Junior Member
467 Posts
Member since 08/01/2005 |
Posted - 05/08/2006 : 11:11:51
Yeah. I'm trying. I was alerted by a retailer that they didn't receive Hunter-Killer #6 this week so I called the printer to find out what happened.
They lost the files. Not kidding. I'm not sure that's ever happened before...
So we reuploaded and thank goodness they were able to turn some around quickly for the Chicago con and to ship this coming Wednesday.
HK #7 is going out to the printer next week, so there will be very little wait between the two.
Just wanted to fill you in.
Nakon kašnjenja od 5,6,7 mjeseci za novi broj, eto šta se dogada i u Americi.
Inace, u ocekivanju novog broja, ponovo sam procitao HK Collected Edition u kojem su brojevi #0, #1-3, znaci oko 80 stranica stripa u boji za samo $5. To je prava bagatela, prakticno ispod cijene, jer ništa slicno nema ispod $8, pravi "Best Buy".
Silvestri je bolji crtac nego što sam do sada mislio, nije samo za T&A i superdinamicni Image stil, nego je i odlican pripovjedac. U jednu ruku, šteta šta je #6 njegov zadnji broj, a u drugu, strip ce najzad poceti redovitije izlaziti.