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Senior Member

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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 02:16:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send XIII a Private Message
June 2003 : The rumour is confirmed, Lécureux Production and Xilam is in liaison with Christophe Gans.

The film is planned for 2005 and Christophe Gans would ensure the realization of it. Rahan in flesh and bone on large screen. It is thus for soon. The actor of the title role is not yet known.

Chistophe Gans is one of the large French realizers known for "Crying Freeman" and "the pact of the wolves". It brings to each one of its films a great rigour and a high level requirement which are a pledge of quality.

The editions Lécureux production, with new albums data base of Rahan, also showed their will to make quality a priority.

Xilam which currently prepares the new drawing animated Rahan for television (envisaged for 2004) made large investments of research to make animation 3d of very great quality, next the production are a very beautiful demonstration.

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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 02:19:39  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Maximuss's Homepage  Send Maximuss a Private Message
Palac gore!

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Senior Member

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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 02:20:15  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send XIII a Private Message
RAHAN, the D.A. new
The new derniéres of the drawing animated Xilam, scheduled for September 2003 visible before 2004 , small a retart du with will not be succés of Lucky Lucke, and with the research task to ensure DA Rahan a level of exeptionnel quality.

For the moment (January 2003) neither photograph, nor comment on the pilot.


Published in the magazine "TOTAL SCREEN" n°372 (week of May 30 at June 6, 2001).

Xilam animation prepares a new drawing animated Rahan, 52 26 minutes episodes scheduled for September 2003.

Still 2 years of waiting, it is long but that should make it possible to achieve the qualitative aims announced by Xilam, required by André Chéret and Jean-François Lécureux, but especially desired by all the fans.

Xilam animation although young person is a company which has déja shown great qualities. See their Internet site to be convinced of it .

Appointment in 2003 for the new DA which should make forget the preceding version of the time of Conk gadget. But front, we will find ourselves on for more information
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Verfalk2003 suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 02:20:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Verfalk2003's Homepage  Send Verfalk2003 a Private Message
Zanimljivo. Ali režiser ne obecaje. Predvidam nabrijano akcijsko sranje u stilu Bojno polje: Zemlja.

You insult me in my home you're forgiven this time...
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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 02:22:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Maximuss's Homepage  Send Maximuss a Private Message
Nema sanse! Bojno polje je ipak preglupo!

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Senior Member

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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 02:25:32  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send XIII a Private Message
neznam ali na sajtu xilama jos jedno iznenadjenje

ali ce informacije biti dostupne uskoro

Edited by - XIII on 22/07/2003 02:26:17
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Verfalk2003 suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 02:29:18  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Verfalk2003's Homepage  Send Verfalk2003 a Private Message
OK. Onda Pakt s Vukovima, ma ne znam. Nadam se da ce valjati, ali iskustvo...

You insult me in my home you're forgiven this time...
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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 14:33:32  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send pimpek a Private Message
Nemojte mi se odushevljavati s prebacivanjem stripa na film. Iako je Gans napravio jednu dobru strip adaptaciju (Freeman), ne dajem mu shanse zbok konfuznog Pakta s Vukovima. Ovo mi je prvi glas da se netko hoche baviti Rahanom. Prije nekog vremena se na netu pisalo o adaptiranju Boba Morana, s Gansom na chelu. Shta bi s tim? Nego ekipa, napishite vi koje su vam uspijeshne strip adaptacije, pa da vidimo s kim se razgovaram. Za pochetak evo ja (lista nije po vrijednosti):
2)Spider-man (Raimi)
3)X-Man (1 i 2)

Nadam se da che se i Hulk pojaviti na toj listi. Nadam se.
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Verfalk2003 suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 14:59:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Verfalk2003's Homepage  Send Verfalk2003 a Private Message
Barbarella, s Jane Fondom of kors, Spider-Man , Raimi of kors, X-Men 1, dvicu još nisam gledao, a Hulk i League of... obecava. League ne toliko koliko Hulk.

You insult me in my home you're forgiven this time...
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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 16:03:33  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send byoman a Private Message
x-men, loeg

I may not know much about USA, but I know two things:
Justin IS gay
Britney AIN'T no virgin
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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 16:44:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kornboy a Private Message
Svidja mi se, recimo, Batman Forever,
a od novijih Daredevil.

Edited by - Kornboy on 22/07/2003 16:46:19
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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 22:16:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send pimpek a Private Message
A Rocketeera? Nitko nije gledao, ne znate da postoji ili vam je shit. Za one koji se zhele informirati:
Daredevilla i Batmana (od prvog do zadnjeg) osobno smatram totalnim fulavanjem teme. Drugi je Batman bio najpristojniji, no sve je to u biti bilo predizajnirano, s previshe forme i premalo sadrzhaja. Sve na shtetu Batmana. Pa prvi se komotno mogao zvati Joker. I di je tu njegov smisao za detekciju doshao do izrazhaja? I Blade je imao vishe smisla od chove shishmisha. Drugi je izrezhiran do jaja, shteta shto pricha nije suvislija. Nadajmo se da che Hellboy the movie imati vishe smisla od samog stripa. To bi onda mogao biti solidan film. Ajd sad vi.
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Posted - 22/07/2003 : 22:21:23  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Kornboy a Private Message
Da drugi mi je morbidan do yaya, mora da je zbog DeVita
Sta kazete na From Hell, ja nisam procitao strip pa nikako ne mogu donositi zakljucke?

Edited by - Kornboy on 22/07/2003 22:55:50
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Verfalk2003 suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 23/07/2003 : 12:05:58  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Verfalk2003's Homepage  Send Verfalk2003 a Private Message
Zaboravio sam Batman 1 i 2, te Blade.

