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Emir Pasanovic suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
6221 Posts

Member since 10/06/2002

Posted - 13/06/2003 : 23:02:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Emir Pasanovic's Homepage  Send Emir Pasanovic a Private Message
Za covjeka koji je samo prelistao kod Renkya jedno od ovih izdanja (ustvari dva) ja bas nesto puno pricam o ovome, jelta?
Ali zato imam 28 brojeva na kompu, pa mi niko nista ne moze!!!!!

No to nije bitno. bitne su ove stvari:
1) svaki put na proslim topicima sam zaboravio primjetiti ovo: ne znam kako je Tally to upisao (nisam nazalost nikad vidio taj strip u hrvatskom izdanju) zbog politicke korektnosti, ali u Ultimate X-Men #3 stoji kad idu spasavati predsjednikovu kcerku, u uglu gdje stoje mjesta gdje se akcija odvija, CROATIA.
POENTA: Sto vas ocrnise ni krive ni duzne ;)))))))))))))))))))

2) i final: posto ovo izdanje necete jos vidjeti duuuugo (po mojim mjerilima, kad ga vi budete citali ja cu vjerovatno citati broj 40 ili tako nesto) evo script Ultimate X-Men #015. ja sam ga slucajno nasao na kazaa, pa da podjelim sa onim sto ne posjecuju takve stvarcice. meni svidjelo to sto je pisac englez! Stari kontinent rules!!

FAO Mark Powers, Editor

Ultimate X-Men
Issue Fifteen

“It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way”

Script By Mark Millar
15th January 2002
22 Pages

Page One

1/ Open with a splash page and a new design from what we did in our first year. I’d like to go for something really subtle and European here. Let’s keep this as quiet and minimalist as possible. The news-font title should be separated from the visual with a by-line from Professor Charles Xavier and the credits, if possible, let’s just shrink down to our surnames and run in a small, transparent column over the visual itself on the bottom right-hand of the page for maximum quietness. The actual visual features Jean Grey sitting on the grass in the grounds of the school on a golden, February afternoon. She’s dressed casually (slightly hippie-ish) and wearing a funny, little hat. There’s a diet soda with a straw beside her and she has her back to us here. It’s important that we don’t see her face. The background should be very stark and plain to emphasize the car she’s constructing in the air, perhaps thirty feet from the ground. Again, play this all very quietly and subtly. This should look serene, almost balletic, as it’s telekinetically composed in mid-air.

CAPTION: Can you tell me what a MUTANT is?

Page Two

1/ Head and shoulders shot of Jean casually leaning back on one hand as she takes a sip of the diet soda with the other. Casual, relaxed intelligence as she focuses on her off-panel assignment.

CAPTION: According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it’s an individual, organism or new genetic character arising or resulting from MUTATION.

2/ Cut to a closer look at the car being assembled in the air. Make this Darrow-esque in detail and quite beautiful in the fluidity of the off-panel Jean’s telekinetic construction. It’s almost complete here.

CAPTION: According to the NEWSPAPERS, it’s a super-powered sociopath Hell-bent on nothing less than the ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION of the entire HUMAN RACE.

3/ Pull back for a shot from behind Jean again as she sits here on the grass and we see the car being lowered gently onto the tarmac again. Wolverine is standing here with the chair-bound Professor X; both of whom are in the background, but watching with interest.

CAPTION: The truth, like MOST things, lies somewhere in the MIDDLE.

4/ Again, I think this would work best visually if the characters were kept in the middle- distance. Jean remains in the background here, sitting on the grass and sucking on her coke, while Wolverine opens up the hood and checks the engine. Professor Xavier remains in his wheelchair and takes progress notes on his clipboard. Everyone should be so casual here that it almost seems alien. It’s school-work.

CAPTION: My OWN definition of that six-letter word is just an ORDINARY PERSON with an EXTRAORDINARY TALENT.

Page Three

1/ Cut to an establishing shot of the Manhattan skyline in early evening. I kind of see this as a big picture with Manhattan very small, the dramatic cloud formation taking up most of the image. We shouldn’t really see any people here. Just imagine this as a creepy movie image; like that effect often used to cover the passage of time where the clouds speed past over a city skyline.

CAPTION: WHY we have these gifts is impossible to say.
CAPTION: Speculation ranges from holes in the OZONE LAYER to nature preparing us for life in the THIRD MILLENNIUM, but no-one REALLY knows the answer.

2/ Cut to an establishing shot of the school through the big front gates. Again, I’d like to keep from fairly gloomy and imposing. There’s nobody around.

CAPTION: All we know is that these talents make us DIFFERENT and those differences make people NERVOUS in these STRANGE, UNCERTAIN TIMES.

