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Member since 19/02/2010

Posted - 22/10/2012 : 13:30:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message
Toronto Croatia

Toronto Croatia (Croatian National Sports Club Toronto Croatia) je kanadski nogometni klub osnovan 1956. godine. Clan je Kanadske nogometne lige (CSL), a igra u internacionalnoj diviziji ("International Division") i jedan od najuspješnijih klubova u Kanadskoj nogometnoj ligi.
Svoje domacinske utakmice igraju na Hershey Centru u gradu Mississaugi u Ontariju, 20 km udaljenom od Toronta. Boje kluba su crvena, bijela i plava slicno kao što ima i Hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija.
Klupsko sjedište je u Streetsvilleu, Missassauga.


Prvi temelji nogometnog kluba Toronto Croatia postavljeni su 1956. godine. Utemeljitelji kluba bili su Juraj Boljkovac, Krešimir Mance i Franjo Jurišic. Prvi predsjednik je postao Juraj Boljkovac. Iako je prvu vijest o ovom dogadaju objavio je "Hrvatski glas" u kolovozu 1956. godine, službeni pocetak djelovanja zapocinje 05. listopada 1956. godine.
Iste godine 11. studenog Croatia je odigrala i svoju prvu službenu utakmicu i to s klubom Belfast United, te ostvarila i svoju prvu pobjedu od 1:0. Pogodak je postigao sada vec pokojni M. Strpin. Momcad je nastupila u sastavu: L. Gole, I. Cecic, M. Strpin, I. Kenda, B. Markas, I. Bore, R. Poredski, R. Gole, V. Gašpar, Ilija Bore i Mihanovic. Do 1959. godine Croatia se natjecala u Continental League gdje je osvojila cetvrto mjesto, a u kup natjecanju, nakon pobjede nad Germanijom osvaja Kup nogometne lige Toronta i okolice.


Sve do 1965. godine Croatia nije imala znacajnijih uspjeha, ali je društvo preživjelo, izdržalo deset teških i mukotrpnih godina. Mladi novopridošli doseljenici donijeli su i unijeli novi duh u mnoga hrvatska društva, pa tako i u Croatiju Toronto. Pocasni clanovi Croatije postali su dr. Dragutin Kamber, hrvatski športaši Frank i Peter Mahovlic i kanadski prvak u boksu Hrvat Jure Cuvalo. Croatia Toronto postala je središte hrvatskog zajedništva. Budenje Hrvatskog proljeca osjetilo se i u Torontu. U Nacionalnoj ligi Croatia postaje pobjednik nad mnogim državnim i etnickim klubovima, pa tako 1969. godine i nad Belim Orlovima. Iste godine Croatia je bila domacin nogometnog turnira za SAD i Kanadu. Nakon ovog turnira zapocinje uspon i pobjednicki hod Croatie. Dolaskom domovinskih nogometaša Stincica, Bilica, Blaškovica, Solaka, Milicevica, Ružica, Bradvica, Pilaša, Peskara, Kentelje, Granica i Bileckog, Croatia niže uspjehe za uspjesima. Tako je osvajala Pehare Hrvatsog nacionalnog nogometnog saveza cak 13 puta. U tom vremenu Croatia je bila pojacana igracima iz Domovine (Gluic, Ivkovic, Leskura, Fazlic, Altarac, Subašic, Plavšic, Iživkic i Grisbacher).

Toronto Metros Croatia

Klub je igrao u Kanadskoj nacionalnoj nogometnoj ligi (Canadian National Soccer League, CNSL) do 1975. godine, kada su se spojili s klubom iz Sjevernoamericne nogometne lige (Norta American Soccer League, NASL), Toronto Metrosom, i formirali klub Toronto Metros Croatia. Za klub su igrale mnoge atraktivne nogometne zvijezde, a jedna od njih je i portugalska legenda Eusébio. Iz tog vremena datira najveci klupski uspjeh, kada je 1976. godine osvojeno prvenstvo Sjeverno-americke profesionalne lige (Soccer Bowl). U finalnom susretu pobjedeni su Minnesota Kicksi 3:0, pogodcima Eusebia, Lukacevica i Ivaira. Za momcad prvaka igrali su: Paolo Cimpiel, Ted Polak, Željko Bilecki, Ivan Lukacevic, Robert Iarusci, Eusébio, Mladen Cukon, Carmen Marcantonio, Ivair Ferreira, Wolfgang Suhnholz, Damir Sutevski, Ivan Grnja, Filip Blaškovic i Chris Horrocks.[1] Trenirao ih je hrvatski emigrant Marijan Bilic, bivši Dinamov igrac.
Sjevernoamericka nogometna liga nije dopuštala upotrebu "Croatia" u imenu, pa su se klubovi 1978. opet razdvojili. Toronto Blizzard je nastupao u NASL-u, a Toronto Croatia se vratio u CNSL. 1994. godine Toronto Croatia se pridružila Kanadadskoj internacionalnoj nogometnoj ligi, a od 1998. i novooformljenoj Kanadskoj profesionalnoj nogometnoj ligi(Canadian Professional Soccer League, CPSL).

