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The Hammer of Hell
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945 Posts
Member since 10/12/2006 |
Posted - 12/04/2007 : 19:23:18
Vidim ja slucajno na francuskom izdanju Preachera da je boju radio Hollingsworth. Zakljucak: kad god neko kupi bilo gdje Preachera, djelic love se odlije i u našu pivsku industriju. Ah, cudesa globalizacije.
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Posted - 13/04/2007 : 01:32:03
zaboravija si burek
Neka živi plemeniti Odin!Dok on živi,živjet ce i besmrtni Asgard!Jer njemu pripada svijet,on je naša volja,naš put i naša moc!
DeeCay suradnik
21661 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
Posted - 13/04/2007 : 09:01:11
Ja sam našo Hollingswortha ko kolorista u Hellboyu "The Corpse". Zakljucak: djelic love odlazi i u našu duhansku industriju...
Kad nas vidiš, ne bi rekao da možemo stvarati svjetove, zar ne? Yu-bi-tu? Mi-tu! |
Average Member
653 Posts
Member since 24/06/2005 |
Posted - 13/04/2007 : 10:17:58
Moze neko objasnjenje za nas s jeftinijim ulaznicama. Sta je to neka koincidencija u nazivima, multinacionalna kompanija, kolorista koji kupuje firme po ojropi? zbun,zbun,zbun |
DeeCay suradnik
21661 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
Posted - 13/04/2007 : 10:24:18
Dakle, Mattu Holingsworthu dojadio shitty LA pa doselio u beautiful ZG, u Gajnice i konzumira enormne kolicine pive, po cemu je dobio nadimak Žujo, i prema tome osniva tvrtku Žujo Comics! Ispunjenje americkog sna u egzilu...
Kad nas vidiš, ne bi rekao da možemo stvarati svjetove, zar ne? Yu-bi-tu? Mi-tu! |
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Member since 12/11/2001 |
Posted - 13/04/2007 : 10:36:18
U prilog tezi o pivu evo Mattovog bloga: Vidi se da je probao i srpsko pivo, ali nije bas odusevljen. :)
She came from the grave much graver. First, he’ll kill her, then I’ll save her! Everything is turning out so dark. Going through the motions. No, I’ll save her, then I’ll kill her! I think this line is mostly filler. What's it going to take to strike a spark? It's what they have inside. |
DeeCay suradnik
21661 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
DeeCay suradnik
21661 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
Posted - 13/04/2007 : 23:35:56
Nažalost, tek sam sad skužio da je systemov hellboy CB, tak da nažalost nemrete vidjeti Hollingworthov kolor... Mada je prica prihvatljiva i u crno-bijelom svijetu.
Kad nas vidiš, ne bi rekao da možemo stvarati svjetove, zar ne? Yu-bi-tu? Mi-tu! |
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Posted - 18/04/2007 : 16:43:19
Ako ti je uteha, ni meni se ne svidja MB pivo. Moram probati to Velebitsko kad dodjem na MaFest, da vidimo je li istina.
She came from the grave much graver. First, he’ll kill her, then I’ll save her! Everything is turning out so dark. Going through the motions. No, I’ll save her, then I’ll kill her! I think this line is mostly filler. What's it going to take to strike a spark? It's what they have inside. |
Advanced Member
3246 Posts
Member since 30/01/2003 |
Posted - 18/04/2007 : 17:03:45
ma MB je sranje... od domacih (u nas srba)najbolje je LAV pivo...
________________________ "Nikad nisam mogao da utvrdim koja me je od padavicarskih ekipa najvise palila. Metalke, pankerke ili hipici. Mogao si medju njima da nadjes samo najruznije i najbolje ribe na svetu. Sredina nije postojala. Carobni svet rokenrola." |
Advanced Member
5067 Posts
Member since 12/11/2001 |
Posted - 18/04/2007 : 17:18:25
Od domacih, najbolji je Becks (koji se proizvodi pod licencom:).
She came from the grave much graver. First, he’ll kill her, then I’ll save her! Everything is turning out so dark. Going through the motions. No, I’ll save her, then I’ll kill her! I think this line is mostly filler. What's it going to take to strike a spark? It's what they have inside. |
Advanced Member
3246 Posts
Member since 30/01/2003 |
Posted - 18/04/2007 : 17:20:54
... jeste... ali ako si devojcica....
________________________ "Nikad nisam mogao da utvrdim koja me je od padavicarskih ekipa najvise palila. Metalke, pankerke ili hipici. Mogao si medju njima da nadjes samo najruznije i najbolje ribe na svetu. Sredina nije postojala. Carobni svet rokenrola." |
Advanced Member
3246 Posts
Member since 30/01/2003 |
Posted - 18/04/2007 : 17:23:26
... ali meni je definitivno od svih koje sam pio, a pio sam bas mnogo, najbolje LASKO PIVO... eto braco slovenci mozda nemate mnogo strip izdanja, ali imate do jaja pivo...