3/ Cut to an interior shot of Charles sitting typing on his computer in his isolated study. This should be a pretty dark image; the only real light coming from the screen and giving the Professor a slightly eerie up-light.

CAPTION: My name is Professor Charles Xavier and as I prepare for an international tour to promote a BOOK I’ve just published, I’d like to write article which might ALLEVIATE your fears.
CAPTION: I want to tell you about a SCHOOL I founded where these EXTRA-ORDINARY TALENTS are being very carefully CULTIVATED.

Page Four

1/ Cut to the grounds of the school on a brisk, sunny afternoon and a big picture of the kids playing baseball. Storm is getting ready to pitch, Beast is signaling her from behind Peter (in human form) and Peter himself is ready to bat. A couple of other X-Men should be floating around in the background, but the teams split as Beast, Jean and Ororo against Bobby, Cyclops and Colossus. Wolverine should be hovering around in the background watching, a little shy or grown-up about joining in.

CAPTION: Personally, I’ve never understood why individuals who exhibit MUTANT abilities are regarded with suspicion when every other form of excellence is LAUDED by society.

2/ Dynamic shot as Storm looks serious and takes careful aim as she tosses the baseball straight at the reader.

CAPTION: Are song-writers persecuted for the power of their LYRICS? Are footballers hounded for the accuracy of their ARMS?
STORM: Miss this and you don’t get near me for a WEEK, McCoy.

3/ A big whack from Peter as he looks pretty cool and whacks the baseball off-panel with a force we’d expect from the metal-form Colossus. Beast and the others look on with a certain amount of awe.

COLOSSUS: I am truly SORRY about this, Henry, my friend.
BEAST: Don’t worry about it, Peter. I’ve still got HBO.

Page Five

1/ Colossus drops the bat and starts running (that’s how this gets played, right? We don’t have baseball over here). Everyone else in his team runs between their posts and Beast and Storm just look up in awe as the ball (off-panel) appears to just disappear from sight. How do they come back from this?

CAPTION: Of course, I don’t mean to diminish the BIOLOGY of the situation when ninety eight per cent of all known mutants test positive for the X-FACTOR gene…
JEAN GREY: I got it, I got it, I got it…

2/ Cut to Jean Grey standing around and looking quietly smug as she holds up her hands and we see the ball float down towards here, obviously telekinetically-controlled. Bobby Drake is running like Hell to the next post and looks horrified that Jean’s going to catch the ball first. Jean smiles in reply, knowing she’s cheating.

CAPTION: But aren’t we all slaves to our inherited genetics?
BOBBY DRAKE: NO WAY! Powers are supposed to be OFF-LIMITS, man! She’s using her TELEKINESIS!

3/ Reaction shot from Bobby as he grins (all in good fun) and fires off dozens of snow-balls from his palms at the off-panel Jean.

CAPTION: After all, some say MUSIC runs in families…
BOBBY DRAKE: Have it YOUR way, Jeannie-baby!

4/ Reaction shot as Jean, Storm and Beast are absolutely engulfed in a blizzard of snow-balls. Again, really play up the sense of fun starting to emerge among the kids and we see Wolverine standing in the background and chuckling to himself.

CAPTION: …and others are clearly born with an aptitude for SPORT.

Page Six

1/ Cut to an elevated shot of the scene through an upstairs window within the school and we see a small area of snow on the ground among an otherwise perfect lawn. The baseball game has degenerated into a snowball fight and the kids are all smacking each other and horsing around. Do whatever you like in terms of character interaction, but I like the idea of a playful Jean sneaking up on Wolvie and hitting him in the back of the head with a big, icy snowball. We’re watching this, by the way, from over Charles Xavier’s shoulder.

CAPTION: Are mutants SINGLED-OUT for alienation because our talents can extend to FREEZING RAIN-DROPS and LEVELLING MOUNTAINS?
CAPTION: Is our world-shaking POTENTIAL the reason young mutant teenagers only dare communicate through INTERNET CHAT-ROOMS?

2/ A little more than a head and shoulders shot of Xavier as he looks down at the off-panel kids with an almost Christ-like smile. He’s stroking his little ginger pussy at the same time. What? WHAT???

CAPTION: Dear reader, as I argue at length in my book, this RAW POWER you fear is precisely the reason that these young, terrified mutants must be EMBRACED.
CAPTION: Can’t you imagine their potential for GOOD with the proper GUIDANCE and TEACHING?

3/ Cut to an image of Jean Grey two years ago. She’s a sixteen year old kid (her cropped hair FRESHLY cropped) and she’s strapped down to a table in a padded cell. She’s wearing a straight-jacket here too and throwing her head back, screaming, as she suffers the most terrible hallucinations.