You insult me in my home you're forgiven this time...
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Posted - 23/07/2003 : 12:18:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message
Thorgal ce biti baziran na ove dvije epizode,kao jedna cijelina...

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
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Posted - 23/07/2003 : 12:19:34  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send seinfeld a Private Message
Ovdje ima jos mnogo filmova koji su u (pre)production...

I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt. I'm a surprise. They don't see me coming: that's what you're missing.
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Emir Pasanovic suradnik

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Posted - 23/07/2003 : 14:05:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Emir Pasanovic's Homepage  Send Emir Pasanovic a Private Message
ja jeste smjesni!!!!
kakva batmanova detekcija??? pa to je ono sto ne treba da se vidi u filmu! on je cojk u sjenci, ne blamirana superzvijezda koja ide po ulicama govoreci sam sa sobom!!! i Joker (Jack Nicholson) ostaje definitivno najveci negativac svih vremena!!!!
a drugi je Batman bio stvarno morbidan, a i toga ima!!!
ti Pimpek izgleda volis one stare epizode batmana kad je bio obicni detektivcic i zatvarao negativce vjecno na iste fazone???! joker vise nije znao ni sta pametno da kaze kada ga Batman uhvati!!!
nema bolje strip adaptacije od Batmana!
And That's The Truth!
A i Daredevil nije los, mozda su ipak Kingpina trebali ostaviti bijelog...

Markos me natjero da promjenim signature!!!
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Posted - 23/07/2003 : 14:28:49  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send byoman a Private Message
Adam West je prije igrao Batmana i vidio sam neke te epizode. Brate moj!!!:-)))))
Keaton je naspram njega bog i batina! A ide mi na zivce sta je Kingpin crn. Je da je to sitna izmjena, ali on je jedan od glavnih likova. Iszto ka i u Jeremiahu sa Kurdyjem.

Cekam League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol.2 issue #6
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Emir Pasanovic suradnik

Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 23/07/2003 : 14:31:37  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit Emir Pasanovic's Homepage  Send Emir Pasanovic a Private Message
znas sta je jos interesantno? spiderman se isto bori sa kingpinom, ali tu nastaje problem: razlicite firme imaju prava za oba filma i dogovorili su se: svako je dobio nekoliko negativaca s kojim se oba susrecu i tako u filmovima se nece susretati medjusobno!!!
jebote, industrija...

Markos me natjero da promjenim signature!!!
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Posted - 23/07/2003 : 14:37:41  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send byoman a Private Message
Jebena autorska prava!
Pa zasto ne bi bio neki crossover: spidey/ddevil/x-men???

Cekam League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol.2 issue #6
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Starting Member

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Posted - 23/07/2003 : 17:54:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send pimpek a Private Message
Vidim da je nekima dovoljno da im sharene slikice igraju pred ochima. A sadrzhaj, ko jebe! Što fali detekciji? Malo sadrzhaja, dobrih glumaca i dobro napisanih likova. Dobro bi doshao i neki redatelj koji bi to znao fino prikazati. To bi onda bio Batman, a ne onaj zadnji besramni uradak. Malo je dobrih adaptacija. Batman i Daredevil to zasigurno nisu.
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Senior Member

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Posted - 24/07/2003 : 01:45:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send XIII a Private Message
Obicno se obradujem kada saznam da ima neki film radjen prema stripu , ali kasnije usledi razocarenje.
Po meni je najbolja adaptacija do sada SPIDER MAN, toliko da su mu pokreti potpuno kao na stripu, a tobi je naucio i kako da drzi prste dok se penje uz zid.
Najgora adaptacija mi je fantom i betmen drugi deo (doduse i ostali nisu nesto ali ovaj je samo dno. Cudi me da su uopste i radili nastavke

Edited by - XIII on 24/07/2003 01:46:48
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Dok Lester
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Posted - 25/10/2003 : 10:55:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Dok Lester a Private Message
Originally posted by XIII

Najgora adaptacija mi je fantom i betmen drugi deo (doduse i ostali nisu nesto ali ovaj je samo dno. Cudi me da su uopste i radili nastavke

I meni je Fantom odvratan. Film, naravno. Povraca mi se na onog pedera Billy Zane-a. Strip je odlican.

"Every man dies. Not every man really lives."
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dd fan
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Posted - 25/10/2003 : 21:21:35  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send dd fan a Private Message

Najgora adaptacija mi je fantom i betmen drugi deo

Meni je taj Batman 2, naprotiv, jedna od najboljih adaptacija. Sto kazu ljudi, mnogo je morbidan, al mi je bas zato i dobar :-))

I've always been a nobody. When i was a child, my mother used to confuse me with my brother, even though i'm an only child. To this day she still thinks i'm my brother.
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Fyro Macedonia
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Posted - 26/10/2003 : 11:19:39  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Barker a Private Message
Ako se nije odustalo od toga, krs i lom ce biti Batman u reziji Darrena Aronoffskog. Ako ste gledali Pi i Reqiuem for a dream sve vam je jasno zar ne?
Inace Burtonovi Batmani (1+2) su sasvim OK, a i Spiderman ima prolaz.

Bistro i duboko nebo utociste pruza!
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Fyro Macedonia
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Posted - 26/10/2003 : 11:20:11  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Barker a Private Message
Ako se nije odustalo od toga, krs i lom ce biti Batman u reziji Darrena Aronoffskog. Ako ste gledali Pi i Reqiuem for a dream sve vam je jasno zar ne?
Inace Burtonovi Batmani (1+2) su sasvim OK, a i Spiderman ima prolaz.

Bistro i duboko nebo utociste pruza!
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