________________________ "Nikad nisam mogao da utvrdim koja me je od padavicarskih ekipa najvise palila. Metalke, pankerke ili hipici. Mogao si medju njima da nadjes samo najruznije i najbolje ribe na svetu. Sredina nije postojala. Carobni svet rokenrola." |
Advanced Member
5067 Posts
Member since 12/11/2001 |
Posted - 18/04/2007 : 19:50:11
To za Lasko stoji. Ili ja barem stajalo. Pre nekih 4-5 godina, to je bilo kudi kamo bolje pivo. Sad se i ono kvari. Izgaram od zelje da probam to Velebitsko. Pio sam Zhuju prosle godine i ok je, ali nista narocito.
She came from the grave much graver. First, he’ll kill her, then I’ll save her! Everything is turning out so dark. Going through the motions. No, I’ll save her, then I’ll kill her! I think this line is mostly filler. What's it going to take to strike a spark? It's what they have inside. |
Advanced Member
4279 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
Posted - 18/04/2007 : 20:25:45
Srpski Beck's je apsolutni no. 1 od svetlih piva koje se proizvode u Srbiji.
________________________ Remember, remember the fifth of November, The gunpowder, treason and plot, I see of no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. |
Advanced Member
16500 Posts
Member since 04/11/2001 |
Posted - 18/04/2007 : 20:27:46
Tuzlansko pivo nr. 1 u ex YU i okolini.
"Nous n'héritons pas la Terre de nos parents, nous l'empruntons a nos enfants!" --Antoine de Saint-Exupéry-- |
Senior Member
1767 Posts
Member since 09/05/2006 |
Posted - 19/04/2007 : 03:47:40
omg lasko pivo, mb pivo ? odakle samo vadite ta nisko kvalitetna piva....
Becks je prije bio #1 vise mi nije, iako me vezu lijepe stvari uz njega... pravo arijevsko pivo TuborgGreen i Heiniken su probably najbolja piva koja se mogu kupiti po ducanima, iako je mome ukusu najbolje Starobrno / Leffe |
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Posted - 19/04/2007 : 10:35:37
Always happy to start an argument about beer. In English for now because I don't have the time to translate each post you guys are posting. I *am* learning, but I still suck.
Anyway; Laško; ack. I hate it. It's crap. I tried one again this week, and yes, it still sucks. They use "unmalted grains" in their beer, which typically means they are adding rice and corn to cut costs. It's the same thing crappy American beers do to cut costs and it always makes the beer taste crappier.
Becks? Come on. Drek je!
Locally, Velebitsko is the best, I think. You can also find Krušovice and some other Czech beers here that are great. Karlovacko is okay, but they're in trouble right now, eh?
Not everywhere has Velebitsko. Keep yer eyes peeled and ask for it. It tastes kind of like a nice, malty Czech beer.
Advanced Member
4279 Posts
Member since 24/09/2002 |
Posted - 19/04/2007 : 11:17:34
Have you had the chance to taste Serbian Beck's?
________________________ Remember, remember the fifth of November, The gunpowder, treason and plot, I see of no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. |
Starting Member
48 Posts
Member since 11/04/2007 |
Posted - 19/04/2007 : 11:23:49
quote: Originally posted by marlowe
Have you had the chance to taste Serbian Beck's?
________________________ Remember, remember the fifth of November, The gunpowder, treason and plot, I see of no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
No, don't think so. Is it still German Becks, but brewed in Serbia??? Loads of breweries do what's called "contract brewing". Say a large brewery has the ability to brew 100 units of their beer, but they only really brew 80. They then use that extra 20 for other companies. They sign a contract and then brew the beer locally for whatever brewer. So, for instance, in the States, when you buy a Japanese beer, it is often actually brewed by Molson in Canada. It's cheaper than shipping the beer. But it's still usually very similar. They adjust the water and use similar ingredients. If it's similar to the German Becks, I won't like it. I think Becks is one of the worst German beers. I've had Becks here in Croatia and it's not quite as bad as in the States, but I still don't like it.
Starting Member
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Advanced Member
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Posted - 19/04/2007 : 11:32:14
quote: Originally posted by Hollingsworth
quote: Originally posted by marlowe
Have you had the chance to taste Serbian Beck's?
________________________ Remember, remember the fifth of November, The gunpowder, treason and plot, I see of no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
No, don't think so. Is it still German Becks, but brewed in Serbia??? Loads of breweries do what's called "contract brewing". Say a large brewery has the ability to brew 100 units of their beer, but they only really brew 80. They then use that extra 20 for other companies. They sign a contract and then brew the beer locally for whatever brewer. So, for instance, in the States, when you buy a Japanese beer, it is often actually brewed by Molson in Canada. It's cheaper than shipping the beer. But it's still usually very similar. They adjust the water and use similar ingredients. If it's similar to the German Becks, I won't like it. I think Becks is one of the worst German beers. I've had Becks here in Croatia and it's not quite as bad as in the States, but I still don't like it.
Sure it's German, but I'm just saying that it's the best locally brewed beer in Serbia for me.
________________________ Remember, remember the fifth of November, The gunpowder, treason and plot, I see of no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. |
General Katana
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Posted - 19/04/2007 : 12:14:25
quote: Sure it's German, but I'm just saying that it's the best locally brewed beer in Serbia for me.
I don't know, personally. Never been to Serbia, so can't make an informed comment. But if it's similar to German Becks, and that's the best you can get there, then I send you my condolences.
Can you guys get any Czech beers there? Or Erdinger? Or any other German lagers????
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