CAPTION: When I found her, those formidable psychic powers were so unfocused that she was unable to distinguish between VOICES and THOUGHTS.

4/ Cut to Jean in a police station and a noirish shot of her sitting behind a desk and psychically examining pendants or something which belong to the three missing persons. The cops are all sitting or standing around here and taking this very, very seriously. Overhead spot-light in an otherwise dark room.

CAPTION: Through careful training, her abilities were SUPPRESSED and now, over time, are being gradually REINTRODUCED.
CAPTION: Her main area of school-work is dealing with the MENTALLY-ILL, but she’s been helping police find three missing persons lately and is reportedly making excellent progress.

Page Seven

1/ Cut to one of the class-rooms (which we haven’t seen yet). This is an image of The Professor sitting silently at the head of the class and telepathically talking with each of the students in turn. We can see everyone except Wolverine here and they all seem to be working on different projects (some silently talking or others just reading). Everyone’s wearing civvies here, by the way. I think the uniforms are something we should only use for training exercises and special operations.

CAPTION: Storm is ANOTHER young student who has blossomed in the short time she’s been following my PROGRAM.
CAPTION: An illegal Moroccan immigrant with almost no formal schooling, she’s currently in the middle of a telepathic JOINT-DIPLOMA in both HORTICULTURE and ECONOMICS.

2/ Cut to a nice wide shot of Storm standing in the middle of a scorched desert field, soaking wet, as she brings a rainstorm down over some underfed vegetables. Farmers in the background are jumping with glee and Storm looks up at the skies with a big smile on her face.

CAPTION: Last week, she used her atmospheric manipulation to reinvigorate a recession-hit FARMING COMMMUNITY and achieved a well-deserved A-PLUS for APPLIED USE of her ABILITIES.

3/ Cut to Cyclops (using his optic blasts) in a virtual reality jungle environment. Really give us something great and over the top here, Adam, and have some other X-Men in the background if you feel you have room.

CAPTION: Of course, there’s more to education than TRADITIONAL ACADEMICS. My syllabus specializes in pop-culture, conversation and the arts of SELF-DEFENCE too.
CAPTION: Cyclops, for example, might have very poor grades, but his leadership skills are EXCEPTIONAL in our virtual reality COMBAT CLASSES.

4/ Cut to Cyclops (not in the Danger Room) as he takes a bunch of ghetto kids out climbing. These kids are all walking behind him. Some of them are having a laugh and goofing around a little, but they all respect the big man.

CAPTION: Twice a week, between CHEMISTRY and HUMOUR, I ask him to utilize these gifts and do something DANGEROUS with groups of UNDER-PRIVILEGED YOUNGSTERS.
CAPTION: As a orphan HIMSELF, I know he appreciates the importance of a solid and dependable ROLE-MODEL.

Page Eight

1/ Cut to a chirpy Bobby in Iceman form (with a bag over his shoulder) as he breezes into the girl’s changing rooms by mistake. Storm and Jean have just showered after Danger Room exercises and they clutch their clothes in response. Bobby’s clearly done this on purpose and Storm looks miffed. Jean’s in a sports bra and Storm’s in a wet towel.

CAPTION: When we first found him, ICEMAN was as traumatized and frightened as any OTHER fifteen year old school-boy would be in his unusual situation…
ICEMAN: Oops! Didn’t realize this was the LADIES dressing room, girls.

2/ Small, insert panel. Close on Storm narrowing her eyes.

STORM: ONCE is an accident, Bobby Drake. Three times in a SINGLE WEEK is a little boy asking to be mashed-up in an ICE-BUCKET.

3/ Cut to night-time and Bobby Drake sitting around a burning stove with some homeless people and having a laugh. They’re all tucking into a little food parcel he’s just delivered and they’re enjoying his crack (which means jokes over here, by the way).

CAPTION: But his warm heart and sense of humour have been a source of strength to EVERYONE lately; particularly in the late-night COMPASSION EXERCISES I assigned him.

4/ Cut to Beast’s quite elaborate room. I’d really like to play up his intelligence a lot more here so let’s have piles of techie-stuff lying in bits in the background. Not Reed Richards-style; more realistic stuff you could pick up in a warehouse. Beast looks very noble and intelligent here as he works on his computer plus flat-screen monitor. He’s perched like a monkey, but has a real genius-like intelligence on his face and we can only assume he’s working on something incredible.

CAPTION: The same holds true for our sensitive and intelligent BEAST. More than ANYONE, he has a right to despise mankind for the atrocities which were committed against him.
CAPTION: But his passion for RESEARCH remains undiminished, his latest project being a breathtaking alternative to the expensive pharmaceuticals required in THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES…

5/ Closer on Beast working, very serious expression on his face.