50. godišnjica

2006. godine klub je slavio 50 godina postojanja, a kako bi to obilježili, sudjelovali su na turnirima u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. Poslije odigranih utakmica u Zagrebu, Splitu, Osijeku, Rijeci, Tomislavgradu i Varaždinu, Croatia se vratila u Toronto.
Vrijedno je spomenuti da je Croatia ugostila NK Vukovar´91, NK Karlovac i HŠK Zrinjski Mostar.
2010. je godine generacija Croatie iz Toronta iz 1976. koja je osvojila Soccer Bowl ušla u kanadsku nogometnu Kucu slavnih (Canada’s Soccer Hall of Fame’s 2010 Team of Distinction).

Momcad u godini 50. jubileja, stoje: Vlado Manjerovic, direktor, Milodrag Akmadžic Backo, George Azcurra, Tomislav Granic, Ante Brkic, Leo Marasovic, Boris Tomac, Domagoj Šain, Robert Fran, Tomislav Ples, Harris Hulberto, Zeljko Ðukic, Nino Santini, maser, Josip Pavicic, predsjednik; cuce: Mario Beljo, Hayden Fitzwilliams, Robert Grnja, Jonatan Bustamante, Tomislav Pavicic, Mario Kuliš, Silvano Rajkovic.

Dinamo u gostima

Godine 1971. zagrebacki Dinamo kao prva hrvatska momcad odlazi u goste kanadskim Hrvatima i u Torontu nastupa u prijateljskoj utakmici protiv Croatie Toronto (rezultat je bio 1:0 za Zagrepcane). To je bio prvi susret klubova iseljene i domovinske Hrvatske. Medutim, po povratku u domovinu, Zagrepcani su imali velikih politickih neprilika.

2012 TORONTO CROATIA (pogledajte stranicu)

Head Coach:
Velimir Crljan
Asst Coach:
Miodrag Akmadzic
Ivan Kulis
Asst Manager:
Percia Arapovic
Michael Robinson


0 Sandi Matika G
1 Panagiotis Koumoulas G
3 Josip Keran D
4 Sven Arapovic D
6 Josip Bonacin -
7 Halburto Harris D
8 Hayden Fitzwilliams M
9 Hugo Herrera F
10 Tihomir Maletic F
11 Boris Tomac M
12 Antonio Ilic G
14 Agustin De Medina M
14 Andelo Srzentic -
15 Ainsley Deer D
18 Bozenko Lesina F
19 Dino Buljan M
20 Petar Gavran F
22 Daniel Niksic M
23 Tonci Pirija M
24 Marin Vucemilovic-Grgic M
26 Petar Mingon M
- Josip Ronso -

Rogers Cup/ Givova Cup

1998: St. Catharines Wolves
1999: Toronto Olympians
2000: Toronto Croatia
2001: St. Catharines Wolves
2002: Ottawa Wizards
2003: Brampton Hitmen
2004: Toronto Croatia
2005: Oakville Blue Devils
2006: Italia Shooters
2007: Toronto Croatia
2008: Serbian White Eagles
2009: Trois-Rivieres Attak
2010: Brantford Galaxy S.C.
2011: Toronto Croatia
2012: Toronto Croatia


Edited by - Tutta on 22/06/2013 15:55:19

Advanced Member

32439 Posts

Member since 19/02/2010

Posted - 22/10/2012 : 13:33:31  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message
National Soccer League (NSL)

