. E da, još su rekli da ce serijal bit u real-timeu, baš me zanima kako ce to izvesti.

Na stranu ove primjedbe, jedva cekam 52 jer na njemu radi 5 trenutno najboljih (manje-više) scenarista americkog komercijalnog stripa (Morrison, Waid, Johns, Rucka, Giffen).

Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I’m the goddamn Batman.

Edited by - Mr. Bushido on 06/05/2006 16:48:02
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 18:54:43  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send kts a Private Message
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mr murdoc
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 18:58:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message
jeben ovaj republikanski marvel..a johhny

the chase is better than the catch
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Posted - 06/05/2006 : 23:41:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mailman a Private Message
Prvi broj mi nije bio ne znam kako impresivan, ali nije ni trebao biti. Sama ideja je izrazito dobra i zapravo puno bolja i opipljivija od Infinite Crisisa. Nadam se da ce cijela prica ispasti onoliko dobra koliko bi mogla biti.

Captain America je i meni bio totalno nezanimljiv. Do Brubakera. Od kad je krenula zadnja serija (trenutno na broju 17), je sjajan! A Ultimates da i ne spominjemo!

How do you know that my dimwitted inexperience isn't merely a subtle form of manipulation, used to lower people's expectations, thereby enhancing my ability to effectively manuever within any given situation?
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Posted - 07/05/2006 : 08:03:54  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send JohnDrake a Private Message
Originally posted by Mailman

Captain America je i meni bio totalno nezanimljiv. Do Brubakera. Od kad je krenula zadnja serija (trenutno na broju 17), je sjajan! A Ultimates da i ne spominjemo!

Ja sam izgleda jedini imun na Brubakerovog Capa. Dosadan, nezanimljiv, predvidljiv, sa lošom karakterizacijom.

A Ultimates? Horde fanova se, nakon zadnjeg broja, ubjeduju : "Ma nije glupo da sam sebi išcupaš nokte, upotrijebiš ih kao projektile i pobjegneš iz zatvora" :)
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mr murdoc
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Posted - 07/05/2006 : 08:11:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message
cap je uvijek dosadan i nezanimljiv ali je ipak jedan od nosecih likova marvel-univerzuma...nevjrojatno

the chase is better than the catch
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Posted - 07/05/2006 : 11:52:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit eremar's Homepage  Send eremar a Private Message
evo spisak
ove sa zvjezdicama sam procital i za sad mi se cini ok

*The Amazing Spider-Man 529

*The Amazing Spider-Man 530
*Fantastic Four 536
*The New Avengers - Illuminati

*The Amazing Spider-Man 531
*Civil War Opening Shot Sketchbook
*Fantastic Four 537

*Civil War 1 of 7
Marvel Spotlight - Millar & McNiven
The Amazing Spider-Man 532
She-Hulk v2 08
Wolverine v3 42

Civil War 2 of 7
Civil War - Front Line 01 of 10
Civil War - Front Line 02 of 10
The Amazing Spider-Man 533
Fantastic Four 538
The New Avengers 21
Thunderbolts 103
Wolverine v3 43
X-Factor v2 08

Civil War 3 of 7
Civil War - Front Line 03 of 10
Civil War - Front Line 04 of 10
Civil War - X-Men 1 of 4
Civil War - Young Avengers & Runaways 1 of 4
The Amazing Spider-Man 534
Black Panther v4 18
Cable & Deadpool 30
Fantastic Four 539
The New Avengers 22
Thunderbolts 104
Wolverine v3 44
X-Factor v2 09

Civil War 4 of 7
Civil War - Front Line 05 of 10
Civil War - Front Line 06 of 10
Civil War - X-Men 2 of 4
The Amazing Spider-Man 535
Civil War - Young Avengers & Runaways 2 of 4
Cable & Deadpool 31
Fantastic Four 540
Heroes for Hire 01
Ms. Marvel v2 06
The New Avengers 23
Punisher - War Journal 01
Wolverine v3 45

Civil War 5 of 7
Civil War - Front Line 07 of 10
Civil War - Front Line 08 of 10
Civil War - X-Men 3 of 4
Civil War - Young Avengers & Runaways 3 of 4
The Amazing Spider-Man 536
Cable & Deadpool 32
Captain America v5 22
Fantastic Four 541
Heroes for Hire 02
Ms. Marvel v2 07
The New Avengers 24
Punisher - War Journal 02
Wolverine v3 46

Civil War 6 of 7
Civil War - Front Line 09 of 10
Civil War - Front Line 10 of 10
Civil War - X-Men 4 of 4
Civil War - Young Avengers & Runaways 4 of 4
The Amazing Spider-Man 537
Captain America v5 23
Fantastic Four 542
Heroes for Hire 03
Iron Man v4 13
Ms. Marvel v2 08
The New Avengers 25
Punisher - War Journal 03
Wolverine v3 47

Civil War 7 of 7
The Amazing Spider-Man 538
Captain America v5 24
Fantastic Four 543
Iron Man v4 14
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Posted - 07/05/2006 : 14:41:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send IGMAN2 a Private Message
Originally posted by mr murdoc

cap je uvijek dosadan i nezanimljiv ali je ipak jedan od nosecih likova marvel-univerzuma...nevjrojatno

the chase is better than the catch

Trebaš probati Ultimates
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mr murdoc
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Member since 02/01/2006

Posted - 07/05/2006 : 17:12:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message
Originally posted by IGMAN2

Originally posted by mr murdoc

cap je uvijek dosadan i nezanimljiv ali je ipak jedan od nosecih likova marvel-univerzuma...nevjrojatno

the chase is better than the catch

Trebaš probati Ultimates

ok,probat cu ,a od civil war cu kupiti monster edicion pa cu je povuci u komadu

the chase is better than the catch
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Posted - 07/05/2006 : 17:18:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send kts a Private Message
Originally posted by mr murdoc

Originally posted by IGMAN2

Originally posted by mr murdoc

cap je uvijek dosadan i nezanimljiv ali je ipak jedan od nosecih likova marvel-univerzuma...nevjrojatno

the chase is better than the catch

Trebaš probati Ultimates

ok,probat cu ,a od civil war cu kupiti monster edicion pa cu je povuci u komadu

the chase is better than the catch

Javi da li to sto vrijedi.
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mr murdoc
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Posted - 07/05/2006 : 17:31:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mr murdoc a Private Message

the chase is better than the catch
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