CAPTION: …although, I must confess, I DO worry about the amount of time my prize student spends working in the SCHOOL LABORATORY sometimes.

Page Nine

1/ Close on the screen and we see that he’s on one of the mutant chat-rooms mentioned earlier and talking to some on-line girl we’ll hear more about towards the end of the issue. A transcript of what appears on-screen is as follows.

MUTANTCHICK: You’re my number one guy in the X-Men, Beast.
BEAST666: Really? What makes you say that?
MUTANTCHICK: Because you’re the cutest ;)
BEAST666: Why, thank you, my dear. You sound pretty darn cute yourself.

2/ Close-up on Beast for a reaction as he gives a little sneaky side-ways glance and smiles, obviously pleased to have an admirer.


3/ Cut to Wolverine and Colossus in the kitchen. Wolverine’s zipping up in some water-proof leathers and looks very no-nonsense. Colossus is still circling articles in newspapers which are lying on the kitchen table.

CAPTION: But perhaps the development I’m MOST proud of is how WOLVERINE and COLOSSUS have reinvented themselves over these last few months.
CAPTION: Both young men raised in violence and misery, they now spend their evenings scanning newspapers for HARD-LUCK STORIES and UNSOLVED CRIMES…

4/ Cut to quite a spectacular, moody shot from behind these two guys as they walk across Brooklyn Bridge or somewhere towards the big city in the rain and the dark. They’re just two little, isolated figures walking off into the distance and there’s no-one else around except anonymous people driving past in cars. I really want to start playing with the ordinariness of superheroes like UNBREAKABLE did; the idea that anyone can just put on a coat with a hood and just head out there in the rain and help people.

CAPTION: …walking the streets from dusk ‘til dawn in search of people who might need their PARTICULAR kind of HELP.

Page Ten

1/ Cut to a sunny evening and an unpleasant-looking ghetto image with gangs sitting around on steps and playing mutant-music. Obviously, these guys shouldn’t be too over the top or silly-looking, but I’d like to see something along the lines of what a 21st Century punk might look like; given that they still have to be regular people. Tattoos, clothes, make-up or whatever should be the basis of whatever this look is going to be. Think Johnny Lydon; especially in terms of attitude to normal passers-by.

CAPTION: Of course, it would be NADVE to suggest that the MUTANT INFLUENCE is always an ENTIRELY positive one.
CAPTION: It’s understandable that people are afraid when they see their homo-sapien children declare themselves X-FACTOR POSITIVE or hear the lyrics to their ANTI-HUMAN SONGS.

2/ Cut to the X-Men lounging around the TV room in their civvies (very photo-realistic and natural) as they watch Bolivar Trask (from issue one) being interviewed on the Larry King Show or something.

CAPTION: Spike Lee’s upcoming MAGNETO bio-pic clearly isn’t going to help matters nor is Professor Bolivar Trask’s popular theory that mutants have cruelty HARD-WIRED into our GENES.
LARRY KING: Let me get this straight; you’re saying EVOLUTION makes us SOPHISCATED and SOPHISTICATION just makes us EXPONENTIALLY CRUELLER?

3/ Closer on the set and a close-up of Trask looking very serious. He’s an academic so he should look pretty respectable.

BOLIVAR TRASK: All the evidence you need is the difference between TWO WORLD WARS and a PETRI-DISH full of AMOEBAS, Larry.
BOLIVAR TRASK: If mutants are an extension of everything MAN has brought to the world, I’m not sure that THE FUTURE is a place I particularly want to LIVE.

4/ Cut to a terrorist explosion in downtown Japan.

CAPTION: …particularly in light of The Brotherhood of Mutants’ re-emergence as a political force and what they did to the Japanese FINANCIAL DISTRICT last week.

Page Eleven

1/ Cut to Manhattan on a bright afternoon and an impressive establishing shot of The Guggenheim with lots of people passing by outside.

CAPTION: My students and I might have neutralized MAGNETO back in Washington, but I’m afraid his children inherited more than just their father’s striking EASTERN EUROPEAN PROFILE.

2/ Cut to an impressive interior shot and we see lots of people wandering around quietly enjoying the exhibits. Again, very subtly, we should see Quicksilver pushing Xavier’s chair through the exhibits and talking to the Professor, accompanied by Scarlet Witch. As always, play up the slightly creepy body language between them. These characters are all in the middle-distance and the twins are only half-recognizable in regular clothes. However, even dressed in civvies, there’s something just perfect about their hair and skin and we should guess that they’re not quite human. I’d like them both to be dressed in very formal, almost Yuppie-like clothes. Scarlet Witch has her hair tied back and is wearing a smart red business suit. Quicksilver is wearing a dark 60s-style green suit (with high buttons) and a white collar-less shirt. I also like the idea of him wearing a pair of silver specs. They’re BOTH wearing little badges or pins with a tiny atomic sign on the lapel. Like the square and compass of the Freemasons, I’d like The Brotherhood members to wear these things when they’re in formal clothes as a way of recognizing a brother-mutant. It’s their version of the X-Badge, I suppose.

