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Senior Member

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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 15:03:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send darkraver a Private Message
a bojim se da bi ovo mogao biti Inspektor Bloch

je,ima slicnosti...
celav je...

bolje se ironicno nasmijat negoli plakat nad sudbom...velim ja

Od stripova radim salate ali jedino NN zacinim!
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 15:10:05  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send darkraver a Private Message
pardon,sad nadoh da Tay Digss glumi glavnog zlikovca,vampira Vargasa...
my bed...
ali onda,tko nosi Blochov kišni ogrtac...
i upecatljivo lice?

Od stripova radim salate ali jedino NN zacinim!
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 15:43:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Zox's Homepage  Send Zox a Private Message

Nema na cemu :D
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Le Samourai
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 16:03:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Le Samourai a Private Message
As I’ve mentioned earlier, the story in Dead of Night is not taken from any one volume of the comic (although it is very much in the spirit of and as close to the world of Dylan that we could possibly create). So tell me this, which episode would you most like to see adapted for the screen? Personally, I’d like to see Dylan cutting his way out of a giant heart with a sword, but I’m not sure that will ever happen. Which one would YOU like to see? And, remember, I’m actually the VP of Development at Platinum, so your answers could have a real impact on future films, too.

Predloge pishite u komentarima ovde:

Od drugih citata:

evin’s vision from the onset was to avoid CGI (Computer Generated Imagery for the non-moviespeak people like myself) as much as possible. I’m paraphrasing heavily, but an early conversation I had with him went something like this:

“I think when people see completely CGI characters on screen, it stops them from caring about the characters. Who worries about video game characters? Dylan, at his core, is a very real and grounded character and we want that to be reflected in the “monsters” he encounters.”

And he’s stuck to that. 99.9% of what you will eventually see on film is being done practically with prosthetics and creature suits. Think Hellboy much more than The Hulk. It makes our job on the stunt team a little more difficult, as it’s really tough to do some things when you’re wearing black contact lenses, but I think it’s one of the many things that will set this movie apart in the end.

I tako...
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Le Samourai
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 16:10:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Le Samourai a Private Message
A evo i priche o tome kako su (bless them) chak pokushali da dobiju Grucha za film (naravno neuspeshno):
We’re here at the mansion filming multiple scenes that occur here during the film with Dylan, Elizabeth (Anita Briem) and Marcus (Sam Huntington). As many have surmised already, Anita is playing Dylan’s love interest and Sam is Dylan’s sidekick, replacing the much beloved Groucho from the comics. A lot of people have complained about that replacement and I understand why. (Hey, I was pissed when they made Chas into Shia Labeouf.) It’s hard to see something you know so well and have for so many years go through drastic changes like that but here’s the reason why and it all boils down to one word: money. For those of you who might not know, in the Dylan Dog comics, Dylan’s sidekick is an actor who’s last role was playing Groucho Marx and he kind of got stuck there due to a memory loss (finally revealed in issue 228). He now lives and acts just like Groucho Marx. Now, when we started developing the movie, we immediately started researching it and found that Groucho Marx’s likeness is owned by a company who has licensed it from his estate (no need to mention their names). Such a place is likely to not care when an Italian publishing company starts using Groucho’s likeness in 1986. Heck, it probably won’t even last, right? By the time they realized it was going to last and it had become as big an international sensation as it was, the costs, in both cash and bad PR, would have been too great to make it worthwhile. Besides, it’s not like an Italian comic book character would ever make it to the American big screen, where the real Groucho is so well-known, right? So we come along, asking if we can make a movie with their character in it and they say, “Sure, it’ll just be seven figures. Several of them. Oh, and we want a piece of every image of him you use on anything, including any comics Bonelli publishes in the future.”

Well, as you might guess, we can’t really do that, especially at during the development phase when there isn’t even any money attached to the movie yet. And try going to any potential financers and ask for seven figures just to use a supporting character. So we have to plan for an alternative. Our first thought was to replace Groucho with another, more acceptable comedian and get the actual comedian to play the role. Like maybe the actor was playing Robin Williams or Roberto Benigni and we get the actual Robin Williams or Roberto Benigni to play it? Well, then we’re painting ourselves into another corner by needing to get one of those actors in the movie. And now we’ve got to be able to answer questions like “Why can’t it be Eddie Murphy? We could get Eddie Murphy for you.” or, worse, “Can we make his sidekick Robert Pattinson instead? Girls like him.”