1926: Toronto Ulster
1927: Not Played
1928: Montreal CNR
1929: Montreal CNR
1930: Toronto Scottish
1931: Toronto Scottish
1932: Toronto Ulster
1933: Toronto Ulster
1934: Toronto Ulster
1935: Frood Mines
1936: Montreal Carsteel
1937: Toronto British Consols
1938: Montreal Victorias
1939: Montreal Victorias
1940: Montreal Carsteel
1941: Montreal Carsteel
1942-46: Not played during WWII
1947: Montreal Stelco
1948: Montreal Carsteel
1949: Toronto Canadians
1950: Hamilton Westinghouse
1951: Toronto St. Andrews
1952: Toronto East End Canadians
1953: Toronto Ukraina
1954: Toronto Ukraina
1955: Toronto Ukraina
1956: Polish White Eagles
1957: Toronto Italia
1958: Montreal Hungaria
1959: Montreal Cantalia
1960: Toronto Italia
1961: Toronto Roma
1962: Toronto Olympia
1963: Italian Virtus
1964: Toronto Ukraina
1965: Toronto Ukraina
1966: Windsor Teutonia
1967: Hamilton Primos
1968: Sudbury Italia
1969: Toronto First Portuguese
1970: Toronto Croatia
1971: Toronto Croatia
1972: Toronto Croatia
1973: Toronto Croatia

1974: Toronto Serbian White Eagles
1975: Toronto Italia
1976: Toronto Italia
1977: Montreal Castors
1978: Montreal Castors
1979: Toronto First Portuguese
1980: Toronto Falcons
1981: Hamilton Steelers
1984: Toronto Italia
1985: London Marconi
1986: Toronto Blizzard
1987: Windsor Wheels
1988: Toronto Italia
1989: Toronto Italia
1990: Toronto First Portuguese
1991: Scarborough International
1992: Toronto Croatia
1993: Toronto Rockets

Canadian National Soccer League (CNSL)

1994: Toronto Italia
1995: St. Catharine Wolves
1996: Toronto Italia
1997: St. Catharines Wolves

Canadian Professional Soccer League (CPSL)

1998: Toronto Olympians
1999: Toronto Olympians
2000: Toronto Olympians
2001: St. Catharines Wolves
2002: Ottawa Wizards
2003: Brampton Hitmen
2004: Toronto Croatia
2005: Oakville Blue Devils

Canadian Soccer League (CSL)

2006: Italia Shooters
2007: Toronto Croatia
2008: Serbian White Eagles
2009: Trois-Rivieres Attak
2010: Brantford Galaxy
2011: Toronto Croatia
2012: Toronto Croatia


Edited by - Tutta on 07/05/2013 14:49:47
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Member since 03/02/2010

Posted - 22/10/2012 : 14:16:38  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Zlotvor a Private Message

Trljam ruke.
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Member since 18/06/2009

Posted - 22/10/2012 : 14:39:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send brni a Private Message

"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva"
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selanne suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 22/10/2012 : 14:58:45  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit selanne's Homepage  Send selanne a Private Message
Vec tri posta, a nijedan nema veze s temom topica.

Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember - nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember - everything is permitted. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins! Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
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Posted - 22/10/2012 : 15:17:14  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send andjusticeforall a Private Message
Nemojte se zajebavati, eto mi lega sa kapetanskom trakom, nekad prva noga napada NK Olimpija sa Zelenog polja, a sada strah i trepet kanadskih golmana.

Veli ovi tamo baš nemaju pojma.

Prije par godina javi, ne igram slijedecu, sastav loš, velike šanse da izgubimo, a ekipa se naravno nešto sitno opkladi i konj ude u 89 minuti i zabije gol te Croatia Toronto pobijedi.
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selanne suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 22/10/2012 : 15:18:13  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit selanne's Homepage  Send selanne a Private Message
Kladionica je zlo.

Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember - nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember - everything is permitted. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins! Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
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Member since 19/02/2010

Posted - 22/10/2012 : 22:09:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message
27.10.2012 21:00 Impact de Montreal Academy - Toronto Croatia -:-


Edited by - Tutta on 22/10/2012 22:33:20
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tex2 suradnik

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Posted - 22/10/2012 : 22:20:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send tex2 a Private Message
Stara Ti je ovo tablica, liga je došla do finala Play offa, a u finalu ce se sastati Toronto Croatia i Montreal 2!

"Od svakog treba tražiti samo ono što on može dati."
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good ol' hockey game
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Posted - 25/10/2012 : 11:36:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message
MONTREAL ACADEMY, TORONTO CROATIA IN CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL......SC Toronto Reserves and Brampton City Utd Reserves in Second Division final.

