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Posted - 08/07/2011 : 20:40:09
JUŽNI SUDAN polako odbrojava sate do ponoci, kada ce postati najmlada država na svijetu. Proslavi u novoj prijestolnici Jubi nazocit ce mnogi uglednici iz cijelog svijeta, ali i sudanski predsjednik Omar al-Bashir.
Preko 99 posto stanovnika nove države se na referendumu održanom u sijecnju izjasnilo u korist odcjepljenja od (sjevernog) Sudana. To glasovanje bilo je predvideno sporazumom iz 2005. godine kojim je završen gradanski rat u kojem je u dva desetljece krvavih borbi život izgubilo oko milijun i pol ljudi.
Nedavne borbe izazvale zabrinutost
BBC-jev dopisnik Will Ross javlja kako je citava Juba okicena, a radio citav dan pušta novu himnu Južnog Sudana. No današnje slavlje moglo bi biti kratkog vijeka, jer politicka i sigurnosna situacija u Sudanu nije baš blistava. Pocetkom tjedna sudanski predsjednik Bashir je obecao svoju potporu Južnom Sudanu i kazao kako želi da nova država bude "sigurna i stabilna".
Ipak, isto tako je istaknuo i da ce "bratski odnosi" dvaju Sudana ovisiti o sigurnosti granica i nemiješanju dviju država u njihove domace politicke aktivnosti. Najveci razlog za zabrinutost došao je u proteklim tjednima kada su vodene borbe u naftom bogatim podrucjima Abyei i Južni Kordofan. Vojska sa sjevera je upala u podrucja, koja su u principu pod kontrolom UN-a, i u borbama protjerala oko 170.000 ljudi iz njihovih domova. Srecom, u posljednjih desetak dana potpisani su novi mirovni sporazumi te su se zaracene strane povukle s granica, pa su se tenzije ipak primirile.
Pred Sudancima su još mnogi izazovi
U meduvremenu, SAD je apelirao na Bashirovu vladu da dopusti UN-ovim mirovnjacima ostanka na sjeveru, jer su ovi priprijetili da ce ih izbaciti sa svojih podrucja. Osim toga, Jug i Sjever se moraju još dogovoriti oko nekih važnih strateških pitanja, prije svega preciziranja nove granice te podjele sudanskog duga i naftnih zaliha.
Analiticari smatraju kako ce najveci izazov za Kartum biti kako ispregovarati povoljan sporazum o naftnom prihodu, jer vecina nalazišta leži upravo na podrucju Južnog Sudana, a trenutno se ti prihodi dijele jednako. Doduše, i Kartum ima svoj adut, jer vecina naftovoda vodi preko njihovog teritorija do Port Sudana na Crvenom moru.
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Edited by - lwood on 08/07/2011 20:40:31
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Posted - 08/07/2011 : 20:41:22
Countdown to South Sudan’s independence as heads of state begin to arrive JUBA, 8 July 2011 – It is “all systems go” in Juba as invited guests, among them heads of state, begin to arrive in the capital city to witness the birth of Africa’s country number 54 and the world’s country number 193.
Addressing the media this morning in Juba, H.E. Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin, the minister for Information and Official GOSS Spokesperson, announced that all the arrangements are now complete. He also announced that Eritrea’s President Isaias Afewerki has already arrived. He also reported that the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and other heads of state are expected this afternoon and tomorrow morning.
his is an historic day which will change the map of Africa and mark a major milestone in History and Geography curricula and books”, he announced. Dr. Marial also said that the new country will join the East African Community, Commonwealth, COMESA and other regional and international organizations.
He extended a warm welcome to all the guests and urged them to interact freely with the people of South Sudan to understand their history, values and aspirations.
Addressing the same press conference, Mr. Paul Jacob Kumbo, the Director of Public Information, urged the media to get the requisite press badges and vehicle stickers from the Public Information Centre today to facilitate their movement tomorrow. |
depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala |
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Posted - 08/07/2011 : 20:43:21
Southern Sudan Known fondly as the "Heart of Africa", Sudan is the largest country on the African continent covering a total area of 2,505,813 sq. km. Southern Sudan borders Ethiopia to the east; Kenya, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo to the south; and Central African Republic to the west. The northern part is occupied by the vastly muslim Northern Sudan which controls the central government headquartered at Khartoum.
Southern Sudan consists of ten states which formerly composed the provinces of Equatoria (Central Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria, and Western Equatoria); Bahr el Ghazal (Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Lakes, and Warrap); and Upper Nile (Jonglei, Unity, and Upper Nile). One of the major natural features of the Southern Sudan is the Rive Nile whose many tributaries have sources in the country. It is blessed with many natural resources such as petroleum, iron ore, copper, chromium ore, zinc, tungsten, mica, silver, gold, and hydropower. The country's economy, like the case in other developing countries, is heavily dependent on Agriculture. Some of the agricultural produce include cotton, groundnuts (peanuts), sorghum, millet, wheat, gum arabic, sugarcane, cassava (tapioca), mangos, papaya, bananas, sweet potatoes, sesame, sheep, and other livestock. |
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Posted - 09/07/2011 : 00:12:59
Lwoode, topic je evidentno politicki i stoga ce biti zakljucan Ajde, molim te nemoj otvarati više politicke, topice, stvarno nema potrebe
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