So we made the decision to fight what battles we could win and not go looking for more that would keep us from making the film. (There have been enough about Dylan driving a bug or wearing a red shirt, believe me.) And so Marcus was born. There are plenty of nods to Groucho in the movie, hopefully in ways that make the fans know we care. Keep a lookout for the photos in Dylan’s office or when Marcus has to show up and throw him a gun from time to time.

Dakle, chak ce biti i dobacivanja pishtolja, koji je, sudeci po ovoj slici:


Edited by - Le Samourai on 12/05/2009 16:12:46
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Leo Charm
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 16:19:41  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Leo Charm's Homepage  Send Leo Charm a Private Message
Buhahah, dakle u broju 228 doznajemo da Gruco misli da je pravi Gruco Marks jer pati od gubitka pamcenja, pa je zato nabacio lazni identitet....

Majko mila, kakva halucinacija. Veze s cinjenicnim stanjem i pricom u #228 to nema, niti sa bilo kojom drugom pricom.

...mozda sam i ja nekad zazobzo paszovo sap...!
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 16:39:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send darkraver a Private Message
pa za ovo s copyrightom na Grouchu je bilo valjda jasno od pocetka cijele price...

a opet vjerojatno nisu htjeli blijedu kopiju lika Grouche s npr. drukcije namještenim brkovima...što bi bilo pateticno ispalo,pa su rade potpuno vizualno novog lika s nekim kakaktristikama Grouche...
al zašto ga u zombija pretvorit?

ja sam se prenerazio kad sam prvi put procitao ime Derek Donovan...reko WTF #$?!
valjda bu ostao Dylan u završnoj verziji

ma osobno sam uvjerenja da film uopce nece biti loš,samo ce u nekim aspektima razocarat nas europljane...eto
ja cu prežvakat...

Od stripova radim salate ali jedino NN zacinim!
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 16:44:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Panon a Private Message
I ja sam spreman prihvatit DD film, ma kakav god ispao
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 17:35:36  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Rick a Private Message
Ja nisam!

Imaju ameri koliko hoceš svojih strip- junaka pa neka s njima teraju sprdnju na velikom platnu! Kad tek svaki deseti super- heroj lici na sebe, i njegov je univerzum prepoznatljiv citaocima, šta ocekivati da ce uciniti sa DD?!
Neko rece da se film ne snima samo za citaoce stripa i poklonike odredjenog junaka, i da bi tu trebalo naci opravdanja za neka odstupanja od stripskog predloška. Taj neko svakako ne uzima u obzir fakat da je neki strip ovakav ili onakav, i dobar, manje ili više, upravo zahvaljujci svim komponentama koje je autor ugradio u njega. Ne ni samo ovim, ili samo onim, vec svim. U tom kontekstu, ne možemo izbeci cinjenicu da je film najcešce manje dobar ne samo za citaoce stripa, vec i za one koji znaju samo za film, jer jednostavno ne sadrži sve sastojke "dobrog recepta".

"Duh Sa Sekirom nikada nije zaista napustio Darkwood. I dalje pazi na svoje kraljevstvo i nasledje. I ponekad se javi, kao pozdrav, ili opomena, kako kome."
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 20:00:54  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Death a Private Message
Mislim da ce ovo biti jedno teško sranje.
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dr strangelove
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 20:26:41  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit dr strangelove's Homepage  Send dr strangelove a Private Message
Bit ce kao S. Darko. Loše, ali se ne propušta.

It would not be difficult, Mein Führer. Nuclear reactors could - heh, I'm sorry, Mr. President - nuclear reactors could provide power almost indefinitely.
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 12/05/2009 : 21:42:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send choco a Private Message
ma ovo ce biti cisto sranje,jedino ako D.D. ne bude glumio Chuck Norris :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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dr strangelove
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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 10:19:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit dr strangelove's Homepage  Send dr strangelove a Private Message
Originally posted by choco

ma ovo ce biti cisto sranje,jedino ako D.D. ne bude glumio Chuck Norris :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I onda ce biti sranje samo što se to nitko nece usudit rec.