Toronto Croatia defender Josip Keran opened the scoring

Montreal Impact Academy defeated York Region Shooters 3-1 and Toronto Croatia downed their old rivals Serbian White Eagles 4-0 in the semifinals of the CSL Championship Sunday.

The Montreal Academy side enjoyed their 11th successive victory at the St Jean de Vianney sport centre in Quebec and they will meet the current CSL champions Toronto Croatia following their victory at Centennial Stadium in Etobicoke.

Toronto Croatia took a 1-0 lead over Serbian White Eagles when defender Josip Keran found the net at the 19th minute mark and it was 1-0 at the break.

Tihomir Maletic struck twice in the early stages of the second half as the home side began to control the game, the prolific forward beat Serbian Eagles goalkeeper Milos Djurkovic at 51 and 54 minutes for a 3-0 lead.

Toronto Croatia went further ahead at 86 minutes on a goal by midfielder Andelo Srzentic who found the net from a rebound off the post and the 4-0 score held to the final whistle.

The Quebec side took 1-0 lead at the St Jean de Vianney sport centre at the 26th minute mark, a penalty kick called by referee Christopher Grabasse following a heavy challenge in the box and Wandrille Lefevre drove the ball to right of York Region goalkeeper Emanuelle Ameltonis.

Forward Kadian Lecky tied the game 1-1 for York Region Shooters at the 35th minute mark and it was 1-1 at the interval.

Almost immediately after the re-start, Lefevre moved the ball to Anthony Jackson-Hamel on a breakaway to score the home side’s second goal, a 2-1 lead that held until 94 minutes when Yacine Alt Slimane sealed the victory with a third Montreal goal, it was 3-1 at the final whistle.

The two sides will meet at Centennial Stadium on Saturday, October 27, a 3 pm kickoff and the game will be preceded by the Second Division Championship Final for CSL reserve teams at 12.30 pm.

SC Toronto B and Brampton City Utd B will meet in the Second Division Championship following a 2-0 victory by Brampton over York Region Shooters B at the Avondale ground in Brampton Sunday night.

Following a scoreless first half with Brampton coming close to scoring on several occasions, the home side did take the lead at the 69th minute mark on a goal by forward Michael Tcherenkov who drove the ball into the bottom right corner from the edge of the box.

Midfielder Yusif Walied struck three minutes later to give Brampton a 2-0 lead and the score held to the end of the game to move Brampton to the final.

In the first semifinal played at Downsview Park on Saturday night, Evan Brandon John opened the scoring for SC Toronto, heading home a corner kick out of reach of Mississauga Eagles goalkeeper Mitchell Cavaco, a 1-0 lead at the break.

Mississauga midfielder Laudelino Joe De Sousa then struck twice, at 53 and 58 minutes to put his side 2-1 up and last year’s reserve champions were heading for the Second Division final again this season until Brandon John scored his second goal for the Toronto side, a 2-2 tie at 90 minutes and the score at regulation time.

The teams battled a scoreless15 minutes each way for a 2-2 tie at 120 minutes to take the game into penalty kicks, won 4-3 by SC Toronto reserves.

Weekend summary:

CSL Championship – Semifinals

Montreal Impact Academy 3, York Region Shooters 1
oronto Croatia 4, Serbian White Eagles 0

CSL Second Division Championship – Semifinals

Brampton City Utd B 2, York Region Shooters B 0

Played Saturday, October 20: SC Toronto B 2, Mississauga Eagles FC B 2 (after extra time) (SC Toronto won 4-3 on penalty kicks)

Upcoming Games:

CSL Championship – Final

Saturday, Oct 27 Centennial Stadium, Etobicoke 3 pm Montreal Impact Academy vs Toronto Croatia

CSL Second Division Championship – Final

Saturday, Oct. 27 Centennial Stadium, Etobicoke 12.30 pm SC Toronto B vs Brampton City Utd B


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Member since 18/03/2010

Posted - 25/10/2012 : 18:59:32  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send velka031 a Private Message
Originally posted by andjusticeforall

Nemojte se zajebavati, eto mi lega sa kapetanskom trakom, nekad prva noga napada NK Olimpija sa Zelenog polja, a sada strah i trepet kanadskih golmana.

Veli ovi tamo baš nemaju pojma.

Prije par godina javi, ne igram slijedecu, sastav loš, velike šanse da izgubimo, a ekipa se naravno nešto sitno opkladi i konj ude u 89 minuti i zabije gol te Croatia Toronto pobijedi.