QUICKSILVER: I think you might find Cyclops is considering a move back to OUR side soon, Uncle Charles. Did you know he and Toad had a four hour TELEPHONE CONVERSATION last night?
PROFESSOR X: Yes, but they were talking about THE LORD OF THE RINGS, Quick-silver. Besides, why would he be interested in re-joining The Brotherhood when you’ve so clearly lost your WAY lately?

3/ Closer on Scarlet Witch and she looks slightly insulted, but smug at Xavier’s suggestion. These kids have inherited their Dad’s set-up and they think they know best.

SCARLET WITCH: I’d hardly describe renewing our assault upon corrupt human POWER-BASES as LOSING OUR WAY, sir.
SCARLET WITCH: In fact, the current state of confusion in the Western World should make replacing the STATUS QUO that much EASIER over the coming weeks and months.

4/ Pull back a little as Xavier coolly takes their arguments apart. Although he’s not using his powers here, he’s still got a far more complex and formidable mind than they have and he’s running rings around their logic. Quicksilver stops, slightly offended. In the background, embellish the scene with examples (or even copies) of the futuristic exhibits to add to the atmosphere of this debate among homo-superior.

PROFESSOR X: And you think BOMBING the old order will make the human population embrace you as their LEADERS, Scarlet Witch?
PROFESSOR X: Terrorism might have made sense in your FATHER’S world, but it’s never been less fashionable than it is right now, my dear.

Page Twelve

1/ Rotate the camera and Xavier turn around. They’re mindful of people passing by, but the conversation should be getting quietly heated.

QUICKSILVER: Oh, what do YOU suggest we do, Uncle? Start outing MUTANT
CELEBRITIES like some limp-wristed PRESSURE GROUP?
PROFESSOR X: No, clearly your goal of global domination would remain the same, but perhaps you could modernize your TACTICS a little.

2/ Closer on Xavier, uncharacteristically passionate here as he quietly snaps advice. Obviously, he’s doing this for their benefit.

PROFESSOR X: I’m not saying I APPROVE of such actions, but why not use your abilities to expose the CORRUPTION of these human overlords?
Everyone would be on your side if you targeted CORPORATE CRIME and GOVERNMENT INCOMPETENCE.

3/ Pull back a little and see the twins slightly wrong-footed, pausing to consider exactly what this could mean. Scarlet Witch seems particularly into the new tactics.

QUICKSILVER: Well, it’s certainly an interesting CONCEPT, Uncle Charles…
SCARLET WITCH: Actually, I quite liked that idea YOU had about outing the mutant
celebrities. Perhaps that’s something we could bring up at tomorrow night’s MEETING?

4/ Closer on Scarlet Witch. She narrows her eyes, suddenly catching herself.

SCARLET WITCH: Wait a minute.
SCARLET WITCH: This isn’t something you’re doing to our MINDS here, is it?
Galleries and museums are supposed to be NEUTRAL TERRITORY, remember?

5/ Reaction shot from Xavier, quietly offended as we pull back a little for a shot containing all of them, bringing the scene to a close.

PROFESSOR X: Young lady, you may question my integrity as a GENTLEMEN, but please don’t insult me as a LOVER OF THE ARTS.
CAPTION: Some people ask why we don’t just WAGE WAR on The Brotherhood, but that’s such an old-fashioned, IMPERIALISTIC solution to the problem…
Page Thirteen

1/ Cut to Central Park on another brisk afternoon. This is a big, wide shot taking up the top half of the page and we see life as normal as little figures in the distance. Tiny figures of handicapped children playing in the park with their care-officers and, also tiny, we can see Peter Rasputin and The Professor (both wearing hats and wrapped up warmly) as they stay a little distance away and watch the kids.

CAPTION: As we look around the world today, it’s clear that violence breeds nothing but FURTHER violence.
CAPTION: IDEAS are the only way to change the world and, as a teacher,
I feel it’s my responsibility to PROVE it.

2/ Closer on Prof and Peter as they look off-panel. They’re both cold and Peter’s rubbing his hands together to keep warm. Professor is smiling a little.

PROFESSOR X: I’ve always thought it must take a very special kind of person to
PROFESSOR X: Then again, they say the TEACHERS gain as much from the
experience as the CHILDREN. What do YOU think, Peter?
PETER RASPUTIN: I can’t say I’ve really given the matter much THOUGHT, Professor.