It would not be difficult, Mein Führer. Nuclear reactors could - heh, I'm sorry, Mr. President - nuclear reactors could provide power almost indefinitely.
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 10:37:54  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send sinister a Private Message
Joj, što ne mogu ovog Diggsa, a k tomu još i glumi glavnog negativca! Toliko o tome da bi ovo mogao biti dobar film...

Don't regret the rules I broke, when I die bury me in smoke.
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milan 11
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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 10:56:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send milan 11 a Private Message
Naravno da ce ovaj film biti sranje jer sve i da bude fantasticno odradjen vec u startu su napravili ustupak koji nijedan fan Dylana nece moci da progutaAko nesto ne moze da se uradi kako treba nemoj te onda to ni raditi.To sa porodicom Groucha Marx-a je cista glupost.U koliko filmova se pojavljuje lik Elvisa i mnogih drugih poznatih i manje poznatih licnosti?Zbog cega je lik Groucha Marx-a poseban,to uopste ne razumem.
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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 11:06:07  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send darkraver a Private Message
nije baš neka logika ne raditi film ako nemoš Gruca imat...

pa ne mogu zamislit veci ponos negoli da jedan holivud napravi ekranizaciju nama omiljenog bonelija,bio on dylan bio on nathan...

pa kako god film ispao...ipak to ima neko znacenje
jer...nitko drugi se ne bi tog posla produkcijski primio nažalost
dylana možda da,ali nathana nikako

Od stripova radim salate ali jedino NN zacinim!
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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 11:09:05  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send darkraver a Private Message
osobno bi najrade da naprave serijal i nathana i dylana,jer to im po prirodi stvari najbolje sjedi

nathan bi bio skup ali..

dylana nešto u stilu Buffy ili Angela...

Od stripova radim salate ali jedino NN zacinim!
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DeeCay suradnik

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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 13:09:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message
Kad bolje razmislim, uopce nemam nikakve želje vidjeti svoje omiljene Bonelli strip junake na ekranu... Ovo s Dylanom, ili možda s Nathanom, to mi je tak.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one."
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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 14:03:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send okiboki a Private Message
Nadam se da Zagora nikad nece snimati,jer bi ga sjebali jos gore!

Ni živih se nisam boja, dok su bili za užasa, a nekmoli mrtvih pasa.
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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 14:10:47  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Panon a Private Message
Pa film o Zagoru vec postoji. Pogledaj ''Zagor - poglavica bez plemena''
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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 14:15:48  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send okiboki a Private Message
Originally posted by Panon

Pa film o Zagoru vec postoji. Pogledaj ''Zagor - poglavica bez plemena''

To je verovatno onaj turski,to ne racunam.

Ni živih se nisam boja, dok su bili za užasa, a nekmoli mrtvih pasa.
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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 14:18:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Panon a Private Message
Ma kakvi turski, domaci srpski!!!
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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 14:24:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send okiboki a Private Message
Originally posted by Panon

Ma kakvi turski, domaci srpski!!!

Pada mi samo jedan zanr na pamet,a to nikako nije western...

Ni živih se nisam boja, dok su bili za užasa, a nekmoli mrtvih pasa.

Edited by - okiboki on 13/05/2009 14:25:05
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Senior Member

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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 14:27:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Panon a Private Message
Originally posted by okiboki

Originally posted by Panon

Ma kakvi turski, domaci srpski!!!

Pada mi samo jedan zanr na pamet,a to nikako nije western...

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Advanced Member

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Posted - 13/05/2009 : 14:28:21  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send okiboki a Private Message
Originally posted by Panon

Originally posted by okiboki

Originally posted by Panon

Ma kakvi turski, domaci srpski!!!

Pada mi samo jedan zanr na pamet,a to nikako nije western...


Eto kako si dvosmislen...

Ni živih se nisam boja, dok su bili za užasa, a nekmoli mrtvih pasa.
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