Maletic u Kanadi I još kapetan
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Posted - 25/10/2012 : 20:52:53  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send andjusticeforall a Private Message
I oženio se!

Sigurno bolji odabir nego HNL.

Hm, sada se ovo žuto bolje vidi, pa moram napomenuti da je dojavio svoju procjenu, a da iznos koji je uložen nije veci od cijene dvije gajbe piva (koje je ovaj platio prošlo ljeto kada je bio).

Edited by - andjusticeforall on 25/10/2012 20:53:18
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Posted - 25/10/2012 : 23:59:26  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send lwood a Private Message
a di je topic o Croatia-i iz Sidney-a??

depresivni iskompleksirani primitivac i nadrkana budala
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Posted - 27/10/2012 : 23:25:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message
CSL Championship Final

Toronto Croatia 1 : 0 Montreal Impact Academy


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Posted - 28/10/2012 : 10:54:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message
TORONTO CROATIA WINS CSL CHAMPIONSHIP..... SC Toronto Second Division Champions


A goal at 83 minutes by midfielder Marin Vulemilovic-Grgic was enough to give Toronto Croatia the victory and the Canadian Soccer League championship over Montreal Impact Academy at Centennial Stadium in Etobicoke Saturday and the earlier game of the double header, SC Toronto Reserves won the CSL Second Division title with a 3-1 win over Brampton City Utd.

Vulemilovic-Grgic took a pass from Hayden Fitzwilliams to drive in the winner from 16 yards, a hard shot that caught the top corner of the net out of reach of Montreal goalkeeper Jason Beaulieu.

The younger Montreal Impact Academy – with four players selected for Canada’s under 20 national team - had an edge in the first half with missed chances by midfielder Dominique Morin and defender Kai Morton, but the more experienced Toronto Croatia team fielding seven players having played in the European leagues, looked stronger as the game progressed. Tihomir Maletic missed narrowly and Vulemilovic-Grgic was a constant threat on the academy’s goal.

“They were speedy and played well early, but following the interval we kept up our attacking style and that paid off with the goal for our second championship in two years,” said Velimir Crljen, head coach of Toronto Croatia after the final whistle.

Toronto Croatia defeated Capital City of Ottawa to win the CSL Championship in 2011.

The CSL wrapped up its five-month long season with the double header including an earlier game when SC Toronto B won the Second Division title with a 3-1 win over Brampton City Utd B, Sahsa Ricciuti (43 minutes), Jordan Kalk (45 minutes) and Adrian Perez (79 minutes) scored for the winners, while Nathaniel Ennis (21 minutes) scored the lone goal for Brampton.

Brampton earned full marks for their 1-0 lead through to late in the second half, but were rocked by the two goals in the space of three minutes from the Toronto team just before the interval.

The game looked uncertain until a free kick from 30 yards by midfielder Adrian Perez late in the second half changed the complexion of the game and SC Toronto held on to the 3-1 lead to the final whistle.


Edited by - Tutta on 29/10/2012 13:50:39
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Member since 19/02/2010

Posted - 18/11/2012 : 19:54:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message
UPCOMING CSL AWARDS NIGHT FOR THE WINNERS........CSL releases list of individuals nominated

The playing season is over, but not the shouting.

The shouting, cheering, applauding will take place at the outstandingly elegant Mississauga Convention Centre on Sunday evening, November 25. That’s when the annual CSL Awards Banquet takes place, to honour and pay tribute to the winners - clubs, teams, players, coaches and the best of the referees, will all receive their awards.

We do know that Toronto Croatia successfully defended their previous year CSL Championship win, leaving a gallant, gutsy, younger Montreal Impact Academy as the runners-up following a 1-0 squeaker in the final on October 27. These same teams finished 1, 2 in the regular season First Division final standings.

We know also, that SC Toronto Reserves captured the Second Division Championship on the same day, a 3-1 victory over Brampton City Utd. TFC Academy II had earlier won the regular season Second Division league title.

Drazen Vukovic, a midfielder with SC Waterloo won the First Division goalscoring title with 20 goals, while Gino Berardi, a forward with Windsor Stars, topped the Second Division scoring with 17 goals.

But the majority of the CSL’s best, both club and individual, will not be known until presentation night.