3/ Shot from right behind Prof and Peter and Prof points towards a guy in a purple jacket playing Frisbee with a couple of the kids (who should kind of remind us of downs syndrome versions of Pietro and Wanda in a strange way).

PROFESSOR X: Do you recognize the gentlemen in the purple jacket playing with
the little Down’s Syndrome twins over there, young man?
PROFESSOR X: Can you tell me where you might have seen his face BEFORE?

Page Fourteen

1/ Nice shot of this guy having a good time and playing Frisbee with the kids. There’s lots of other people in the background, but he should definitely be the main focus of the picture. He’s middle-aged, but good-looking and has slicked-back white hair.


2/ Cut back to Peter and The Professor. Peter doesn’t recognize him and doesn’t even seem to think it’s that important. The Professor maintains his gaze on the off-panel gent and looks slightly smug and creepy.

PROFESSOR X: Oh, most definitely REAL-LIFE, my friend. Look a little CLOSER. Focus on the EYES.

3/ Closer on the silver-haired guy and we concentrate particularly on these happy eyes as he plays with the off-panel kid. Despite the crease-faced smile, we should recognize the steel blue eyes of Magneto here. He’s been brain-washed by Xavier and is now living an ordinary life among ordinary people. As for his clothes, he still needs to look cool and slightly superior. Could we bat some ideas back and forth when we get to this? His actual look is really important here.


4/ Close up reaction shot from Peter as he suddenly realizes who this is. His eyes widen with fright. What the Hell is going on?


Page Fifteen

1/ Pull back a little and Peter steps in front of The Professor a little, slightly protective. He’s terrified, but trying to stay cool and subconsciously trying to look out for The Prof. Xavier sits here quite relaxed.

PETER RASPUTIN: Is this some kind of SICK JOKE, Professor?
PROFESSOR X: No, I’m afraid that actually IS Magneto playing Frisbee with the children, but you have my word that there’s absolutely nothing to be CONCERNED about, Mister Rasputin.

2/ Pull back and a wide shot from behind as they both watch Magneto and the other care-officers playing in the park with the kids.

PROFESSOR X: I’ve placed a mental block in his lower cerebrum which prevents him from remembering WHO HE IS or even how to utilize those world-class TALENTS he was famous for.
PROFESSOR X: As far as our old FRIEND is concerned, he’s just ordinary Erik Lensher now and the only human beings he has ISSUES with at the moment are neighbours who play their MUSIC too loud.

3/ Focus on Peter. He’s looking out at the off-panel Magneto and just trying to rationalize the whole thing in his head, but he’s having difficulty coming to terms with it.

PETER RASPUTIN: No, this is MADNESS. Magneto died in WASHINGTON.
PETER RASPUTIN: You wrapped him up in SENTINELS and detonated him like an ATOM BOMB…

4/ Rotate camera slightly and they both continue the conversation while watching the game. Peter seems quite transfixed. He can’t believe she’s looking at Magneto.

PETER RASPUTIN: NOBODY could survive something like THAT.
PROFESSOR X: Think carefully about what you’re SAYING, Peter. Do you really think I would take the life of another living creature when a PEACEFUL solution presented itself?

Page Sixteen

1/ Flashback to the big explosion at the end of issue six where Magneto seemed to die in a fireball initiated by Xavier. This should probably be seen from the POV of the man on the street.

CAPTION: “What you witnessed back in Washington was the neutralization of a TERRORIST LEADER responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of INNOCENT AMERICANS.
CAPTION: “The public were baying for BLOOD. I couldn’t just hand him over to be hung by his neck in a FIBREGLASS CELL.

2/ Cut back to a close shot of a serious Charles Xavier.

PROFESSOR X: Post-Human PROBLEMS require post-human SOLUTIONS, Peter. I teach REHABILITATION at my school, not REVENGE.

3/ Peter’s still very uncomfortable about this. He’s trying to articulate his problems without upsetting The Professor and he watches with interest.

PETER RASPUTIN: I’m sorry, Professor. I’m sure your INTENTIONS were noble, but don’t you think this has the potential to be a very, very BAD IDEA?
PROFESSOR X: Why? The MAN ON THE STREET feels satisfied because the BOGEY-MAN has been removed from his life and dear, sweet ERIC over there has never been HAPPIER.

4/ Pull back for a shot of Magneto still playing with these kids. See Professor and Peter watching in the background.

PROFESSOR X: He’s living in QUEENS, eating at DENNY’S and going to the CINEMA once a week with a single mother who lives in the next APARTMENT BUILDING.

5/ Closer on The Professor and Peter again. The Prof continues his theory and Peter just rolls his eyes. Even he can’t handle what he’s doing now and he covers his mouth with her hand. But play it all subtly. Think European movie.

PROFESSOR X: Once his old issues with HOMO-SAPIEN have been resolved, I honestly believe we might even be able to remove the blocks and reintroduce him to SOCIETY once again.

Page Seventeen

1/ Pull back a little and Peter stands here with his back to The Professor. He’s really not sure if he can handle this and The Prof chides him a little.

PETER RASPUTIN: It is not that I don’t appreciate what you’re DOING here, sir. I just wish you’d keep this stuff to YOURSELF sometimes.
PETER RASPUTIN: Things like PSYCHIC REHABILITATION are just a little too big to fit into my HEAD at this point in my education.

2/ Silent panel as the Frisbee appears from nowhere and just glides past them.


3/ The Professor turns around and we see a smiling Magneto walking towards us. He’s every inch a regular guy here and just looks quite pleasant as he walks over to retrieve the kid’s toy. Peter turns away, his nerves making him feel like he’s going to hurl.

ERIK LENSHER: Sorry about that, folks. Kid’s got a heck of an arm.
PETER RASPUTIN: I think I’m going to be sick.

4/ Closer on Magneto as he stops and checks his watch, slightly irritated-looking. I don’t know why, but I kind of like the idea of him being one of those guys who wear their watches on the under-side of their wrists.

ERIK LENSHER: Pardon me, but do you guys have the RIGHT TIME? I just broke my second watch THIS WEEK.
ERIK LENSHER: The hands spun like a compass then just STOPPED DEAD at MAGNETIC NORTH. Isn’t that the STRANGEST THING?

Page Eighteen

1/ Peter looks away (quietly nervous) as he hands Magneto his Frisbee back. Professor Xavier sits in his chair and replies politely.

PROFESSOR X: Two thirty-five.

2/ Magneto takes the Frisbee and gets ready to walk off, but stops for a second, suddenly realizing that he just has to say his piece.

ERIK LENSHER: Listen, I know this might sound CRAZY, but I really could have sworn I RECOGNIZED you from across the park, friend…

3/ Closer on Magneto as he looks around at us and narrows his eyes.

ERIK LENSHER: Have you and I met somewhere BEFORE?

4/ Reaction shot from Xavier. This is a close-up and I’d like to do something pretty subtle in terms of a hypnotic effect. Maybe just a shot of Xavier looking sternly at the readers and everything being done in two colours or something for effect. Something subtle anyway, just to maintain the quietness of the scene.


5/ Pull back and everything returns to normal as Magneto just wanders off back to the kids with the Frisbee. Peter is now standing behind The Professor’s chair and they both watch carefully as he just walks away. All very low-key.

ERIK LENSHER: Oh, well. My mistake.
ERIK LENSHER: Have a nice day, sir.

Page Nineteen

1/ Cut to the X-Mansion and a shot of the photographer getting everyone lined up for their picture. Everyone’s getting ready for what’s basically the pose we see on the cover, but let’s play around with the body language here. I’d like to see Iceman using a clothes brush to clean hairs off Beast’s jumper and Storm smirking as she does Wolverine’s tie for him. Wolvie is looking around very slightly at Jean and Jean looks back at him very slightly as she stands with Cyclops. This has been a really subtle issue so let’s keep the body language really subtle to get everyone talking.

CAPTION: When I returned home this evening to have our picture taken, Wolverine asked if he could borrow one of my suits because he wanted to make a good impression in the magazine…

2/ Cut to The Professor passing Cyclops (who’s sitting on the stairs) as he laughs and chats on his mobile to Toad.

CAPTION: Cyclops was on the telephone to Toad, laughing about how Storm had caused a tiny thunderstorm in Iceman’s large intestine for some reason I must remember to ask about later.

3/ Cut to some hideout on the other side of the world where The Brotherhood are hanging out. We’re in a temporary (although still OK) studio apartment where Toad is sitting back on a sofa and laughing as he talks on the phone to Cyclops. He’s sitting playing chess with a clearly troubled-looking Mastermind here (who looks pretty casual) and we see Blob looking grumpy as he hunches over his lap-top at a table in the background.

TOAD: He actually drilled a HOLE in her BEDROOM WALL? You’ve got to be pulling my WIRE, mate. That’s OUTRAGEOUS.
THE BLOB: Hey, TOAD! Would you SHUT UP? It’s okay for you, man, but some of us are trying to plot our next CORPORATE INVESTIGATION here!

4/ Shot from Blob’s POV and we see the details on the screen. He’s in the same mutant chat-room we saw Beast logged onto earlier and, like 99% of women in chat-rooms, we see that Beast’s secret admirer is really a man.

BEAST 666: Do you really find me attractive?
MUTANTCHICK: Very much so, Beast. I think you’re GORGEOUS.
BEAST 666: Seriously?