The following were nominated by the CSL member clubs, the winners to be announced at the banquet on November 25:

CSL First Division - Nominations

Most Valuable Player (MVP)

Drazen Vukovic----------SC Waterloo
Tihomir Maletic---------Toronto Croatia
Wandrille Lefevre-------Montreal Impact Academy
Matt Waddington---------Niagara United
Anthony Santilli--------Windsor Stars
Marin Vucemilovic-Grgic-Toronto Croatia
Jonathan Osorio---------SC Toronto
Claudio Perri-----------St. Catharines Wolves

Goalkeeper of the Year

Antonio Ilic-----Toronto Croatia
Anthony Santilli-Windsor Stars
Milos Djurkovic--Serbian White Eagles
Sandy Matika-----Toronto Croatia
John Deluca------Niagara United
Jason Beaulieu---Montreal Impact Academy
Scott Cliff------SC Toronto

Defender of the Year

Nikola Paunic------ TFC Academy
Maxim Tissot------- Montreal Impact Academy
Josip Keran-------- Toronto Croatia
Matt Waddington---- Niagara United
Gerard Ladiyou----- SC Toronto
Zvonko Bakula------ London City
Michael Chiandussi- Windsor Stars
Zoran Kukic-------- SC Waterloo
Geoffrey Attard---- St. Catharines Wolves

Rookie of the Year

Sergio Camargo----- TFC Academy
Yacine Alt Slimane- Montreal Impact Academy
Mohammed Mohammed-- Niagara United
Abu Kamara--------- St. Catharines Roma Wolves
Nikola Paunic------ TFC Academy
Jonathan Osorio---- SC Toronto
Michael Chandussi-- Windsor Stars
Kai Morton--------- Montreal Impact Academy
Petar Mignon------- Toronto Croatia
Mark Dano---------- St. Catharines Roma Wolves

Coach of the Year

Velimir Crljen------ Toronto Croatia
Danny Dichio-------- TFC Academy
Stefano Vagnini----- Windsor Stars
Lazo Dzepina-------- SC Waterloo
Philippe Eullaffroy- Montreal Impact Academy
James McGillivray--- Niagara United


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Posted - 26/11/2012 : 13:22:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message

Toronto Croatia captured the major honours at the CSL Annual Awards night at the Mississauga Convention Centre Sunday.

A repeat of the 2011 championship victory - this time a 1-0 defeat of Montreal Impact Academy on October 27 - followed a regular season title win in the 16-team CSL First Division, while the Individual awards presented at the season-end dinner included Toronto Croatia midfielder Marin Vucemilovic-Grgic, who took the CSL Most Valuable Player Award, and Antonio Ilic, voted the Goalkeeper of the Year.

Vucemilovic-Grgic was prominent throughout for his outstanding two-way play and scoring 16 goals in the regular season, and Ilic was a big reason for the champions’ outstanding defensive record, conceding just 13 goals in the 22-game regular season schedule.

Drazen Vukovic of SC Waterloo won the leading goalscorer trophy with 20 goals in the CSL First Division. Vukovic, 30, who arrived in Canada in 2010 on a transfer from NK Solin of Croatia to play for Brantford Galaxy, was transferred to Waterloo for the 2012 season.

Maxim Tissot of Montreal Impact Academy was voted the best defender in the CSL’s top division by the member clubs and Jonathan Osorio, a midfielder with SC Toronto, took the Rookie of the Year Award.

Quebec-born Tissot, 20, played in the CSL for Trois-Rivieres Attak before joining the Impact academy team, while Rookie winner Osorio, 20, is a standout midfielder who found the net 11 times for SC Toronto.

Coach of the Year in the First Division went to Stefano Vagnini of Windsor Stars, a team which ended the regular season with a late flourish to finish fourth in the standing, making the playoffs in their second year in the CSL.

Windsor’s Gino Berardi was voted the CSL Second Division MVP and was the top goalscorer in that division with 17 goals.

The complete awards list:

CSL Champions: Toronto Croatia
Runners-up: Montreal Impact Academy

CSL First Division Awards

First Division Champions
Toronto Croatia

Most Valuable Player (MVP)
Marin Vucemilovic-Grgic Toronto Croatia

Top Goalscorer
Drazen Vukovic SC Waterloo

Goalkeeper of the Year
Antonio Ilic Toronto Croatia

Defender of the Year
Maxim Tissot Montreal Impact Academy

Rookie of the Year
Jonathan Osorio SC Toronto

Coach of the Year
Stefano Vagnini Windsor Stars


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Posted - 26/11/2012 : 15:55:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send wele a Private Message
Originally posted by Zlotvor

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Posted - 26/11/2012 : 17:02:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tutta a Private Message


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