Page Twenty

1/ Cut to a few hundred miles north of New York and it’s night-time a short while later. We’re on a dark, wooded piece of land near a river and see some local guy in cuffs being led into a police car. The cops are pulling some bodies from the river.

CAPTION: Shortly before I began to finish this article, the police called and said they had found the three missing girls precisely where Marvel Girl had suggested they LOOK for them.
CAPTION: For a moment, I pause and reflect upon Trask’s idea and wonder if evolution is INDEED moving in the wrong direction.

2/ Cut back to Charles Xavier as he was when the issue began and he’s just sitting in his study, typing on the keyboard.

CAPTION: But although man invented torture and cruelty, we must also remember that evolution gave us science and art and empathy as well as upright backs and opposable thumbs.
CAPTION: Why should people think we’re just a mutation of everything BAD about themselves?

3/ Closer on Xavier’s intelligence face as he continues typing and brings the whole thing to a conclusion.

CAPTION: Isn’t there a chance that we could also be an evolution of man’s intrinsic capacity for GOOD?

4/ Close on the computer screen and we see the last words of the article with END written underneath and COPYRIGHT CHARLES XAVIER 2002 if you can fit this in, but the main focus should be the little mouse-arrow hitting SEND.


Page Twenty One

1/ Cut to an indeterminate time later and we see the school before a beautiful sun-rise. Charles is sitting out on the patio which Andy drew for them at the end of issue six. He’s sitting in his pajamas and not eating breakfast. He’s just a small figure against the backdrop and we see the little, pajama-clad figure of a sleepy-looking Bobby Drake exiting the house.

BOBBY DRAKE: Kind of a BUMMER, huh, Professor?

2/ Closer and we see Xavier coming back to reality a little. The sleepy, yawning Bobby Drake is holding an open letter in his hand and appears quite disgusted by what he’s just read. Being fifteen, he’s a little more demonstrative about it all than the always-subdued Xavier.

PROFESSOR X: What do you mean, Bobby? About the ARTICLE?
BOBBY DRAKE: Yeah. How can they say your book was too PRO-MUTANT and insensitive to all the people who died in The Brotherhood’s TERRORIST attacks?

3/ Closer on Bobby as he looks peeved and smacks the letter with his other hand to demonstrate how annoyed he is.

BOBBY DRAKE: That’s completely NUTS.
BOBBY DRAKE: They just PULPED the freakin’ MAGAZINE because you were telling it like it IS, sir.

4/ Closer on Xavier as he gives a sympathetic, half-sad smile.

PROFESSOR X: VERY POSSIBLY, Bobby, but I’m afraid that’s neither HERE nor THERE anymore…

Page Twenty Two

1/ Full page splash. Pull back and end the issue with the sun coming up in the background and Xavier starting to go over some papers and plans with Bobby over breakfast.

PROFESSOR X: Let’s figure out where you’re going to be delivering today’s FOOD PARCELS.


PS. Mozda je ovo trebalo negdje drugo, ali me je ono za vas hrvate i teroristicke akcije protiv 'Nove generacije' ipak ponukalo da ovo stavim ovdje

I'm sorry, squire, but we're all out of parrots.
-I see, I see, I get the picture...
I have a slug!
- Pray, does it talk?
No, not really...
- Well, it's hardly a bloody replacement then, is it?!!

Advanced Member

17232 Posts

Member since 26/10/2001

Posted - 14/06/2003 : 04:40:48  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send ---dp--- a Private Message
Uf, Emire, al' si se raspisao, mene ovo mrzi i da pocnem da citam... prebih procitao "Rat i mir" nego ovaj tvoj post :o)
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Senior Member

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Member since 06/11/2001

Posted - 14/06/2003 : 09:11:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Spiderman's Homepage  Send Spiderman a Private Message
ma nije se raspisao, samo je napravio copy/paste :-)))

"imao sam ideju sad ih imam dvije"
a i chat na stranicama
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Member since 15/11/2002

Posted - 14/06/2003 : 17:05:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Maximuss's Homepage  Send Maximuss a Private Message
Nije fora citat bez crteza! Jebiga!

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Emir Pasanovic suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
6221 Posts

Member since 10/06/2002

Posted - 14/06/2003 : 20:17:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Emir Pasanovic's Homepage  Send Emir Pasanovic a Private Message
fora je bila da se vidi ko je autor ovog stripa, a za crtez cete morati cekati...
ja ga imam, i mogu reci da je odlicno uradjen (posebno scena kad Jean sastavlja kamion - ko je procito script, znace sta je).

I'm sorry, squire, but we're all out of parrots.
-I see, I see, I get the picture...
I have a slug!
- Pray, does it talk?
No, not really...
- Well, it's hardly a bloody replacement then, is it?!!
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